Skeletons with elongated skulls found in Anktarktida

22. 09. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A group of archaeologists (Smithsonian Institute, USA) found three elongated humanoid skulls in the area of ​​La Paille (Antarctica). As announced by APR PRESS with reference to American Live Wire, it was assumed that the continent was not visited by humans until now. Therefore, scientists are also considering whether they can be extraterrestrial.

Experts say they have so far elongated skull found in Peru and Egypt. This accounts for the fact that ancient civilizations have visited each other before writing a textbook about it. There seems to have been contact thousands of years ago between the civilizations of Africa, South America and Antarctica.

Scientists, however, have doubts about whether the artificial deformation can change not only the shape of the skull but also its volume. The sensational finding has many other physical characteristics that differ significantly from the normal human skull. As a result, scientists are now wondering whether these skulls are human or belong to some other kind of humanoid.

Sueneé: The Smithsonian Institute has already dealt with a similar case in North and Central America, where hundreds of skeletal remains of oversized creatures (giants) with elongated skulls were found. All these skeletons were confiscated by SI for further investigation. It was then found from unofficial sources that the skeletons were burned. The whole matter has been swept under the table and the results of the investigation are still not available. If you at least look for mentions if they were really skeletons of giants, you will get into a dead end. The official status quo is that there is no strong evidence for such a thing.

We can be quite sure that if it is interesting about SI, then it is important and someone is interested in the possible finding being interpreted right way and possible controversial artifacts have been subjected detailed examination in SI laboratories, as was the case in the previous case.

PS: Photos in perex are elongated skulls from Paracas as an illustration.

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