In China, a "new" mysterious type of tomb was discovered

26. 02. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

If we take a closer look at the archaeological excavations of the Middle Kingdom with its rich and somewhat mysterious history, we find that ancient tombs are most often uncovered here. An example is the finding from last summer, when Chinese archaeologists discovered 140 graves of the same species from the Chou dynasty (771 - 221 BC) in Shandong Province. In the opinion of archaeologist Liu Jaňčan, 36 of them are a real gift from heaven, because they have preserved a number of various interesting artifacts, proving that they are graves of people from higher classes.

Dynasty of Qin

Another similar building was found this year and its construction dates back to the time of the Qing Dynasty (221 - 226 BC). The discovery caused considerable interest, sometimes a stir, first among users of the Chinese social network Weibo, then on Twitter, so that the information practically spread across the worldwide "web".

Tomb - China

The point is that the video attracted the author and then the Internet users first by constructing this tomb, reminiscent of Microsoft's Xbox game console, and has been the subject of various humorous remarks from time to time and ending with the insight of the rulers of ancient China.

Unique find was filmed by a drone - watch the video

China has not yet released more detailed official information about this unique find, so the location of the tomb is not known. However, the author of the video claims that it is definitely a building from the time of the 1st Imperial Qing Dynasty and that it was filmed with a drone. It is definitely a very interesting architectural discovery that encouraged network users to publish it.


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