In China, a zone resembling the American Area 51 was discovered

25. 08. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Area 51, which is located in the United States, has long been the subject of various conjectures. It is believed that secrets and evidence regarding the activities of aliens on Earth have been kept there for almost a hundred years.

The ufologist is convinced that China has its Area 51, analogous to the American one. The proof for him is several strange buildings, which are unknown why they found themselves in the middle of the Gobi Desert. At the center of this ugly architectural complex is, like the icing on the cake, a circle - reminiscent of Stonehenge. Users of the network saw three "terrestrial" flying machines in it, which could not be accurately identified. The planes are turned in different directions and head through the desert.

Interestingly, there are no runways or machines near the aircraft that could transport the aircraft somewhere. So how did she get there?

In China, a zone resembling the American 51 Area was discovered

The author of the video states: "I'm not an aviation expert, but I think these flying machines look very strange. The wings are covered with sails, is it possible that it could be some special kind of military aircraft? ”In addition, the map also shows an unusual square network, formed by strange lines that lead directly to the aircraft. Some believe that the mysterious lines form a signal pattern for the navigation of aliens.

It is also even more interesting. Not far from this area is a place where we can see what looks like runways, but they are in no way connected to other parts of the "base". "Does the Chinese government know what's really going on there? What forced them to build this complex in the middle of the desert? ”Asks the author of the video.

In China, a zone resembling the American 51 Area was discovered

While some believe it is the Chinese equivalent of Area 51, others are looking for a more rational explanation. One of the commentators writes: "This is an old test military polygon. Therefore, no traces of combustion are visible and the aircraft have been abandoned there since the days when Soviet MIGs were used. "

The only possible way to solve this puzzle and find out if it really is a secret military base where UFOs and other alien technologies are hidden is to see everything for yourself and set off on a journey into the desert. Which, of course, is out of the question for ordinary users. That's why they stay at the computers and wait for the photos to spread across the Internet and find additional sources of information that could unravel the veil of secrecy spread over this place.

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