In the Egyptian desert, 5500 was found to be an old rock collapse

09. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

An Egyptian-American archaeological mission, led by scientists from Yale University, discovered rock art in the western part of the Egyptian desert. According to experts, the rock art is about 5500 years old!

Rock fall

This archaeological site is proof of the continuity and interaction between the art of the Nile Valley and the desert in the pre-dynamic period. Mission Officer John Coleman Darnielen announced that at least three rock art centers in Wadi Umm Tineidba were found. The research team also encountered a significant number of burial mounds that belonged to the pre-dynamic period.

Darnell said in a statement:

"The importance of rock art in Bir Umm Tineidba and the mound is essential to understanding the integration of groups into early pharaonic culture and status."

Rock art located in these sites reveals important painted scenes of Naquada II and Naquada III (approximately 3500-3100 BC). They provide evidence of the continuity and interaction of artistic styles in the Western Desert and the Nile Valley. Researchers mainly point to the impressive image (probably 3300 BC), which depicts animals: buffalo, giraffe, adax, sheep and donkeys.

Experts explain that rock art provides important information in the fields of religion and communication. They were created before Egyptian hyeroglyphs.

This discovery belongs to the great artistic achievements of Egypt.

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