The treasure of an ancient wizard was discovered in Pompeii

23. 03. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

V Pompeii were found beads, amulets, skulls and other treasures, probably belonging to an ancient wizard. Once in a while, due to various circumstances, the historic site will remain in a much better condition than one might expect. Such a site is highly valued by the archaeologist because it provides better information on the distant history of the place and the period from which it originated. One of these places is the city of Pompeii, which was buried in the first century AD during the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius. The city was not caused by lava, but was buried under the deposits of volcanic ash and particles. Everything happened so quickly that the city was basically preserved in a moment and all its inhabitants were captured as they worked and lived their daily lives. Thanks now Pompeii represent a gold mine of archaeological material.

Pompeii ruins with Mount Vesuvius in the background

According to the BBC and the Italian news source ANSA, the most recent finding was a 'treasure chest' from a place called a 'magic site'. The remains of a wooden chest contained something that appeared to us as a vast collection of lucky charms. The wood had decomposed in that time, but the brass hinges, covered and preserved by volcanic matter, were preserved. The box contained a collection of amulets, including crystals, beads and scarabe from the Middle East. There were pieces of amber and amethyst, and a few small figures made of various minerals, including Carnelians. Among other objects were several rings, dolls, bells, phallic symbols, and things that looked like machined pieces of bone. Even a small skull was found there.

Massimo Osanna, the director of the Pompeii Archaeological Complex, said that these items probably belonged to a lower-ranked witch. He also noted that the owner or owners of the collection could be slaves or maids from the house in which he was found. None of the many objects was made of gold, which at that time was highly valued not only by the wizard, but also by the rich population of Pompeii.

Archaeologists in Pompeii find amulets and talismans that could have served a Roman sorceress

All of these items seem to have either attracted happiness or protected against evil, said Osanna, who also believes that talismans belonged to a woman or to several women. He further stated that they could come from necklaces worn for ritual purposes, not for beautification purposes. Experts speculate that they have served for seduction and fertility rituals, as well as for blessing and protecting pregnancy and childbirth. The significance of the finding is that the contents of the chest offer a picture (most likely) of the witch's life in the city and tell us small stories about the values, activities and priorities of its inhabitants.
The finding was unveiled in the Casa del Giardino (House of the Garden), in the same part of the complex where archaeologists have recently discovered evidence that the Vesuvius eruption could actually happen a few months later than historians had previously anticipated. Casa del Giardino also discovered another room with 10 victims of the eruption, including several women and children.

The Last Day of Pompeii by Karel Brullov (1833)

Scientists use DNA tests to see if they can confirm kinship between some of the found bodies and speculate whether the chest collection might have belonged to one of those victims that left it at the spot when the whole family was trying to flee volcanic destruction. Mount Vesuvius is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because it is located near the populous Naples and its explosive eruptions and lava flows are very common. Volcanic eruptions contain a mixture of superheated gas and volcanic ash and can occur very quickly - they are much faster than slow flowing lava. This was precisely the case with the destruction of Pompeii and the burial of all its inhabitants without the possibility of escape and where they were. This is also the reason why the city has been so well preserved and is a very rich basis for archaeological exploration of Roman life of that time.

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Those who speak English will find an interesting reconstruction of life in Pompeii in this documentary

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