The War of the Gods and the Mystery of the Planet Nibiru (Part 1)

20. 07. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Chapters from the Chronicles of the Solar System - an excerpt from the book The Hieroids by Valery Uvarov.

The "War of the Gods" was a huge cosmic confrontation mentioned by the legends of many nations. The memory of these events, preserved for millennia, is a spiritual and ethical artifact of immense importance, because the "war of the gods" was a turning point not only in the history of the civilization of planet Earth, but of the entire solar system. Although the "war of the gods" is considered a mere myth, its consequences continue to have a decisive influence on the fate of our civilization. The bloodiest conflicts of mankind today are an echo and a reflection of this war.

"War of the Gods," Mahabharata

Sumerian chronicle

Information about the "war of the gods" can be found in historical annals. However, the events described here are much older than the texts that tell about them. They are at least 6 to 000 years apart - a huge time span compared to human life, the existence of an ethnic group and civilization as such. During this time, humanity was subjected to great hardships, the aim of which was, among other things, to erase from humanity a part of history associated with close contact between the inhabitants of the Earth and representatives of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization. Mankind was to forget everything it had ever received from the gods, as well as events and those who witnessed and participated in them - our distant ancestors. Both they and their spiritual heritage were to disappear from human memory. To this end, after the end of the "war of the gods", a long-term program of degeneration of the Earth's civilization was launched. 8 years of unequal struggle of will and mind against forces that earthly humanity has never faced before.

NINHURSAG-ANU - IN, Enlil's celestial disk

Due to such a large period of time, what has been preserved in ancient chronicles resembles a diverse echo of very distant events with a large number of historical overlaps. Many Sumerian words have been translated incorrectly. Exact translation requires knowing what the text is about. Anyone who deals with these texts will inevitably come across linguistic interpretations that sound convincing, but in reality either lack logic or are on the verge of complete absurdity. The causes and consequences of the "war of the gods" described in the Sumerian annals must be reinterpreted on the basis of common sense, the monuments of other civilizations, the legacy of our ancestors, and our intuition from the depths of our genetic memory.

Who were the Summers?

There was a time when people lived on Earth who had distant connections with what historians today call the Sumerians, Akkadians, or Babylonians. These people, who were in direct contact with the gods, existed more than 14 years ago. There is nothing left but knowledge of these nations, although historians insist on exploring the material traces of this very ancient and highly developed Sumerian civilization, once created in its perfect form by the gods, from whom it also received holistic knowledge of mathematics, medicine, astronomy and architecture. and other knowledge.

Often, however, even a cursory glance at the excavations in these archeological sites is enough to convince one of the relatively low architectural and constructional abilities of those who once built these buildings. Not only in architecture, but also in the spiritual and literary spheres, for example, there are obvious inconsistencies everywhere, on which the past millennia has been marked by a fundamental confusion of concepts.


The site of Uruk was discovered in 1849 by William Kennett Loftus, who led the first excavations from 1850 to 1854. The Arabic name Babylonia, al-ʿIrāq, is considered to be derived from the name Uruk.

War of the gods

The legends and traditions of different nations contain interesting references to the most important events of the "war of the gods". The Mahabharata, Enuma Elish, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Yakutic Epic of Oloncho, Ragnarok, or "Twilight of the Gods," and others suggest that it was a war waged by the civilizations of Mars and Faeton against some of their galactic neighbors to widen their sphere of influence. The main military conflicts of the "war of the gods" did not occur in our solar system, but beyond its borders. According to the chronicles, this long-running "war of the gods", the sad climax of which will surely be found in future books on the history of space wars, ended in the crushing defeat of the civilizations of Mars and Faeton.

The war of the gods and what actually happened

At the beginning of their galactic war mission, the civilizations of Mars and Faeton were highly developed and technically well equipped. They have conducted military operations in much of our galaxy with great success. And so successfully that 13 years ago it earned Mars the reputation of an invincible god of war. Military attacks on Mars and Faeton have brought many galactic civilizations to the brink of disaster. In an effort to avert the threat and stop further Martian expansion, they took a desperate and unusual step.

Every 33 million years, our solar system passes through a stream of asteroids. One such 10 km asteroid was responsible for the extinction of almost all dinosaurs 66 million years ago. He left behind a Chicxulub crater with a diameter of about 180 km and a depth of 17 km.

33 million years later, this current left behind a series of "star wounds" (astroblems), the largest of which is the 130-kilometer-long Popigai Crater in northern Siberia. Within a radius of several thousand kilometers, all life was extinguished, rivers and lakes evaporated.

This stream of asteroids has caused many problems for the solar system and has more than once destroyed the development of an intelligible life form. Therefore, about 20 years ago, a number of civilizations jointly built a defense complex for the solar system. It involved the installation of equipment for tracking, launching and defending against asteroids on almost all planets in the solar system. Some of these devices are also found on Earth.

Tips from the Sueneé Universe e-shop

Chris H. Hardy: DNA of Gods

Chris Hardy, researcher developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, proves that the "gods" of ancient myths, visitors to the planet Nibiru, created us using their own "divine" DNA, which they first obtained from their rib bone marrow to later continue this work with love acts with the first human women.


The war of the gods and the mystery of the planet Nibiru

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