War on Collective Consciousness

1 10. 10. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It's becoming more and more important for me to be here play the game o collective consciousness - the state of mind of our entire planet Earth, which we create together. It only depends on each of us whether we name things that go well with us and do not go well. It is up to each of us to decide. What we want to feel and live in ourselves and what we want to share with others - to send another field of information to the world: peace, love, friendship, harmony to the place: fear, hatred, suffering, capitalism (= slow enslavement of people).

It essentially depends on what we consciously pay attention to in life or whether we consciously shift our attention to things that go in a different direction. Indifference to the suffering of others is out of place. Nor is it in the place of clinging to suffering and fear. It is time to make a conscious decision about what to invest in life in life. It is appropriate to work with the information that comes. Deciding what wave to ride in my life.

It turns out that capitalism and the money associated with it are just one of the tools of this strange games to fear. We've been living in this for several generations, so we can't even imagine that it could all work differently. We are systematically brought up to go to work, make money, spend it, and consume. For many people, it is totally unimaginable that this could only be a delusion that it could all work without money, without concentration of capital and thus without concentration of power. It must be fully felt that capitalism and the game of money is one big pyramid scheme in which most people are at the bottom and only a very small percentage have a substantial part of their resources and only an even smaller percentage at the top has real power over the entire colossus.

It should be noted that this is not a matter of decades. We are talking about an agenda and a project that has been going on for thousands of years, when we are gradually systematically degraded from spiritual beings to mere biological machines, learning to live their rat life in a drum without grumbling and protest.

We have been trained for a long time to live in stress and tension, constantly exposed to a feeling of scarcity and the urge to pursue something. This is the current state of our collective consciousness. We are born into it and it seems completely normal to us. We are systematically educated for slavery and separation from free living and thinking. How to stop it? Get out of line.

It's all an illusion. Everything is staged and lined up so that we can live in constant fear and cultivate that fear in our own lives. All games on theme terrorism, on topic immigrants, on topic bad politicians, to which we constantly voluntarily bestow power…, etc. are just an illusion of hopelessness. No, it's not a question of not doing it. It happens, but for it to happen, there has to be someone who does (no) consciously pay attention to it. The story of Merlin, who says Mab, returns to me: "We don't need you anymore. We will forget about you! ” Mab countered, "No, you can't forget me. We are connected… “. But people still leave - they stop giving her strength with their attention and Mab (the evil witch of bygone times) dissolves.

At school, we were told that the Third World War would be nuclear-powered, and it will be the last of the last, because then there is nothing left and no one who can live on such a devastated planet. Let us be warned by Mars, who obviously has paid such a thing. It must be perceived that some form of global war is already under way. It is led in the field of information, intelligence and manipulation. It is led primarily to date unconventional weapons, which are media, (dis) information campaigns, and an attempt to dominate the Internet. It is a war not against a state, but between top management in the background and a mass of people on the other side. Those who pull the strings do not need money or mineral wealth. They can take anything through their long hands. What is difficult to take and what can be mined dark power, is the enslaved human soul. Note that only in the last few years have we slowly awakened to the realization that we are being pushed toward things that do not make sense at the level of an open loving heart.

There are still beings among us who are by nature in a sense of superiority over most people. They feel that they are chosen, that they have a gift from the gods, or that the gods have given them a commission, or even that they are ancient descendants of the gods.

It is necessary to go deep into the history of thousands of years for events and related information, to which we are constantly denied access and which are stored in various secret archives. More and more, the whole puzzle is starting to make sense - and we're still just at the beginning of the ball.

The last dawn of spiritual wisdom apparently occurred 36000 years ago. Ancient civilizations say that here is their beginning and it is also the period of the last golden age. (One Kaliyuga cycle is 26000 years.) 10000 years ago, glaciers have melted and many global catastrophes have occurred. So it can be said that since then it has been going with us to the bottom, which ended on December 21.12.2012, XNUMX.

What did our ancestors leave us? A great deal of clues and wisdom that are difficult to understand. They have left us the pyramids deployed all over the Earth, the Mars, the Moon, and other planets of the solar system, whose profound primary purpose we are still guessing. They left the cave complexes and underground cities that left us someone inhabited in the distant past. We suffer from a large loss of memory caused by the destruction of uncomfortable information or the blocking of access to secret archives, such as the Vatican. We have lost context with the past and we have lost the ability to be, so to speak, above things. December 21.12.2012, XNUMX is the beginning of a new cycle, when we gradually wake up from the consciousness of decay to the consciousness of light. But as you can see, there is enormous pressure to slow down or even suspend this process in some way. It is similar to the Mab government, which does not want to give up its power because it is well.

We can ask who it is worth noting in vain attempts to overturn the course of events, always at the price of almost Pirh's victory in the words of Mr. Halv: truth and love always win over lies and hatred. It is something that takes place at the level of the elementary nature of our existence in this World - at the level of quantum physics. The universe (or at least our galaxy) probably has a program in it that states:

  1. Creating more complex structures from simple to more complex intertwined with conscious being.
  2. Create a bipolar reality in which low (dark?) Energy changes into the energy of love and harmony. Everything goes back to the unipolar world - unification. It's like breath and exhale.

For us, it is basically a question of whether we live on a wave of love or hatred. These are qualitatively different vibrations that affect us people (and everything around us) on a quantum level. It is possible shape our collective consciousness, influence behavior, influence our DNA, our health, our lifestyle, our way of thinking ...

Our mind is the one that makes up reality. Everything around us is a projection of what we are shaping in our head - our ideas about how the world should work and how it works. It's a powerful program. It is we who will actually co-create this one Matrix around us. And just the same Neo in the film we have the unique opportunity to disconnect from the system and start playing according to our own rules. It's deeply about deciding to change direction.

A large number of people are needed for this to have a global effect and to move with the whole glacier. You need to start with each for yourself.

Experiments with people meditating in prayer and praying have been performed several times. Their influence contributed to statistically measurable local changes in the behavior of the external collective - in terms of the level of fear and violence. David Wilcock states that according to one of these studies, it was calculated that stopping all this nonsense would be enough for 65000 purely meditating and loving people. (That's you one hundred monkeys, which can influence the behavior of all monkeys worldwide.)

This is not about another revolution with weapons in hand, but about the inner evolution of consciousness. Any form of violence and aggression leads to the same actions that return as a boomerang. All competition, jealousy, the game of someone being first and the others being second only leads to other forms of fear and dislike. Let's learn cooperation, co-creation and mutual openness.

It's a long process and we're playing for time that doesn't exist. Each of us has the unique power to change that. Let's keep it and take advantage of the chance this life gives us Here and Now.

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