Your Stories: The Story of Franz

11. 07. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Hi, I'm František and I'm 51 for years. I have written to you in the past my stories of how I saw large black figures in my youth, then in the garden after a few years again.

I also had visions about letedel havariers and so on, maybe my post was a bit confused, but it was about what I experienced in 30 years. If I had to write it all up, it would be a novel, but 30 years have been a lot, but this is different this year.

Beings of dragon-like appearance

Most of the contact was made with gray, but this time other creatures are added to it. I've already written about them, they're dragonlike. It seems to me that when they get in touch with the gray beings these beings connect, and eventually have a stronger connection. Stronger and better in that they are close enough to me, sometimes just a few centimeters from the face.

They just showed me the tunnel of time we enter. We are in our time-space and we can travel backwards or in the future. Next to the tunnel, they also have their vessel (spacecraft), and there are craft at the ship and everything is watching. Then me and the tunnel, then there is an angel, probably 2 tall, has wings (gray) and stands by the tunnel.

Guardian angel

The dragon figures told me that this is my guardian angel. Yeah, I was in the tunnel, there's a light up there and something is moving there, but I do not know what, it was blurry, maybe some characters. But it was very pleasant and liberating.

Now contacting is changing, I have sunbathe today, and so in 13: 00 I started to feel that she was starting another contact and really started. I telepathically saw the dragon figure very close. So close that I felt her breathing, I felt a breath of breath.

Suddenly he asked if I wanted to see the beginning, I did not know what, but I said yes and then it started. I began to feel like I was getting smaller, and then it came. I was in some yellow white fluid and there were bubbles, balls (something like a caviar). I saw a wall around me that shuddered and enlarged again, and suddenly it occurred to me, I was with my mother in my belly. My childbirth started, I started moving and suddenly everything was over.

Better telepathy

The contact ended and I was back in the real time on the sun lounger and sunbathe. These dragon figures have better telepathy and come when I do not expect it. This is the difference from the gray beans I first tried to contact.

These kite-like contacts are getting more and more common. It's not been long before I was unexpectedly contacted. Everything was like a slow motion film, some time and space, and then we were by the sea. A mythical figure stood on the shore, about 20 tall, gray, long gray hair, like Neptune. We stood under him, and he took me with my left hand and placed me in his right hand with his forefinger, his left hand wobbled, and it all began to shake. Worms began to rise, it was a flood.

When does the dragonfly come in?

So it was the past or it was just going to happen. Why do I write it all to you… I feel like dragons are coming when the world is about to change globally. With those dragon-like characters, it's just completely different, they have a special look in their eyes and are uncompromising in their contacts. They contact me no matter what I'm doing. Morning, noon, night.

After all I've experienced, I have no fear. Nobody ever hurt me in contact, and I never felt that something bad happened to me. They are such informational contacts about the past and the future, and now, most importantly.

I recently asked them why I did, and they telepathically played me a video. It meant that I wanted to enter the tunnel of time again, but I changed my mind. I looked at the dragon figures standing by my ship, and I ran toward them. About halfway there I began to change, and when I ran to the dragons and their ship, I already looked like them. I heard them say "you have a choice" and suddenly everything disappeared and I was real again.

Either after these years, I'm really crazy, or they're dragony reality. Something about it is that we are expecting a global change in the near future. Yes, it's been said and predicted a lot, so I'm confused. But I'm calm, I'm crazy, and I'm waiting for another contact.

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