The scientist publicly announces that Nibiru exists!

7 13. 05. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

At the end of March, 2018 was upset again Planet X (otherwise called Nibiru). The scientist NASA calledto provide evidence about that, that Nibiru does not exist and does not pose any threat to Earth. New Nibiri theories say it is a mini solar system, which is mostly out of our system, and it runs orbiting far away from the sun.

Some scientists have announced in recent years that they believe that the danger of penetrating the inner solar system is approaching. This cyclical phenomenon could have a devastating effect on all the planets of the inner solar system.

Experts believe that Nibiru could miss the Earth at a distance of "only" 4-5 millions of miles and, as a result, polarity polarity, volcanic eruption and earthquake.

Representatives of this theory claim that this transit takes place every few thousand years and led to the disappearance of more ancient advanced civilizations, and there may well be links with the Biblical flood.

Dr. Claudia Albers and Nibiru

Dr. Claudia Albers, who was previously active at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa, joined the ranks of scientists who spoke publicly and say that the approach of Nibiru poses a great threat to our planet. Dr. Albers has written several books on the subject in the last two years and presents her evidence.

Now it goes a step further asks NASA to provide evidence against its theory. In the media, the whole thing is again referred to as a "conspiracy theory" with the remark that Dr. Albers discovered several times in videos of the conspiracy website "". But that's not true, and again there's an effort to skew the facts - the right website is called "".

Dr. Albers writes in her new article that she was watching Nibiru's NASA binoculars, the system releases infrared light and is visible in the sun on some shots. In the early 1980s, NASA made several announcements about the planet X in the media, and then nothing was published about it.

How does NASA build on this?

There were records of space probes that photographed "intruders". Today, NASA scientists deny everything and call it a myth. Dr. Albers further writes in her article that there are several large objects that penetrate into the inner part of the solar system and move in the direction of the sun - what has been happening for many years - and alien objects assemble a magnetic bond with the sun and create coronal holes.

These coronal holes weaken the sun and create ever stronger solar winds that eventually strike on Earth and increase the risk of violent volcanic eruptions and seismic activities.

Dr. Albers warns in his article: "The planet X system will have very negative effects on Earth, so I recommend that you meet our Creator Jesus. Jesus is the only way to find peace and security when we urgently need them. "

After publishing the books, Dr. Albers denied the professorship at the university she taught 17 for years, and since then the university has distanced itself from her theories. Professor Joao P. Rodrigues, head of the Department of Physics at the same university, however, said that Witwatersrand University is studying the various phenomena that could indicate the existence of a dwarf star system in the inner solar system.

Controversial topics at university

Professor Rodrigues promotes freedom of speech at his school to discuss controversial issues. Universities attach great importance to scientific principles and methods, as only large-scale experiments could confirm the Planet X hypothesis, and then a scientific article would have to be published in a scientific journal.

Only in the case of publishing an article in a journal can the hypothesis in a professional audience be taken seriously. However, experience has shown that many leading scientific journals simply refuse to publish such articles, even if they are supported by precise experiments and observations. Only in such publications is the theory accepted.

If this does not happen, many researchers talk about "bad science" and universities distance themselves from these people and their research results. There is strong peer review in the professional world to avoid reporting on controversial topics or "conspiracy theories" that could call into question and jeopardize the general status quo or generally accepted scientific opinion.

The term 'Nibiru'

The term "Nibiru" was first recorded in the books of Zechariah Sitchin, who translated many ancient Babylonian and Sumerian writings that tell of a giant planet that has a very wide orbit around the Sun and regularly enters the inner solar system.

Some other Nibirus scientists believed it was supposed to appear in the sky already in 2017, but this was not confirmed even though natural disasters on Earth are still on the rise. It is now assumed that the entire transit could take up to 2030.

Another scientist who believes in the Nibiru hypothesis is Dr. Ethan Trowbridge, who worked for the US government for more than a decade. There he learned of an impending catastrophe to be triggered by the planet Nibiru. Trowbridge also thinks he's a little brown dwarf star with seven planets. The US government and NASA have known this for at least 30 years, and a gigantic conspiracy has been made to conceal the existence of Nibiru.

Dr. Trowbridge explains that the information is strictly secret and that all Nibiru documents are segmented and distributed across different departments. Only a handful of them can know about them. People who only work with fragments of this information can not understand their true purpose.

Predicting Dr. Trowbridge

Dr. In conclusion, Trowbridge predicts a steep rise in sea level, temperature fluctuations, and melting of polar ice, which will provide the final proof of Nibiru's impact on our planet, and this will lead to irreversible and catastrophic events on Earth.

Zecharia Sitchin writes in her books that Nibiru needs 3600 years for her cycle. As they regularly approached the Earth on a regular basis, huge disasters were usually to occur. But not only that, but also the cosmic gods Anunnaki, they always had to visit Earth to build settlements and look for mineral resources - this is also preserved in the Babylonian and Sumerian myths.

These Anunnaki had to carry out genetic experiments, and mankind was created in this way. Are all these wild conspiracy theories, as mainstream science claims, or does it really hide more?

Respected astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) at 2016 announced that they had been able to find evidence using computer simulations of a real X planet that has 10s multiples of Earth's mass, and which is impatiently waiting in the outer solar system.

Researchers at the California Institute, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown, were very surprised to imagine how an object with such a huge mass could have a stable orbit around the Sun without colliding with other objects in the solar system or the Kuiper Belt.

Kuiper Belt

Outside of Pluto lies the so-called Kuiper Belt, a region of various larger objects and comets. Overall, it is estimated that this annular area contains more than 70 000 objects with a diameter of more than 100 km and many more smaller objects. However, in the Kuiper Belt there are also larger objects and small planets called "Transneptunical Bodies".

All planets and objects moving in the orbit around the Sun exchange each other's energy.

However, it is necessary to mention that researchers have not yet found the planet, it is known only indirectly and in simulations, it has not been officially found by telescopes. In 2016, the Caltech Institute promised to continue the simulations to find out more about the mysterious new planet and its orbit. That's when the search for Planet X in the sky began, and the approximate orbit is already known.

Mike Brown explained at the time that astronomers should be able to locate the planet easily with this information, as the largest telescopes on Earth should be able to find a new planet, even if it is to reach the farthest point in orbit. Mike Brown eventually added that many astronomers began their search in 2016.

Do NASA find Nibiru?

Is it possible that Planeta-X was found with these telescopes and nothing was reported? Two researchers at the Caltech Institute have published a document about their discovery, and they hope that it will encourage other scientists and start searching.

Everything suddenly stopped from this announcement. A US government spokesman said he was not in a position to comment on past or present events related to Planet X, but NASA has not yet commented.

Which mystery surrounds Nibiru? Is this topic really as important as some deviating scientists say? Government officials and whistleblowers have been reporting for years that Nibiru is really real, so giant underground bunkers are being built at incredible sums of money anywhere on Earth to be able to get to safety from an imminent disaster.

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