
30. 10. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It is said that life begins with conception, that is, well before one is born into this tearful valley. I have no intention of questioning this. For the little one, it doesn't matter to some extent whether he's still HERE or HERE. In fact, it could even be said that for a while he would rather vote TAM, because it was more comfortable and safer. However, the question is different. When is human consciousness born (if you want a human soul)? How far does it reach back and where can it reach forward?

Adam and his story

I would like to tell you at least part of the story of a man whose time relations of his physical life and his consciousness were not and are somehow in harmony - they do not fall exactly at the same time. The deviations are sometimes in minutes, sometimes in days and perhaps years. It's hard to navigate. And beforehand, he doesn't understand it too much. I can't tell his real name. In our story we will call him Adam. Last name should be April. He is originally from the South Moravian, although it cannot be ruled out that he has ancestors in the family tree from somewhere in the Middle East.

He was born in 1939 in the family of a small farmer in the village of P …… ice in South Moravia. He was not a child prodigy, and in the first grade of elementary school he even had difficulty recognizing the letters of the alphabet at first. However, he has been a good listener since he was a child. At that time there was no television and during the war and perhaps even after the war it was better not to have a radio. It was customary to keep a black watch, and it was talked about during it and during various housework. Stories real, fictional or downright scary, depending on the mood and abilities of the narrators. All the children loved these stories. However, Adamek was an exemplary and patient listener.

The evening before going to bed, but also often during the day, he told himself many of the stories he had heard for himself again, sometimes even adjusting and supplementing them with other plots and events. That wouldn't be too weird either. The strange thing was that the episodes he added were not fictional, but based on real events. Of course, no one knew for a long time. That is, until the time when Adamek dared to start talking here and there - initially only between siblings and friends. He narrated in an engaging way that a few children confided in their parents. And so something very unusual happened. Already at the age of seven, he was given the opportunity to tell stories at a home-made black class, where, in addition to his parents and siblings, several neighbors met in the living room.

Narrative of Adam

"What will you tell us, Adamka, his mother asked him in an effort to make it easier for him to start his first performance in a mostly family circle."

"I want to tell you something about the war, Mom."

“Please, you and the war. And it's not so long since she finished, and we're all fed up with her. '

"But I don't mean this war, I mean what was under the border in those fields."

"Wait, you probably mean the battle of the Moravian Field, don't you? But you won't have it in history until fifth or sixth grade, what can you know about that? ”

"Well, I don't know, but I talked to a knight who was there and he told me."

Mum quickly shuffled into the conversation: "He sure is Adamek a fairy tale, see, son."

“No mum, it was no fairy tale, where the Czech king died, who then took him to Znojmo. He had told me all this by the Knight. ”

"Well, what else did the knight tell you", my mother saved the situation, as family members and guests were beginning to waggle dissatisfactorily.

“He told me what it was then that they somehow deceived our king, and he paid for it. And he also said that in our country this happens quite often. He also spoke of White Mountain, Munich and February. ”

“That's the whole history of a boy, and what kind of February it should be, I don't remember any significant school. October, yes, but February? ”Dad returned to the conversation with his neighbors nodding in agreement.

“But Dad, that's obvious. This is February, what will happen after the New Year, you know? ”

"God, you're Sybil. And what about next February. I think that would interest us all very much. If he told you. ”Dad added, half mocking.

"Dad, I didn't understand much, but it was supposed to be a change of government, a ban on Mr. President, a field for us all, that we would live behind the wire, and that it would be bad enough at all."

"How can you explain it all in detail and how did you talk to the chm ... knight in general?"

Adamek was obviously embarrassed. He didn't know how best to explain where he got the information. “Dad, I didn't actually see the knight, but he heard it here (pointed at his head), and I saw it all. But only here (and hand on head). ”

"For God's sake, the child may have a fever and a fantasy, we'll have to see a doctor. Just so it's not forever. Doll Maria help us. ”And Mom began to pray.


Adamek frowned and retreated. He added in a low voice, defiantly. "But I saw it all, and I also saw the gallows and wire fences around. And they demolished our barn and built a large stable for the calves instead. And they imprisoned Mr Šmergl from prison for consumption…. A..aa …… so you know, our Stračena will break her leg in the morning. ”He finally added and ran to bed.

Everything was fulfilled. Even with that cow. Some of the neighbors later looked at him with disbelief, as if he might be a little responsible for the unfortunate events.

For the next forty years, Adam preferred not to predict anything. Fortunately, there wasn't much to talk about the past (except according to the manuals). He graduated from an agricultural technical school and became an agronomist. The truth is, however, that the agricultural cooperative where he worked, was regularly evaluated in crop production as the best in the region.

He was over fifty when I met him. He told me his childhood story, but he didn't want to talk much about contemporary life. I could tell from the hints that his ability to move through time brought more distress than good. He had a problem starting a family and other problems. Without asking him, he assured me that he couldn't control his skills. She cannot predict the future for people or herself, and she cannot bet Sportka for sure. Pictures from the past and future come and go as they please. Actually, he couldn't even be sure that each of the paintings would be true.

After a few years, he stopped at my house. Basically, he came to tell me that it's getting better. As he gets older, the future shows him less and less. And fortunately, no one cares about the past. Everyone interprets this according to their own. And so he has a real hope of at least a peaceful old age.

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