The Great Secrets of the Bucegi Mountains (4.

1 29. 10. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Control panel

About 15 meters away in the middle of the room is something like a control panel, overall not too big, but again quite high. As with the tables, portable stairs had to be added to explore the top. There were again a number of different geometric symbols, made in different colors, which apparently had the function of control buttons. In addition, there were two elongated potentiometers on the panel and a large red "knob" in the middle, around which was a circle of intricate characters.

The movement of an open palm over the area of ​​the red "button" (Caesar insisted that the button not be pressed or touched) immediately triggered a large holographic projection that showed the Earth from a height of about 25 kilometers. The Carpathians were visible and a huge body of water next to them. The water flowed through the lower areas, then began to disappear as the earth's surface rose. Then the images were projected, where powerful streams of water rolled, huge rivers flowing from the interior of the country in the territories that surrounded Romania, including large areas of Hungary and Ukraine. Later, a time period was shown when practically the whole of Romania was flooded and only the highest mountain peaks rose above the surface. Then images of potentiometers appeared, on which the control sliders moved downwards, and then the water began to disappear from the surface; to its great surprise, it flowed back to the ground in a single place in Romania. To the east of the Carpathian arch, a very dark area appeared, which onlookers could not explain. The Danube Delta was suddenly not, and a plain toward the Middle East began to form in the Black Sea. But then the holographic projection ended quite unexpectedly.

The projected could be understood as an instruction manual or also as a warning, as it was possible to point out what would happen if the red "button" was pressed, what disaster might occur.

A mysterious amphora

On the side of the hall, behind the T-shaped tables, were metal objects that resembled antennas. They were systems of metal arms of complex shapes. Nobody knew what they could be for.

Further in the room, about 10 meters from the control panel, was a cubic pedestal (3 x 3 m) with a smooth surface of golden color. On it, in the middle, was a small, 15 cm high, dome with a slit at the top. A vessel resembling ancient amphorae, 50 centimeters high, was placed in front of the dome.

"The content of the amphora was one of the most important discoveries," Caesar said. "Personally, I think that was exactly what the esteemed Signore Massini and his Masonic elite were trying to gain."

A mysterious amphoraThe amphora was without ornaments and inscriptions, made of reddish metal and had no ears. Caesar removed the elegant lid and peered into the container. Inside was a shimmering white powder.

"We took a sample and passed it on to American scientists for analysis," Caesar said. "Experts were very surprised to find that it was an unknown crystalline structure of monoatomic gold. A gold derivative that is bright white and whose atoms are arranged in a two-dimensional lattice, unlike ordinary gold, which is yellow, and whose atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional lattice. It is very difficult to produce such a monoatomic gold powder, especially if high purity must be achieved.

There are very few sources of information about the technology of its production. Process descriptions can be found in some ancient texts and in a few alchemical treatises from the Middle East. To date, scientists have failed to obtain monoatomic gold of such an unusually high degree of purity. It is supposed to have incredible therapeutic effects and regenerative possibilities. One American scientist told me that NASA is very interested in monoatomic gold and devotes considerable resources to its research. "

Massini apparently had information about the amphora before he went to Romania. Caesar was very surprised at his great interest and sought to find out more:

"I was told that the substance in its purest form strongly stimulates certain energy flows and has a positive effect on the renewal of cells, especially neurons. In other words, it actually allows you to rejuvenate. Theoretically, a person could live in one physical body for centuries if he took this powder regularly and in certain doses. "

However, it could also explain the longevity of some historical figures.

The real history of our planet

There was another surprise at Radua.

The slit at the top of the small dome behind the amphora was used to project holograms relating to various important and hitherto unknown facts from the very ancient history of mankind, from the very beginning. It soon became apparent during the projection that Darwin's theory of evolution was incorrect. The earth began to evolve with extraordinarily intelligent "steps" and through a very deep intuitive synthesis. The council had the opportunity to get to know a comprehensive version of events that took place hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, Caesar warned him that due to the agreement with the USA, it is not allowed to publish this information.

According to Radu's estimate, 90% of our history, which is described in the books, is false. But myths and legends, considered creations of fantasy, correspond far more to the truth. This "turn" of truth has caused many problems and conflicts between nations.

Most archaeologists' theories are also flawed. It is not true that dinosaurs extinct for 65 millions of years and ancient continents The real history of our planetAtlantis and Lemuria did not exist.

In places where important events appeared, star maps were projected against the background of the projection, where certain stars and their constellations were highlighted. If you compare it to the current starry sky, you can easily find out when what was happening. Although the time period shown by the hologram turned out to be very long - hundreds of thousands of years, multiples of the Earth's axis precession cycles (about 26 years), it was possible to date the recorded events by subtracting the number of cycles shown. In this way, it was possible to determine when the complex was built in Bucegi, 000 - 50 years ago.

Unexpected revelations

The lessons provided by the holographic projections were easy to understand, but also "destructive" because they presented a completely different picture of history than what we know. They showed the truth about Egyptian civilization and how the pyramids were built. However, this was very different from what the Egyptologists told us. It was suddenly clear what was really going on during the flood, explaining how human civilization was then rebuilt and how Europe, Asia and Africa were later settled. All of these facts were too shocking to be communicated to contemporary humanity with its apparent knowledge, faith, and predominant way of thinking.

The holograms showed developments and events up to the 5th century AD Either the hall builders were able to look into the future 50 years ago, or, more likely, they had the opportunity to update the database until the 000th century AD. It is not possible to find out why the time limit of the 5th century is.

The dramatic sequence of images also reflected the life of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion, which is still denied by many. At that time, many other very remarkable events took place, which are even more wonderful than what is written in the Gospels. Projections also revealed that people from other historical periods were present at the crucifixion.

The holograms also showed sections from the lives of special extraordinary beings and their spiritual mission on Earth, which had "divine" abilities. These beings lived here about 18-20 years ago and worked to improve conditions. At that time, the social system and the distribution of humanity on the planet were very different from what we know today. Archaeologists, anthropologists and historians would have to fundamentally change their overall concepts and approaches to history.

Within a short period of time, the Council has learned so much important information about our past that their capture and description have taken hundreds of pages.

The great mystery of the Bucegi Mountains

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