Viliam Poltikovic: Master Ayahuasca

25. 06. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The Great Amazonia hides many secrets. Amazonian shamans surprise us by their abilities and knowledge. They can also cure so-called incurable diseases because they communicate directly with the plants that they themselves say about how they work. Local shamans can escape from their bodies, travel to Earth and the universe, they can download any information, know anything that interests them. The key to this is ayahuasca, a mysterious creeper, whose healing does not only cure and purify man on all levels but also gives knowledge of anything in this world as well as in worlds not yet known. It opens doors to other dimensions.

With ayahuasca we will meet in the film not only through shamans and their work, but also thanks to various professionals and people, for which it means with no incomprehensible experience. The film also points to the serious threat to the Amazon and its inhabitants. There is only rarely talk in the media about how ruthless companies move mercilessly.

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