
1 05. 10. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A word Vimana has many meanings - from the designation for temple or palace to the mythological designation of flying machinesas described in Sanskrit.

Reports of ancient Indian flying machines come from Indian sources. Many of these sources are known as Indian epic works, and they are teeming with hundreds of flying machines. Many of these texts have never been translated into English (let alone Czech).

It is said that a few years ago China found some texts written by the Sanskrit in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. The texts were sent to the Chandrigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruth Reyn recently said that these documents contain instructions for building an interstellar ship!

Their way of driving, according to Dr. Reyn, was based on antigravity. The source of power was a system based on lag, to us contemporaries of the unknown power that exists in the ego of every human being: "Centrifugal force strong enough to eliminate all gravity.". According to the Hindu Yogis, this is the case lag the cause of man's ability to levitate.

Dr. Reyna said that aboard these ships, which they said was called Astras, the ancient Indians could send a human crew to any planet. At least that's what it's said in documents that are thousands of years old.

Manuscripts also reveal secrets antima, ability to be invisible and garima, the ability to become as heavy as lead mountains.


Source: Youtube

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