Vimanika šaštra

3 15. 09. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What is Vimanika Šastra? Given that scientific information was hidden in India and other ancient cultures and had only a narrow circle of insiders, they were kept only orally. For this purpose, selected individuals were identified who remembered the entire book in the smallest detail by memorization. This tradition exists today. Besides, real works were stored in archives in secure places, the existence of which was also known to selected individuals.

And so it happened that the text Vimanika šaštry dictated in Sanskrit in the years 1918 to 1923 the prominent Indian scholar Subbaraja Sasta Mr. Sarma, who filled his 23 workbooks. This would fully correspond to Indian traditions. These booklets for more than 20 years were provided by Mr Sarma's daughter. In 1973, the manuscript was translated into English by a top sanskrt expert, director and founder of the International Academy of Sanskrit Research, GR Josyere. The translation was exclusively dedicated to the elite, which is confirmed by the fact that in 1980 this translation was discovered in India at the Royal Library of Baroda.

It was the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, whose age dates back to 2.-3. Millennium by Christ, bombed or the epicenter of an atomic bomb explosion? There was another unknown destructive force here. The excavations of this city prove that its destruction has come from the heavens. People were obviously hit suddenly. The photo shows that some still hold hands after death. A lot of sintered ceramics and even molten stones have been found nearby. The use of flying machines - viman for the overthrow of weapons of mass destruction - is mentioned in ancient Hindu legends.



Historians and archaeologists argue that the evolution of human civilization proceeds strictly from simpler forms to more complex ones. However, this reasoning is justified in theory, because it does not take into account the sudden reversals and disruption of civilization, either by the intervention of the man himself (eg invading invasions of “barbarians”) or by natural influences (earthquakes, volcanic activity, Earth collision with another body etc.). Especially after large-scale disasters, the company would not start where it was before a tragic event. It was Albert Einstein best when he said that if there was a nuclear war in the world, the next world war would only be led by stone weapons.

If such a tragedy really happened and someone survived it, we can infer from the following developments based on ethnographic knowledge and old legends that suggest it happened. The company would return technologically to the Stone Age and fall for cannibalism. However, in the minds of the people, different memories of the world would be preserved from disaster. Historical data would become the basis of myths and technical would turn into "secret science." The secret would be to keep the data as distorted as possible. As forgetting the importance of old techniques, the only way to save an ancient legacy would be to proclaim ancient doctrines as holy and repeat them word by word for generations without needing to be understood. Because poems are better remembered than prose, it is highly likely that they would be transmitted in the form of great epic poems. This would continue until someone came to understand them…

Is this thought model just speculation or something similar already on Earth? We have more and more evidence that similar disasters, after which civilization began again, occurred several times.

While many archaeological findings can still be understood only as indications of great ancient civilizations, we have available literary works that do not allow any doubt. In this article, I would like to familiarize readers with the most prominent of them, with the legendary Vimanikas scout.

Vimanika šaštra

This ancient Sanskrit script was made up of the 3000 verse and its subject was the design of aircraft and missiles. While we encounter flying machines in the rumors of all peoples, there are such detailed technical data that there is no doubt that we have a link of ancient supertechnologies. Descriptions are so accurate that some scientists have even been able to reconstruct individual flying machines (vimans), even though we do not know how much of this book has survived. The book that we have now available is just the torch of the original Vimanika shashira and nearly thirty other files dealing with flying machines. However, there is considerable hope that the original complete text of the Vimanika shamans will be found in some Indian or Tibetan libraries (many of the lost texts of Indian science are preserved in Tibetan).

Although we now have a "mere" torso, it has an invaluable value for us. In addition to the amazingly accurate scientific and technical data of a very high level in the book, it follows that it is not the only, albeit ingenious, work of aviation, but that there has been a vast literature on the subject in ancient India.

Given that scientific information was hidden in India and other ancient cultures and had only a narrow circle of insiders, they were kept only orally. For this purpose, selected individuals were identified who remembered the entire book in the smallest detail by memorization. This tradition exists today. Besides, real works were stored in archives in secure places, the existence of which was also known to selected individuals. And so it became that the text of Vimanika Shastra dictated in Sanskrit in the years 1918 to 1923 the prominent Indian scholar Subbaraja Sasta to Mr. Sarma, who filled his 23 workbooks. This would fully correspond to Indian traditions. These booklets for more than 20 years were provided by Mr Sarma's daughter. In 1973, the manuscript was translated into English by a top sanskrt expert, director and founder of the International Academy of Sanskrit Research, GR Josyere. The translation was exclusively dedicated to the elite, which is confirmed by the fact that in 1980 this translation was discovered in India at the Royal Library of Baroda.

While the Indian publisher has issued a release for the "elite," the 1991 US release was intended for the general public. Thanks to the generosity of Adventures Unlimited Press and David Hatcher Childr, it is possible for a Czech reader to become acquainted with this work without complicated discussions with the publisher.

Already in 1923, the first viman reconstructions were made following the instructions of the learned Subbaraja Sasta.

Vimanika Shasta is 40. the volume of the lost encyclopaedic work of Maharshi Bharadhada, "All About Machines". He divided the work into 8 chapters that dealt with 100 questions. When writing the work, he relied on even older sources, which, in his words, form the basis of the remains of ancient Indian science.

Vimanika is not the only preserved work on ancient technologies

For example, there was a treatise on how to convert grass and / or various biowaste into valuable food. In antiquity, this technology was used in crop failure to prevent famine, and even today this knowledge could solve the same problem in Africa and many developing countries. Although the work of this kind has been preserved, it seems that Vimanika is the most important of them because we can best understand it. The existence of these books and undoubtedly many material findings that have not been properly evaluated justify the assumption that historical research in this direction could become key to our current development.

Regarding the importance of Vimanika itself, her Sanskrit translator evaluates it in the following words: "We can say that in 20. Two important results were achieved in the 19th century: a lunar stone was brought from the universe and Vimanika Shastra was released, coming from an unknown past. The Moonstone is just a stone and not a cluster of shiny pebbles from Kimberley in South Africa. However, Vimanika Shastra is the cornerstone of precious regulations for how to build flying machines, which will surprise Lindbergh, Rolls, Zeppelin, De Havilland, Tupolev and Harold Gray of Pan American. If properly understood, it can become the basis for the development of new technologies and thus the new era of humanity. "

In the translation of the work, GR Josyer encountered an insurmountable problem. Vimanika is a very technical guide, and there are a number of technological procedures described in detail. There are many substances and practices that we simply can not translate. Only experiments conducted according to the procedures described here can help us to explain the whole work in order to find out what substances are involved.

In order for the reader to make himself a rough idea of ​​this extremely important piece of work, I also present a description of the whole work, based on the above-mentioned American edition. In this content, I did not always have a fragmentation of the book edition because I tried to get closer to the original form of the work.

Since the subject of this article is really just getting to know this important text, I have released all the technical data that would only exhaust the reader and would not be a real benefit. Just for comparison, the book edition has 124 pages. The technical details of the individual parts of viman and myself will be returned in separate articles. In the article, I included only the general characteristics of the viman book, because a real picture of these results of Indian supertech technology from the early days can only be done on reconstructions.

Shimmy Vimanika and brief commented content of the work

First chapter


The author worships the Divine Being, which is described in the Indian Vedas (a set of the oldest Indian literary heritage of religious and philosophical content), and whose abode can only be reached with the use of flying machines (Viman). It also provides a brief schedule for the whole work. It is clear that the Divine being is not a supernatural spirit, but a creature from another planet that taught mankind. Vimans are not supernormal formations, but material machines (see the following definitions).

1. verse - definition

The machines described are called vimans because they fly as fast as birds.

1. Vimana is a device flying in the sky at a speed comparable to birds.

2. What moves quickly on the ground, in the water and air by its own power as a bird is called vimana. (Vimans were therefore universal means of transport.)

3. What flies from one place to another is vimana.

4. What flies from one country to another, from one island to another, and from one world to the other is a vimana. (The apparatus also served as a spacecraft.)

2. verse - Pilot is the one who knows the secret

With a bit of fantasy, it can be said that this is true of today's pilots. Surely, none of us can sit on an airplane that someone was supposed to drive completely without training. The author calculates the following 32 secrets the pilot must know. All related to the military use of the viman and the air battle had to be very numerous.

32 secrets the pilot must know

1. How to Build Indestructible Flying Machines.

2. Knowledge of driving forces.

3. Knowledge of the construction of various flying machines.

4. How to know and how to avoid dangerous wind whirlwinds that can threaten the aircraft.

5. How to make the plane invisible in the "dark component" of the sun's rays. It was used in air combat.

6. How to create an air camouflage using electricity and wind power.

7. How to make an airplane with an invisible shroud in the cloud.

8. How to cripple an enemy plane with force pumped from the air.

9. Viewing everything before the aircraft using a special light beam (laser?).

10. How to download parts of an airplane flying at full speed with extended wings using 7. switches on the aircraft.

11. How to stretch the flight areas appropriately using the 11 switch. section of an aircraft if it gets into the belief in the first and third plane.

12. How optically, using a special smoke from the oil, change the shape of the aircraft to create horror.

13. How to frighten the viewer by using extra-ordinary oil and distorting mirrors to get the airplane into the most terrifying terrible animals. (Can not a lot of strange visions of animals and other bodies in the sky described in chronicles of all time attributable to such masking of flying machines?)

14. How to make vimana look covered with flowers and jewels.

15. How to create glow as the sun. 16. How to cause the deepest night at noon.

17. How to Destroy Everything.

18. How to induce total numbness and unconsciousness.

19. How to project the starry sky. 20. How to create deafening thunder. 21. How to protect the viman from flooding through the individual layers of the atmosphere (analogy of the heat shield of the rockets when they enter the atmosphere?).

22. How to make a vimana move violently like a snake (often seen with UFOs).

23. How to create waves of 4087 frequency per hour to shake the enemy vimana.

24. How to perform fast acrobatic maneuvers when the vimana is attacked by the entire squadron.

25. How to intercept interviews in foreign vimans. Described in the monograph on Electronics.

26. How to get a picture of the inside of a strange vimany.

27. How to monitor what's happening on Earth using the device (it's a monitor?).

28. How to find out the direction of the enemy vimana (they had a radar?).

29. How to make vimana blend with the environment.

30. Another way for the vimana to look like a cloud.

31. How to make unconscious people in other vimans.

32. How to light a foreign viman.

3. verse - flight corridors and five areas

In the five layers of atmosphere, 519 800 is a flight corridor linking seven worlds (continents). Today there are only five. Legends, however, speak of two sunken continents: Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Mu in the Pacific Ocean. Lemuria was only an extensive island near India.

The individual layers of the atmosphere are suitable for different types of viman. Different authors report different numbers of flight routes (corridors) that relate to different continents. The data on local flight routes cover only five continents, and therefore probably come from a time when Atlantis and Mu no longer existed.

Extremely high figures reflect very good air traffic and, as a result, these corridors even arose.

4. verse - Air beliefs

Five types of air whirls are described and how to avoid them. They are a danger to viman.

5. verse - Thirty-one parts of the vimana

Here is the 31 component that most viman has.

6. verse - Clothes

Exactly described clothing for different seasons and the materials from which it is made.

7. verse - Food

Food is precisely the season. No meat is used because all pilots are exclusively of three caste brahmins (the highest Indian caste).

8. verse - Various influences in different periods

Both beneficial and destructive forces are described and how the pilot must deal with them.

9. verse - When to eat

It is precisely described when a pilot should eat.

10. verse - Meal in a flying machine

Nourishing extracts are administered in tablets.

11. verse - How to make nutritious tablets

Production of nutritious extracts with high vitamin value. 16 types of vegetables and 32 fruits are used, and many substances rich in trace elements and enzymes.

12. verse - About grass, herbs

How to make biological substances for man hard to digest to produce nutritious extracts.

13. verse - Metals for vimany production

The 16 heat-absorbing alloys can be made from the three parent metals. Non-ferrous metals are suitable for the production of vimana. The occurrence, extraction and utilization of individual metals is described. There are also mentioned the kinds of forces operating within the Earth.

14. verse - Cleaning of metals

Described procedures for cleaning metals using special oils, acids, and remelting.

The second chapter

1. verse - Production of heat-resistant metal

Description of the production of heat-resistant metal for the vimana coat. He was called Ósmapá.

2. verse - About mixing

How to make special alloys

3. verse - Composite material

There were 407 composite materials that were divided into 12 groups. These are alloys of different masses. Mixtures of various metal ratios include salts, organic substances and other additives, many of which are not yet known. This makes the fabrics very light and extremely durable. Composite materials are the hottest novelty in our knowledge, and we know less about them than the old Indians. A piece of work dealing only with the production of composite materials is cited.

4. verse - Melting furnace

According to old masters, 532 existed in melting furnaces. All were arranged into a system divided into seven classes, each of which had 76 types. Metals for use in vimans are best melted in the 9 turtle shaped furnace of the seventh class. On each side there was a space for charcoal and a mechanism for receiving molten metal. It is quoted a work that only deals with furnaces.

5. verse - Bows

There were also 532 species of bulls and they were divided into 8 classes. For use with the above furnace, the 16 8 number is XNUMX. class. Bull manufacturing is described and a work devoted exclusively to the production of bellows is cited.

Chapter Three

1. verse - About mirrors

There are described the mirrors and lenses that are used in vimans as well as their production. Many of these mirrors were made of composite materials. Some have served to protect vimany from environmental influences (for example, absorb the heat of energy), to observe the surroundings and destroy enemy vimans. Lenses were used in lasers? The literal translation of the Sanskrit text that this device describes is: By mixing rudres (a type of energy or radiation?) And sun rays, a destructive force called Maryrica is created, which is directed by solar electricity destroying enemy vimans.

Chapter Four

1. - 3. verse - seven kinds of energy

Vimans used the seven types of energy that were generated in seven kinds of generators. The characteristics of these energies can be summarized in the following table. Thanks to these forces, vimans have the maneuvering abilities completely identical to the maneuvering capabilities of the UFO (movement out of the laws of Earth's attraction).

4. verse - Next about the same

Seven forces that vimana use (some authors give up 12) allow it to carry 32 air in various movements.

Fifth chapter

2. verse - Mechanical devices

Here is the 32 of the main viman mechanisms. The compiler of the text we have at the moment shows some technical descriptions in the verse that follows.

Some of the instructions given here will be given a special article, as they would be too burdensome for this general description of technical details, which are truly unbelievable.

Chapter Six

1. verse - There are three basic viman types

Apart from viman types, there are also mentioned four past epochs of life on Earth. They all ended with large-scale catastrophes that hit the planet. Summarize them in the following table.

1. Krita

(1) 728 000

2. Thetha

(1) 296 000

3. Dvápara

864 000

4. Kali

432 000

The Vimans were used only from the second age. This section of the book very well reflects the blending of spiritual and purely technical knowledge of the past. It is clear, therefore, that those who study the ancient texts must be at a high level both technically and spiritually. He has to orient himself in exact sciences and technical disciplines as well as in parapsychology and religions around the world. Any one-sided view can only lead to the distortion of these extremely valuable writings.

2. verse - In class ..metrics "was 25 types viman

Different writings give different numbers of vimanas. Specifically 25 in Shunaka verse and 32 in Manibhadrakarika. These differences can undoubtedly be attributed to the fact that the individual writings originated at different times, as the individual vimans were invented. All the texts existed side by side in parallel, as they were "preserved" as sacred in order to minimize the possibility of losing this high technical knowledge of the past.

3. verse - In class ..tántrika "was 56 types viman

Here are the Sanskrit names of all 56 viman without any further specification.

4. verse - In class ..shusuna "was 25 types viman

Here are the Sanskrit names of all 25 viman species without specifying the particular types. They all had the same state of play and the same maneuvering abilities, and they differed only with specific uses.

5. verse - Vimany to be built of royal metal "

25 viman from the previous verse was made exclusively of royal metal. It was an alloy that was completely resistant to high temperature. The following is a description of royal metal production. It was a three-metal alloy in the 3: 8: 2 ratio to which borax was added, and melted at 272 degrees. Probably other conditions existed, or additional ingredients were added, because royal metal existed in 16 species.

Seventh chapter

1. verse - vimana šakůna

The vimana jacket consisted of 28 parts. All are listed here. The following is a description of the construction. It was a massive three-deck machine that was able to fly and land on the wheels of high 4,65 m. The wings were long 20 meters and could be folded to the hull.

Interestingly, this vimana is remarkably close to the description of the machine Jules Verne described in his novel "The Lord of the World".

2. verse - vimana sundara

Vimana consists of 8 main components. It was powered by an internal combustion engine and electricity. Following are the detailed descriptions of each key component, including the electricity generator. This vimana was able to fly at 5760 km / h.

3. verse - vimana rukma

Vimana was a golden color, and first there is a description of how to make the royal metal so colored. The base deck was more than 300 meters long. Its driving force was electricity and was flying at a speed of 1000 km / h.

4. verse - vimana tripura

This more than 30 meter long machine had three relatively separate parts and was driven by the sun's rays. Vimana was technically so perfect in its versatile construction that she could move on the ground, in the water, underwater and in the air. The following is a detailed description of the three main parts, followed by a description of the chassis, electric generator and electric motor. The main components are also described in detail in other verses of Vimanika.

Final note

This commented content of the Vimanika sham is based directly on the above issue. Her translation from Sanskrit, like any translation, is an interpretation of the text. It is directly dependent on the time of knowledge. It is not surprising, therefore, that the translator believed that the vimans were driven by steam or combustion engines. Today's knowledge, in particular on the basis of the discoveries of Nikol Tesla, John Searl and other inventors in the field of electromagnetism, suggests that vimans were in fact driven by this force, which made them environmentally harmless, silently moving and having maneuvering abilities comparable to the UFOs currently observed.

I believe that the study of viman should not only be a matter for historians, but it should also be a topical issue for today's world.

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