
29. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

When water flows into the watercourse, it can be seen on the surface of the water and underwater as the vortices arise. And like a whirlwind with a circular motion or a whirlwind, it moves with tiny dirt / sand, sand / and drives them along the watercourse.

By swirling water in the water stream, a force field is created around the water flow. The more water flows, the cooler the water, and the lunar cycle of the moon ie the Moon's influence on the water tide and outflow increases and decreases the force field around the water flow. The power field of the watercourse is not stable, it has an ascending and descending trend, according to the aforementioned impacts.

I am enclosing an article on the force field and a graph of the water flow from the now poor Mr. Miroslav Provod, who has devoted himself to it practically all his life and his work has helped me a lot.

Water flows seem to us to be the largest natural sources of static electricity. The graph shows the aura of the brook with a flow of water of about 10 liters per minute. In the case of that small stream, its aura has the shape of an expanding cylinder, which copies its path. Considering that when the 10-liter flow of water has a cylinder diameter of its 670 cm aura, we no longer have the beliefs of the diameter of the energy space cylinder in the fountains where the water flow is given in hundreds of thousands of m3 or in the sea currents where the water flow is given in million m3 per second.

The energy components of the watercourses (auras, zones and interzones), among which I count underground water springs, which are everywhere incredible and interact with the energy components of other charges. During many years of experimentation, within my ability, I did not notice the case that some matter would prevent their penetration.

. The whirlpool has been preserved in geographical names today and mostly associated with meander water flow.

Continuing on the next grid of the earth.

Hidden forces of Mother Earth

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