Vladimir Kafka: 12 inspiring quotes

05. 06. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Vladimir Kafka was an academic painter, the author of the book Living for Life and a "healer" who did not consider himself a healer. He had no fate, life had prepared many trials for him. Even as a child, he was struggling with doctors 'giving' up to 10-15 years of life for illness, later losing both legs and yet, or perhaps because of that, he decided to help others change their view of illness and life as such.

Vladimir Kafka was a very inspiring person who helped others (mainly oncology patients) and tried to explain to them that the illness is not bad, it's a body signal that makes it clear that something needs to be changed. Alter not a doctor, not a kind of treatment, but looking at life. Are you happy? Can you enjoy the trifles? Do you like it? If you answered NO, it's time to try and change it.

Vladimir Kafka 17.4.2018 died - according to the words of my dear wife, Irena he left immensely loved and loving, in luck and joy. And surely it would be a great pleasure for you to live every day full, joyfully and lovingly, like him. Love and enjoy your lives as best as you can, with love.

So let's try to realize how fragile it is, how quickly it escapes and how we want to live it. Do we want to worry and hide everything in ourselves? Let's try to get hold of it at sunrise, work out and stretch in the morning, enjoy the day with a small reward for efforts and achievements, tears with tears, rage shout in the woods, tell loved ones how much we like them, and especially, let's begin to like ourselves...

Each of us has his successes and failures, we are grateful for the mistakes and rejoice in every success and failure ...And most importantly - with a smile :-)

Thank you Vladimir for all the light and love you brought into our lives ...

Vladimir Kafka and his quotations

1.) The fight against the ego is currently in vogue. I don't know why I should fight anything. Reason, like his ego, I love and respect. But on the other hand, me my ego will not dictate when I should be.

2.) Pro healing is important to pay attention to love, not diseases. Because where we send our attention, an external reality arises. This creates either disease or health.

3.) Punconscious decides almost all. It often happens that someone really does not want to live and desires to evolve on a different level than on Earth. A person only dies when he desires it and gives an order to do so.

4.) In successful treatment, as well as in the making of a work of art or any other activity, it is important to do things to the full and not to halfE. Grace is slowly killing us.

5.) You the greatest prevention is when we are not afraid to live, of which we are mostly afraid. It's a bit of a vicious circle. Knowing is that one acquires knowledge when he experiences something.

6.) Each In the morning, wake up and decide until the day you want to be.

7.) The world is a bridge, cross it, but not build a house (here Vladimir writes the author, he only gave this idea to his beloved day to his beloved wife Irene)

8.) Life moves in waves, but just as the sea does not flow anywhere, it only waves in one place here and now. It is what it is, what we find out by experiencing in the waves of succession to success, to happiness, but also to fades and disappointments. The heights and depths of our lives are conditioned by enthusiasm and resentment. I understand that in the depth of suffering it is possible to know love and vice versa at the peak of love can be experienced the depth of suffering.

9.) We must find our way to the Creator separately, because the way to Him leads only through our own inner experiences.

10.) Many times in life, we cross the boundaries of both good and evil with the subsequent drops to the bottom, where we thoroughly recognize not only ourselves but also our loving ones or our surroundings. Essential is in of these moments to show their own courage and genuine intent to overcome this by acting.

11.) No illness, no life, no death, no longer intends to kill us unless we first fear our lives with constant fears, desire for power, or love-free attitudes.

12.) If we change the concept of illness, if we begin to treat it with love and accept it, we will transform the original thought nucleus and thus the reality. By accepting sickness, we enable love to transform even the most difficult disease. Fear is also just an idea that is what we are most afraid of in the accumulation of energy.

Vladimír Kafka's books can be ordered at Suenee Universe eshop:

Vladimír Kafka: Live on Life (clicking the image you will be redirected to Sueneé Universe)

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