Walsh's Pyramid in Australia - Construction Should Be More Than 5 000 Years Old!

28. 02. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Archaeologists believe that in Australia, hidden directly before our eyes after the deposition of clay and vegetation, finds a gigantic 900 meter high pyramid. It is believed that this building is more than 5 000 years old.

Pyramids are all over the world. No matter where you look, ancient cultures built stunning buildings across the planet, the most famous of which is probably the Great Pyramid of Giza, an ancient miracle of engineering, and the only one of the eight wonders of the ancient world, still worth thousands of years.

Now, a group of amateur archaeologists from Australia claim that before the Australians visited Europeans, even thousands of years before, old Egyptians visited the inland of Australia and even built pyramids here. While it may be a maddening clue, according to a group of researchers, the Egyptians managed to fly more than 5 000 flights to Australia and build a pyramid that is now hiding under a mountain in North Queensland.

Researchers say the "Walsh Pyramid", located about 30 minutes west of Australia's popular seaside resort, rises to an incredible 922 meters. Pyramid is supposedly the last resting place of a member of the Egyptian royal family Neferti-ru. And exactly where most people see is a huge pyramid-shaped hill, researchers say, there is much more to it than it seems at first glance.

Evidence for their claims is supported by the Gosford hieroglyphics, a set of Egyptian characters carved into stone, which according to many researchers are authentic. They are located near Sydney and should be more than 5 000 years old, carved by Egyptian sailors who discovered the Australian continent. This interesting set of hieroglyphs, which is referred to as Karionian hieroglyphs because it is located in the Brisbane National Park in Karion, or the Gosford hieroglyphs, according to the nearby Gosford community, was discovered in New South Wales.

However, these hieroglyphs surround controversy. A number of archaeologists are certain that the Gosford hieroglyphs are nothing more than modern deception, and that it is not possible for the ancient Egyptians to come to Australia and carve these inscriptions on the rock wall, let alone build a pyramid in Australia. As mentioned earlier, amateur archaeologist Ray Johnson reportedly translated these hieroglyphs for the history museum in Cairo and successfully documented the translation of the two walls of these Egyptian characters.

Translation has shown that the Gosford hieroglyphs record the tragic story of Egyptian explorers who have failed in a strange and hostile country - now known as Australia. Ray Johnson is convinced that this set of hieroglyphs also undoubtedly suggests that Lord Nefertiru, a member of the Egyptian royal family, was also buried here.

In addition, Dr. Johnson is also convinced that the Gosford hieroglyphs testify to the story that the ancient Egyptians built two pyramids in Australia, one of which was to be found in Gympie, central Queensland. This pyramid was aligned with the ground, and the place where the second pyramid is to be found was unknown until recently. Dr. Johnson believes that the second pyramid is actually hidden under a thick layer of clay and vegetation, hidden from our eyes and unseen for thousands of years.

Despite the fact that the hieroglyphs actually point to the existence of the second pyramid in this area, the area located in the Wooroonooran National Park has never been explored. This is largely due to the area where the pyramid is to be a national granite park, and its exploration would be extremely complicated. However, archaeologists are convinced that the pyramid could be similar to those found under a strong layer of clay and vegetation in Eastern Europe - near the village of Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

However, the vast majority of archaeologists tend to believe that there is no pyramid in Australia - and not two at all, and that the hill below which the pyramid is to be found is nothing more than an "ordinary pyramid-shaped hill," other planets ”.

Is it more than a hill? The pyramid hidden beneath the clay and vegetation should have a reported height of more than 900 meters.

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