Wikileaks: Edgar Mitchell and John Podesta about UFO (3.): Another email

03. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

On 9. Oct. 2016, WikiLeaks have published thousands of emails from John Posta's personal account, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. John Podesata also headed the presidential campaign and was at the same time adviser to former President Barack Obama. Among these files were two emails signed by former NASA astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell from the email address terribillionairs at aol dot com.

First message from 18. January 2015:

Subject: Email for John Podesta (through Eryn) by Edgar Mitchell about the meeting as soon as possible

Dear John,

as the year of 2015 evolves, I find out that you will leave state administration in February. There is an urgent need to agree on the date and time of the meeting where we will discuss Discovery and Zero Energy (ENB). It would be ideal to meet as soon as possible after your leaving the state administration.

My Catholic colleague, Terri Mansfield, will also be there to familiarize us with the Vatican's current knowledge of the ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence).

Another colleague is working on a new space treaty involving Russia and China. However, given the extreme intervention of Russia in Ukraine, I believe that we must strive for a different path to peace in space and ENB on Earth.

I met 4. July at a US mission in Geneva with President Obama's Honorable Childhood Girlfriend, US Ambassador Pamelou Hamamoto, and briefly speaking on ENB. I believe we can get it (convincing) to present our work to President Obama.

I appreciate the help of Eryn when we talk about our encounter with Terri.

Edgar D. Mitchell
Doctor of Science; research leader and Quantrek founder; astronaut on Apollo 14; the sixth man who stepped on the moon

Second message from 18. August 2015 contained a brief introduction and a number of links to articles that specifically addressed the militarization of the universe. This email has the same signature as the first email:

Subject: John Podest's e-mail via Eryn on the space contract (attached)

Before we dive into the content of these two emails, we should get acquainted with the people mentioned in them.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Dr. Edgar Mitchell (who died in 2016) was a NASA astronaut who traveled to the Moon and stepped on it at Apollo 14 in 1971. He completed a nine-hour record-breaking trip to the universe for twenty-four minutes and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His scientific career at NASA was excellent. He had a strong belief in metaphysical phenomena and claimed, for example, that the Toronto healer named Adam Dreamhealer had healed him from kidney cancer for thousands of miles. He was also a strong supporter of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life and claimed that the Earth often visited aliens. As an example, let's say his statement in an interview with The Guardian of 2009:

"We are visited." said [Mitchell]. “It is time we stopped hiding the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. I call upon our government to open up ... to become part of this planetary community that is trying to transform us into a civilization of space travelers. ”

Although the emails were signed by Mitchel, the email address that comes from is Terri Mansfield (Mitchell's "Catholic colleague") who runs a nonprofit organization focused on metaphysical concepts as consciousness, God, extraterrestrial intelligence and technology developmentthat they could use zero point energy.

Carol Rosin

Carol Rosin, which Mitchell mentions as helping him collect the links provided in the second email, states on her website that she is the founder Institute for Space and Space Cooperation. In the same place, he describes his role as "advisor to decision makers and others on the application of technology and information services to human needs, the environment, new energy and peace and security, health and prosperity for all on Earth and in space".

Former Mitchell's female employee Rebecca Hardcastle Wright wrote a post (note red .: 1 part of the series) proving their authenticity and confirming that the Skype Stage via Skype was requested by Mitchell, but never did.

As for the content of the emails, there are two very freely linked fibers. Straight thread, which seems to be the main prerequisite for negotiating via Skype, is the discussion about signing the signature United States to the amended text "Treaties on the principles governing the activities of States in the field of space research and exploitation". This international agreement of the year 1960 prevents governments from placing nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction on orbit and building military bases on the Moon and placing similar bases anywhere in the space.

Mitchell and Rosin have sought to sign the even tougher treaty proposed by 2008 China and Russia, which would mean a total ban on weapons in the universe. Links provided by Rosin (especially news articles and blog posts - see 2. part of the series) all relate to international space cooperation and to various warnings of countries currently placing or planning to place weapons into space.

The material in the first email is slightly more complicated. At the beginning of this email, there is talk of an "urgent" request to discuss "zero point energy" and "disclosure". The disclosure relates to disclosure of any information that the US government may have about UFOs. In fact, this is a topic that John Podesta openly promoted much earlier than WikiLeaks pointed out, as the Washington Post announced in April 2016:

"In 2002," [Leslie] Kean and co-author ["UFOs: generals, pilots, and government officials speak"] Ralph Blumenthal wrote: "Podesta began to publicly support what became a landmark in the suit Act on Free Access to Information. The suit was brought by an independent pressure group "Coalition for Free Access to Information". NASA has withheld information and refuses to release its records of a major UFO incident in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. "Some documents have been published but" did not include a bit of information regarding the Kecksburg case, despite NASA's sincere efforts. "

It is reportedly these documents that Podesta had in mind when, after a brief internship at the Obama White House, he tweeted that the failure to ensure UFO information was his "greatest failure in 2014."

Zero Point Energy (ENB) is the concept of quantum physics that relates to the amount of energy the quantum system has in its lowest quantum state, or basic condition. It is the fact that the systems in this zero point in fact they still have some energy that could be used.

Mitchell ran a Quantrek business, listed in his email signature, which sought, among other things, to use Zero Energy. According to Terri Mansfield (from which email emails are sent to Podest):

"[Mitchell] and his team investigated the use of the quantum hologram and zero point energy - the most powerful, cleanest, cheapest, safest and most ubiquitous form of energy for our planet. ENB will drive cars, trains, planes, naval vessels, spacecraft, as well as our homes and buildings. "

Mansfield explains on her website:

"The ETIs (extraterrestrial intelligence) with which Suzanne and Terri work are peaceful, non-violent, and obey God. They are not from our universe, but from adjacent universes. They are the highest form of intelligence that works directly with God.

They want to help people who want to bring Earth a powerful, safe, clean, cheap, sustainable, ubiquitous, endless zero point energy and apply it as a sustainable source of energy. This ENB energy is focused on Tau neutrino.

When ETI wants to be identified, it does so with certain colors, sounds, touches, smells, tastes, and manipulations of matter. There are many examples. They often turn on the lights in our homes when they want our attention. ETI wants only what enables mankind to evolve spiritually, demand obedience by a choice of free will, respond with compassion and / or justice if necessary. "

It follows that extraterrestrials are willing to help us with zero point energy problems if we show our peace of mind. Probably Mitchell refers to the second email when he wrote:

"Remember that our non-violent extraterrestrial friends from the adjacent universe will bring us zero point energy for Earth. They will not tolerate any form of military violence on Earth or in the cosmos. "


(Editorial abbreviated.)

Communication by Edgar Mitchell and John Podesta about aliens

More parts from the series