Mysterious stone circles and shapes in the Gobi desert

1 12. 04. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

About 200 mysterious stone circles are located in the Gobi Desert, in northwestern China. According to experts, these stone figures were created 4500 years ago.

The stone structures are located near the towns of Turfan and have the shape of circles and squares. Some of the stones, scientists found, had been brought in by far and apparently had a purpose.

Engo Liu, a local archaeologist researching stone figures in Turfan, says such structures can be found throughout Central Asia and have been used for sacrificial ceremonies. Similar geoglyges can be found in Mongolia, archaeologist Volker Heyd of the University of Bristol told MailOnline.

In 2003, archaeologists excavated near Turfan in the hope of finding a burial ground, but found no human remains.

Scientists believe that some of the stone circles were created in the Bronze Age and others, far more complex, date from the Middle Ages.

The ancient stone circles are located not far from the Fire Mountains. The area is characterized by relatively high daytime temperatures, reaching up to 50 degrees Celsius, it is one of the warmest places on Earth.

And for some reason, this place was chosen by ancient nomads to create hundreds of mysterious and intricate stone figures.


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