A forgotten network of ancient tunnels across Europe. Who built them and why?

24. 09. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Most European countries are connected by a system of tunnels at a depth of about 20 to 30 meters. Their age is estimated at about 12 years. The tunnels stretch across the continent, and perhaps even further. We know for sure that they connect Scotland and France and are heading further east to Turkey. Some researchers speculate that the tunnels could run across the planet.

Worldwide tunnel complex

The tunnels stretch from northern Scotland to the Mediterranean. In addition to tunnels, we also know of large underground cities such as Derinkuyu (Turkey), Ellora (India), complex Longyou (China) or a famous city Petra. Who created these buildings and for what purpose? 

Europe is crossing huge underground tunnels

Here are some possible explanations. The corridors were most likely built before The flood of the world. The complex of corridors and chambers could thus function as an underground world protecting its inhabitants from global catastrophe. Further explanation can be found in the temple Ellora (India), where we can see statues in a monolithic temple depicting people under whose feet plazoid beings live.

India: Ellora is an underground city of aliens or ancient ancestors?

German archaeologist Dr. Heinrich Kusch believes that the tunnels are 12 years old and that, in his opinion, the main reason for their creation is defense against unspecified enemies.

However, the problem of archaeologists is in a closed circle of dating historical events. In addition, the stone cannot be dated by the radiocarbon method. We must also realize that many ancient buildings were created, used, abandoned, forgotten, rediscovered, rebuilt, or reconstructed by another civilization and reused and forgotten again. That is why it is very difficult to say something about the original purpose, because in most cases we see only the last phase. The building can therefore be much older - in the order of tens or hundreds of thousands of years. Just as we can only speculate with difficulty about the old, so an even greater mystery is the construction methods used to produce something so extensive. An example might be Longyou in China. The stone seemed to be softened and cut by unknown technology with great precision and a sense of the aesthetic impression of the whole building.

China: Mysterious cave complex Longyou

Nowadays, we are also able to excavate tunnels, but it is a very expensive and time-consuming process. Those who created this underground world must have had much more progressive methods than a pickaxe, a shovel, dynamite, or an excavating set.

Fairy tales of dwarves

Myths and fairy tales tell of elves and dwarves - humanoid creatures of small stature, who were in the habit of inhabiting the underground world. It is true that some tunnels have a small diameter for ordinary people today, so this explanation is offered in its entirety. However, there is no clear evidence for him.

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