Women - Throw away bras and celebrate your breasts

2 05. 07. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Breasts are amazing! They are beautiful, they can nurture children and have their own intelligence. Breasts have many incredible benefits for human health. They give women their power and power. They are the source of life for the next generation.

Your breasts deserve significant awards, care, pampering and respect

Yet all our breasts suffer from the dangerous effects of toxic substances in food, water, air and toilet needs. They are humiliated in the media, degraded by fashion and social dogmas, and by inadequate education for women's health.

A few weeks ago I had a dream. I was at the conference, and the organizers asked me to go to the podium and talk about breast health. They told me that it is important for more people to understand how important it is for women to care for their breasts. They asked me to lecture upstairs without, giving them more attention. My dream attention stopped with the feeling of feeling good in the situation that I would be lecturing (half-naked) to the stage. It awakened me.


A few days later, Angelina Jolie announced to the general public that she was planning to have her breasts removed preventively to prevent a potential cancer risk. This action inspired me even more to realize how important it is to talk about the natural care of our breasts. How much our environment, diet and lifestyle have an impact on our health. So, how important it is to care for our breasts.

That is why I want to share with you the positive and inspiring experience I want to share with women in their support so that they can more love their breasts, and they can learn more about how to naturally care for our wonderful breasts.

Let's together raise your breasts to the place they deserve!

Breasts want freedom

The bra is limiting the natural function of the lymph glands, and the movement of the fluid therein over the breasts, armpits and shoulders. This results in the concentration of toxins, which can then be the cause of cancerous growth. Bones bras are the worst what they can be. If it is metallic, it can disrupt the natural flow of energy in the breast area. A recent French study has shown that women who do not wear bras have breasts in better shape, even if they are older. The reason is the freedom and naturalness of bust movement during exercise, dance, walking or running. The free bounce of the bust gives them the possibility of natural circulation of the lymphatic circulation and natural drainage. The natural movement of the body gives the relaxed breasts the ability to move, exercise and thus be in good shape.

Busts trapped in a bra should tend to slacken, just like any muscle or other body part that naturally stops using it. The breasts in the bra will roar.

One of the causes of excessive breasts can be the paradoxical use of bras that prevent natural circulation in the lymph glands. Brassieres also affect the holding and construction of a woman's body. The weight of the breast, which is transferred to the shoulders thanks to the bra, affects the natural shoulder hold. The woman tends either to unnaturally cradle or to collapse - to huddle in herself. Paradoxically, the woman can suffer from back pain.

Breasts need a massage

Breasts need help in providing natural blood circulation. Female breasts are predominantly made up of fatty tissue, a system of nerve endings and mammary glands and ducts, connective tissue and lymph nodes.

Breast massage

Regular breast massage is an important exercise for women. This prevents the formation of unwanted substances in the body, promotes their natural ability to hold shape, and deepens their conscious physical touch to deepen their positive relationship to them. For massage, use cold pressed vegetable oils such as coconut, almond or jojoba oils. You can add pure essences of essential oils such as rose, jasmine or Clary Sage (sage mushroom).

I'm not talking about a massage performed by a man or other woman. I'm talking here exclusively about a massage that you do yourself so that you can better understand the feelings that come through your breasts through their massage. By doing so, you support your health and natural flow in your circulatory system.

Breasts are a source of heat

It is well documented that breasts are synchronized with the needs of the newborn. They can adapt to their needs and have the right temperature. When a child is placed on the mother's body right after birth, breasts have the natural ability to adjust their temperature to the baby's needs. If a mother has twins, she is able to respond individually to each child's body needs. Thus, breasts can regulate temperature more effectively than a newborn baby. They are able to prepare the milk in the correct composition and at the correct temperature according to the current immediate needs of the child.

Nursing milk is a universal remedy

Nursing milk is undoubtedly the most amazing food available to mankind. Nourishing milk is unique in its composition and can not be replaced. (If you've ever heard anything, then it's a big mistake!) Its chemical composition changes every minute and every day to provide the exact and correct nutrition to support the immunity the baby needs.

The breast can determine the child's saliva which substances the child needs most at the moment. There are more 400 active substances that breasts can put into breast milk, including probiotics and large amounts of stem cells.

The first milk (kolostrum) that comes out of the breast is rich in immune factors and is considered to be liquid gold, which is very important for the child's lifelong health. Nursing milk is also a very important remedy for many health ailments such as sore throats, ear infections, conjunctivitis, sore throat, rhinitis, and much more. When a woman regularly breastfeeds, her milk channels are cleansed.

Breastfeeding is thus a prevention of breast cancer, depending on how long a woman breastfeeds her baby. In other words, it is important for a woman to breastfeed for as long as possible, for the sake of her health and her health. A child has a natural need to have breastfeeding for at least three years.

Breasts are an energy center

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive system of predation that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is based on the principle of moving energy through the body through the meridians (energy tracks) and acupuncture points. There are six major meridians that pass through the bust area. Three of them have a relationship to kidneys, liver, stomach. At the site of their passage, most often they are sediments and nodules that can fall into a malignant tumor. TCM is treating breast cancer by addressing the causes of energy stagnation in the Chi movement.

Acupuncture and TCM are holistic treatments to boost your breasts and can be used well in combination with other curative techniques. I recommend that you massage the acupressure points on the meridians - by holding them or kneading - around your chest.

This will support the overall vitality and health of your body. As mentioned above, bones can influence the natural flow of chi energy in the breasts meridians by their shape (body pressure) and material (energy properties). That's why it's important for your breasts to move freely and so massage naturally.

Breasts are like canaries

Have you heard of Canaries hunting in the mines earlier? The miners were in the canaries, because they were so sensitive that they could identify the smallest amount of toxic substances in the air. If something like that appeared in the air, the canary died. Miners knew they had to leave the mine immediately! Breasts are also very sensitive.

Breasts are extremely sensitive, explore the environment and collect information about toxins and hormones. When breastfeeding the child's saliva is absorbed into the yard. Thanks to incredibly sensitive receptors, breasts immediately respond by providing nutrients and immune responses to the new baby's needs.

Breast cancer is today the most common form of cancer in women in the US. The cause is not breasts as such or our genetic equipment. Our breasts are like the canaries who inform us that there is something toxic in our environment.

Because we are using more than 70 thousand for our unnatural chemicals in the last hundred years in the United States, we live in the toxic soup that comes to us through air, food, water, our homes, cars, dresses, and more. Our breasts let us know that we need to make a big change in our environment for our happy and happy life, and for the lives of our future generations.

Breasts are a message for men

Men are confused if a woman wears her breasts in a bra. Naturally excited breasts are a clear signal to men that a woman is interested in it. However, if women wear a bra, they are always excited from the man's perspective. Historically, it was an intention in the aristocratic circles. Nowadays, the bra has become a social necessity that goes against nature.

Breasts are beautiful

Your breasts are absolutely perfect and they are just right to you. All kinds of busts are beautiful. Breast changes its shape and size depending on external and internal stimuli. That's all right. Some men like a big bust, others have a smaller bust instead, and others maybe just big. Regardless of size and shape, your breasts are perfectly fine. Love your breasts! They have tremendous power and are the source of great power and intelligence - they are absolutely amazing!

In Mongolia, it is customary that if a child feels dissatisfied and weeps, the women present wear their shirt and start dancing with their breasts. They cheerfully jump, the child soothes and looks amazed with enthusiasm. Everybody laughs at their busting breasts - including mom, grandmother, grandfather, ...! Laugh and love your breasts. They are amazing.

Women, throw our brasses and celebrate their beautiful breasts!


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