The neurosurgeon's answer: life after life exists!

1 01. 11. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander (08.10.2012) who underwent clinical death:

As a neurosurgeon I never believed in a phenomenon associated with near-death experiences. I grew up in the scientific world as the son of a neurosurgeon. I went in the footsteps of my father and received a degree in neurosurgery at the Harvard School of Medicine and other universities. I thought I understood what was happening in the brain when people were near death and I always believed that there were good scientific explanations for heavenly paths out of the body, described by people who came close to death.

The brain is an amazingly sophisticated but very fine mechanism. Just reduce the amount of oxygen, but only a small amount, and the brain will respond to it. It was not a great surprise that people who had been through a major trauma were returning with strange stories. But that does not mean it was real.

I considered myself a Christian rather than a sincere belief ...

In the fall of 2008, after seven days in a coma in which my brain was completely inactive, I experienced something so deep and intense that it gave me the scientific reason to be convinced of life after death.

I know how statements like mine sound to skeptics, so I will tell my story logically with the language of the scientist I am.

Dr. Eben Alexander and his story

Four years ago, early in the morning, I woke up with a big headache. Within hours, my entire cortex, which is responsible for thoughts and emotions and essentially makes us human, stopped working. Doctors at Lynchburg General Hospital in Virginia (a hospital where I myself worked as a neurosurgeon) concluded that I was infected with a very rare bacterium, meningitis, which usually attacks newborns. The E-coli bacterium hit the cerebrospinal fluid and began to eat up my brain.

When I got to the intensive care unit that morning, my chances of survival were very small and the situation was getting worse. For seven days I lay on the bed in a deep coma. My body did not respond to external stimuli and my brain (its higher functions) were completely out of order.

On the seventh day in the hospital, when my doctors were already considering whether to continue treatment, my eyes opened.

World enamelled by light

World enamelled by light

So far, there is no scientific explanation for the fact that although my body was in a coma, my mind was fully conscious and I myself I was alive and well. My nerve tissue in my brain was paralyzed by bacteria that completely disabled it. Thanks to that, my consciousness set out on a journey to another dimension of the vast Universe. A dimension that I had never even dreamed of before existed and about which my old Self would have gladly declared that there simply is no such thing. But the dimension (the world?), which has been innumerable times described by people who have experienced a near-death experience or other mystical states, there really is.

It really does exist. What I saw and learned, figuratively speaking, gave me a new perspective on the world. A world in which it is more than just our brains and bodies, and where death, is certainly not the end of our existence of consciousness, but merely the closing of one of the other chapters on the path of existence.

Life after Life exists

I am not the first to experience that consciousness exists beyond the limits of the body. The glimpses of this experience are as old as humanity itself. But as far as I know, I am the only documented case who have traveled to this world in a situation where:

  1. The nervous activity of the brain was completely zero
  2. My human body was under intense medical control every minute, all the time during the seven days I was in a coma.

The key arguments that go against near-death experiences, are based on the fact that these experiences are the result of at least minimal partial nerve activity in the brain. My near-death experiences were demonstrably in a situation where my brain was completely dysfunctional. This is evident from the course of my meningitis, regular CT scans and neurological examinations.

According to current medical understanding, there is no way I could be in my coma even with the slightest limited awareness, let alone have some cool live experiences that have met me on my journey I have undergone.

It took me several months to come to terms with what had happened to me. It wasn't just that I was conscious, even though I was in a coma. Much more important was what happened to me during that time. When I return to the beginning of my experience, I remember being in the clouds. Large puffy pink and white clouds that pointed clearly against the blue-black sky. Higher above the clouds (much higher above them) streamed crowds of shimmering transparent beings.

Birds? Angels? These words came to my mind later when I was writing down my memories. None of those words actually describe the essence of these beings, who were completely different from everything I knew on this planet Earth. They were more advanced - higher forms.

I heard a huge sound flourishing as a famous chorus, and I was wondering if this sound made those winged creatures. (Again, I thought about it later ...) I felt joy coming from me, and that they must make that sound for joy to come. The sound was almost palpable, like the rain you can feel on your skin. In this case, however, you will not be wet.

Visual and auditory perceptions were not separated there. I could hear the visible beauty of the silvery bodies of those gleaming beings. I could feel the growing joy at the perfection of what they were singing. It seemed to me that it was not possible to see or listen to anything in that world without becoming a direct part of it. Everything there was somehow mysteriously connected.

Again, I describe everything from my point of view today. There I got the impression that there is nothing in itself - something like separation. Everything was different (from what I knew?), But at the same time everything was part of everything else - just as the rich motifs of Persian rugs… or the colors on the butterfly wings intertwine.


It was even more strange. Most of the trip was someone else with me. She was a woman. She was young, and I remembered her, as she looked, in the smallest detail. She had high cheekbones and deep blue eyes. Her golden-brown hair framed her beautiful face.

When I first saw her, we rode together on an intricately patterned surface that reminded me of the patterns on the butterfly's wings after a while. In fact, there were suddenly millions of butterflies around us - a huge wave of them that plunged into the forest and returned to us. It was a river of life and colors moving in the air. The woman was dressed in simple peasant clothes. The colors of the clothes were very strong - blue, indigo, pastel orange.

It all worked very vividly like everything around us. She looked at me in such a way that when you looked at her, you realized that whatever you've done so far in your life, it was worth living, no matter what happened during your life. It was not a romantic sight. It was not a friendship. It was a look that was beyond all our imagination of love and parables that we have down here on Earth.

She spoke to me without words. The message passed through me like a blowing wind, and I knew for sure that it was true. I knew it with the same certainty with which I knew that the world around us was real - that it was not a fantasy.

The report had three parts, and if I had to translate it into the earthly language, it could be said that it sounded like this:

You are a loved and protected creature, honestly and forever.

You do not have to worry about anything.

There's nothing you can do wrong.

This message flooded me a huge sense of crazy enthusiasm and relief. It was as if somebody finally explained to me the rules of the game I played all my life without fully understanding the essence.

"We'll show you a lot of things here," the woman said again without words but with the very clear essence of a thought directed directly at me. "Or you can go back."

For this I had the only question: "Back to where?"

life for 04Vanul warm wind like the most beautiful summer days. He spread the leaves of the trees and the ancient past as heavenly water. The divine wind. Everything has changed, and the world has moved the octave higher - higher vibration.

Although I still had a little ability to speak, as we understand it on Earth, I began to ask questions without a word to the magical wind and the divine being behind me, or rather sailed with the wind.

Where am I?

Who I am?

Why am I here?

Each time I quietly created one of those thoughts, an immediate answer came in the form of an exploding light of color, love, and beauty that passed through me like a shockwave. What was absolutely amazing on these explosions was that all my questions were heard. They responded to them in a way that exceeded language. Thoughts came straight. It was not the way we are used to Earth. It was not vague, intangible or abstract. These ideas were solid and immediate - warmer than fire and damp than water - and every time I got the answer, I was able to fully understand the concepts in all the details that would take me on Earth for many years.

I continued on. I entered the endless dark space. It was incredibly reassuring. Still, the intense black was imbued with light - light that seemed to come to me from a huge brilliant plowing I felt close to me. That orb was like translator between me and what surrounded me. It was as if I had been born into a giant world. The universe itself was like a huge space uterus, and the orb (which I felt was interconnected, or even identical with a woman on butterfly wings) accompanied me.

Later, when I returned, I found a quote from the 17th century. The Christian poet Henry Vaugham, who came into close contact with this magical place, with this huge ink-black place that was the home of the Deity himself.

"There is, it is possible to say, the darkness of God infused with light ..."

Pitch black darkness

It was precisely that: the ink-dense darkness that had been penetrated by intense light.

I fully understand how extraordinary and absolutely incredible this all sounds. If someone (plus a doctor) had told me something like that in the past, I would be absolutely sure that he was under the influence of some delusion. But what happened to me was completely far from an illusion. It was real, and in fact much more real than anything in my life. This includes our wedding and the birth of two sons.

What happened to me is asking for an explanation.

Modern scientists tell us that the universe is united - that it is indivisible. Although we seem to live in a world full of separation and difference, (quantum) physics tells us that beneath the surface, every object and every event in the universe is completely interconnected with every other object or event. There is no real separation.

Before my personal experience, these words were just abstractions. Today it is a fact for me. Not only is the universe defined by unity, it is (now I know) defined by love. The universe, as I experienced it during a coma (in utter shock and joy), is the same thing that Einstein and Jesus spoke of, though each in a different sense.

Meetings with acquaintances

Meetings with acquaintances

I spent dozens of years as a neurosurgeon in the most prestigious medical facilities in our country. I know that many of my contemporaries, like myself, are supporters of the theory that the brain, and especially the brain cortex, generates consciousness, and that we live in the universe without many emotions, including the unconditional love that, as I know now, radiates to us God and the universe. But this belief, this theory lies now in ruins. What happened to me destroyed her.

I plan to spend the rest of my life exploring the true essence of consciousness and explaining that we are more than much more than our physical brains. I will try to explain it as clearly as possible, to my scientific colleagues and other people.

I do not expect it to be a light task (for the reasons I have described). When a castle of old scientific theory begins to break, no one wants to pay attention first. To build an old castle was too much work in the first place, and as it collapses, it will be necessary to build a new one in its place.

I came to it after I recovered and came back to life. I started to talk except for my wife Holley, who suffered a lot, and our two sons and other people about what happened to me. According to views of polite distrust (especially from my friends' doctors), I soon discovered how difficult it would be to explain to me the people I experienced during the week when my brain was shut down.

One of the places where I did not have a problem explaining my experiences was the church - a place where I had rarely lived before. For the first time, when I entered the church after the coma, I saw everything very clearly. The stained glass colors reminded me of the brilliant beauty of the landscape I saw above. With the deep tones of the organ I remembered that thoughts and emotions in the world are like the waves that move through you. Most importantly, the image of Jesus who breaks bread and his disciples evoked within me the message that was the essence of my journey-that God loves us and accepts unconditionally and infinitely more than I taught about religion in my childhood .

But now I understand that such a view is the simplest. The bare fact is that the materialistic image of the body and brain that create human consciousness is condemned to extinction. In his place comes a new look at the mind and body. This view is both scientific and spiritual, and its highest value will be what the great scientists always enjoy most of all - the truth. This new image of reality will long be created. It will not be completed in our time, and probably not even at the time our children grow up. Reality is too vast, complex and mysterious to create a perfect picture. But in essence this view will show the universe as evolving, multi-dimensional, known to God in the last atom. God who cares even deeper and more fearful than any parent loving his child.

I'm still a doctor and a scientist, just like my experience. But in the depths of my soul I am completely different than before because I have seen the flash of this emerging image of reality. And you can trust me that every bit of our work and the work of those who come after us will be worth it.

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