ET and New Cosmology (2 Part): Apples, pears and stardust

17. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The previous part is an overview that brings us to the main interest - extraterrestrial presence. Here he is also exploring cosmology. The universe filled with biologic and nonbiological intelligent species presents an extraordinary challenge to the phenomenal overlap of completely different types of beings!

A challenge for anyone trying to understand the alien nations that are currently visiting Earth. Wouldn't a 17th-century holographic projection be interpreted as a ghost? What about a simple flashlight? Absolute magic!

For this reason, ET / UFO dominates the cosmological crisis. This was supported by the deliberate misinformation and psychological warfare of some secret groups (more later). The result was mixing apples, pears and star dust into one. It is reminiscent of the film "Gods Must Be Crazy", where a bottle of Coke thrown from a small plane in remote, primitive Africa becomes a subject of great mystery, conflict, supernatural significance and power for the natives who found it. While the film is a comedy, it contains an important and relevant message: Do we now act as bottle cocaine seekers?

For example, observers of the ET / UFO phenomenon may conclude that an extraterrestrial spacecraft is not actually physical or material at all, since it can sometimes simply "disappear". Magical? Interdimensional? Or does extraterrestrial technology simply allow a vessel to move beyond the speed of light at the moment of quantum acceleration? The neural pathways of the human eye are unable to observe the acceleration of this range, so the object seems to simply disappear.

CAT and TAC technology

First, the natural nature of advanced extraterrestrial technology is so advanced that it seems to be "supernatural" rather than just super technology. For this reason (and good old-fashioned scientific arrogance), even stubborn scientists tend to reject certain aspects of extraterrestrial expression, or consider them unrealistic, supernatural, or superstition. Consider the development of consciously supported technology (CAT). For example, instead of typing keyboard shortcuts into a computer, one would simply think of a command. The computer would be programmed to recognize and accept your thought signature. Many witnesses saw the aliens doing just that on board the spaceship. Impossible? Magic? Nonsense? Respect your words! UNLV scientist Dean Radin is working on a so-called "psychic switch" that corresponds to the description above. How far could much more advanced aliens have gone?

On the other hand is a technology-assisted consciousness (TAC). Specialized machines support thought functions, thinking, or consciousness. A simple example is the Hemisynch tones from the Monroe Institute, which help to develop deep states of relaxation, widespread consciousness, and increased strength and abilities. A more advanced use, perhaps for modern bizarre scientists, is ET's ability to use certain technologies to communicate with telepathic people. There are literally hundreds of different credible cases all over the world describing this fact.

Thinking is the best way to travel

In the case of extraterrestrial civilizations, the ability to communicate at a speed above the speed of light becomes a necessary technology. Moody Blues quoted, "Thinking is the best way to travel". Why? Because it's immediate. So it should not come as a surprise that stellar people would develop communication by thought rather than by radio waves. There are many cases of witnesses who, upon seeing a spacecraft, thought of something like: "I wish the thing came back so I could take a better look!" The ship then suddenly changed direction and flew straight to the person.. The high precision of these bilateral exchanges could mean that these ships and their inhabitants have technology that truly links their ideas with the ideas of other forms of life.

TACs can also be used by aliens for teleportation, telekinesis, remote sensing, and even at higher levels of consciousness. Once we understand the connection between mind and matter and mind and space-time, potential applications will be almost limitless and beyond imagination. It is clear why the issue of advanced extraterrestrial technology is so important to this discussion of cosmological confusion. The very advanced technologies of extraterrestrial civilizations may resemble or be identical to other so-called paranormal phenomena. Distinguishing one from each other requires understanding, knowledge, patience and, above all, experience.

People with "classic extraterrestrial abduction experiences" undergoing hypnotic regression can greatly delight hypnotists with prejudices about extraterrestrial abductions in the details of the subconscious. So - is it real or is it Memorex? When working with the human mind, great care must be taken to filter out new cosmology from these aspects, especially in overlapping areas such as non-biological intelligent life forms, humans and aliens.

Ufologists can incorrectly mark a contact with a spirit or hologram similar to an astral beings in a waking state, dream, or meditation, for an alien visit. But be careful. The above-mentioned higher holistic cosmology allows us to think that it is a spiritual guide, an angel, another living person who shows his astral body, a deceased relative, hypnogyic hallucination, or a technological or mental projection of aliens in the room.

Distinction between extraterrestrial technology and spirit

The question is: If you do not admit or are unaware of the various possibilities, a misinterpretation is very likely. Similarly, many people experiencing countless unusual phenomena will consider them a single phenomenon. The result is mixing apples with pears and stardust. Accepting and understanding a truly holistic cosmology will help us a lot to avoid this confusion. But even so, to distinguish overlapping areas where one phenomenon imitates another requires enormous care and great experience. How else will we distinguish between extraterrestrial technology and the spirit, which is the advanced interaction of mind and matter? Or between human technology and experience?

And that brings us to the third contributor of cosmological confusion: secret human programs designed to confuse and divert society from an extraterrestrial question.

It should be noted that in 45 years, secret human attempts to copy extraterrestrial technologies have made considerable progress. In addition, some clandestine laboratories within military and intelligence agencies are working on highly invasive and effective electronic and psychic technologies, much more advanced than most people can imagine. For the purpose of disinformation, we can imitate extraterrestrial technology and events. Trustworthy members of the military have introduced us to "non-lethal defense" and similar fields. They confirmed to us that there are psychoelectronic technologies that can target an individual or a group and remotely induce them to have a personal conversation with God. Their belief in truth could pass on a lie detector.

Wake up

Let's wake up. The simple division of all anomalous experiences is not only unscientific but also extremely dangerous. There are completely human technologies that can evoke personal and collective experiences related to ET / UFOs. Like previous experiments with human plutonium or bacteriological warfare, these "experiments" have been real hidden activities of the past 30-40 years. Electronic and implant technologies, all human, can provoke a very convincing experience of 'kidnapping'. The location of abductions around military facilities and the presence of unmarked, black, electronically controlled helicopters near the abduction victims' homes is no coincidence.

The public was deceived and the civilian UFO research community was completely sacrificed to these special projects, which were to deceive and, above all, misinform the public on extraterrestrial issues. "Body abductors" based on an extraterrestrial presence are led by a comprehensive plan to convince the public that there is an "extraterrestrial threat that we must all unite and fight against."
Do not be fooled. The future of life on earth and our incipient relationships with extraterrestrial civilizations may depend on having our eyes open.

The importance of hidden human activities must not be underestimated in cosmological confusion. Human alien awareness was manipulated by those who would hide real gold beneath the gold cat's mount. Events that look and sound like extraterrestrial can in fact be part of a fraud of human origin. And if we do not even consider the role of hidden disinformation programs in our list of cosmological options, then we will be condemned to misidentify and misinterpret many of these events.


The human factor contributing to cosmological confusion is not limited by hidden activities. There are a number of misconceptions, hallucinations, delusions, false memories, deceptions, scientific arrogance and general human egotism. All this contributes to the total collective cosmological headache. Admitting to a problem is the first step to healing it.

Alien civilizations. People. Nebiological forms of life. The universe is a complex, diverse and fascinating place. Or not-place? This will lead us through education and, above all, experience. For if we are to go after this giant ocean, we need a rudder, a compass, and for the beginning some coastal paths.

We have to combine our knowledge and experience and with the courage and determination to run around the shore, further from the shore and then into the vast and unlimited ocean of the inner and outer space. We are not at the end of time or history, but we stand on the threshold of unlimited possibilities, at a time when common dreams come true.

ET and new cosmology

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