Suenee Universe: Declaration of Independence

07. 09. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

We are an interest group of persons that is not owned or financed by any corporation or multinational company. We are independent in decision-making.

Presented articles may not always be the opinion of editorial members. Articles:

  1. taken over - are published in good faith. We are not their authors and we are not responsible for their formal or factual correctness. We have an agreement with the authors of the articles that we can take them over or use the rights to share the article arising from the license.
  2. author's articles - replies author
  3. translations - the translator is responsible for the translation and the author of the original is the content
  4. the translator and author of the original are responsible for the author's translations.

The information provided is given to readers as they are. Every reader has the free will to decide whether or not to accept that information.

As it is not always possible to supervise an authoritatively or generally accepted source of some information (unless it is direct testimony from trusted persons or declassified documents from government archives), it is up to the reader to assess the quality of the information offered and express his opinion on the topic. For this, readers have the opportunity to place discussion posts under the article.

Editors reserve the right to publish the articles we consider appropriate. Alternatively, the article can only quote or redraw.

The author's article is always the subjective opinion of the author who does not have to express the opinion of the majority. The author is aware that his contribution may be subject to substantive discussion.

The editors express an open intention to provide priority information from sources that are in direct contact with the topics that are the subject of the website content.

The intention of the editorial office is to address direct witnesses of events - potential informants, whether retired employees or people in active service, who will be willing to testify on the record, both while maintaining anonymity and revealed identity.

Editorial members are opening new ideas and information and opinion trends.

Let the reader be aware that the information provided may not always be 100% true, but that it may contain a certain percentage of knowingly or unknowingly distorted information that comes from original sources. And since we mostly rely on third-party information, we always act to the best of our knowledge and belief. Again, it is up to the reader to assess the relevance of the information.

We notify the general public of the above and declare that our intention is to act with maximum openness and transparency.

We are opening the publication of controversial topics. We keep our senses in mind for meaningful content. An open heart without prejudices and without fear.

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