India: Ellora Cave

07. 01. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

We are located in India in the Caves of Ellora. I want to show you evidence of the existence of secret underground spaces under the caves. As you can see, there is a rectangular tunnel about 30 cm wide, which runs vertically down and is closed to the public. I asked the guards if I could take a closer look, but they told me that visitors were not allowed to do so. They also told me that the tunnel is more than 12 meters deep and continues at a right angle. No one knows what follows, because the tunnel is still too narrow for a person.

Here is one that we can see. It is a channel at the end of which there is a small rectangular opening. The water should flow over to the other side of the temple. I went to the other side, but there's a stone! So the hole must only lead underground. Notice that the hole is big enough for an 10-year baby. And as an adult man is not there, could he be created for humans?

This is another hidden corridor that I tried to cross, but it is so narrow after 3 that it can not go any further. Where do these mysterious tunnels lead? Who could also use narrow transitions? Another important question is: How can such narrow tunnels be excavated when no man gets through them? Has a man created them? Have they been created for aliens who are smaller than humans?

Notice how the entrance in this cave temple leads underground. There are hidden underground passages. The police officers told me that there were several underground tunnels, which gradually narrowed until it was impossible for a person to get further. All are closed. According to this old door, I conclude that the tunnels were closed to the public 30-40 years ago.

Underground tunnels are not just in one place, but are scattered at a distance of several kilometers. It is possible that under the caves in Ellore there is a huge underground city such as Derinkuyu in Turkey? Derinkuyu is a large underground city with many technical conveniences, which could live more than 20000 people. It was discovered in 1965.

If it is true that there is an underground city in Ellore, there should be ventilation shafts to ensure air circulation. In Derinkuyu there are thousands of openings in the ground that serve as ventilation shafts. Look at this ventilation shaft in Ellore in a dark room. It is about 10 cm wide, but it is so deep that we cannot see the end of it. Could it be a ventilation shaft leading to an underground city?

And what about this shaft that leads underground? We see hundreds of holes drilled in the stone floors. Some of them are not finished, they are only a few centimeters deep. Some of the openings have recently been concreted. I asked the guide why and he replied that someone had dropped the car keys and didn't pull them out. Therefore, they preferred to concrete the holes.

What else could the purpose of these deep holes in the floor be? Why would anyone carve hundreds of holes in a stone and put in so much effort? Certainly not for no reason. Now let's look at this deserted place where bats live. It is an old shrine of the Hindu god in which the lingam is located. Centuries ago, as part of religious ceremonies, large amounts of water poured into this lingam every day and it flowed down this canal. Notice that it has been covered with stones. Where the water would flow. Let's see: it would flow straight down this tunnel.

It would be all pointless if the water had nowhere to drain. It would flood entire caves. There are hundreds of idols on which thousands of liters of water have been poured every day. Was it a way to get clean water underground, which was then used for various purposes? If there was no water pouring in, it could also be a ventilation shaft. Was the whole complex of Ellora caves created so that humans and aliens could live underground? And if so, shouldn't it be depicted on at least one statue or relief? What about this relief depicting Nagas or snake gods in the underground beneath the Buddha? Note that they are much smaller than the Buddha. Could these beings use narrow tunnels that are too small for humans?

Let's look at this relief, which depicts two humanoids underground. Note that humans are always displayed on the ground, while humanoids are always below them. Again, notice how small the humanoid on the left side is. In the caves of Ellora there are temples of 3 different religions - side by side are carved Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples, which were created on the basis of various mythologies. Interestingly, snake gods and humanoids are depicted underground in all kinds of temples. This is a Buddhist temple and there are Nagas in it underground and this is a Jain temple and you see humanoids underground. Why do all these religions depict Nagas and humanoids smaller than humans and below their level?

Notice the clear image of humanoids and even cattle living underground. There are 8 underground floors in the underground city of Derinkuyu in Turkey. During the excavations, the remains of cattle were found there. Are these reliefs a clear indication that an underground city is buried beneath the Ellora Caves?

I searched the internet for mentions of the underground city of Ellore. I didn't find anything about the caves in Ellore and the underground city, but I did find two maps. Both independently represent underground cities around the world. The first of the maps belongs to the Leading Edge research group and is precisely the place where the Ellora Caves are located. The second map allegedly originally belonged to the KGB. This map also shows an exact location of the underground Ellora caves. These sources suggest that these are not just small tunnels, but large underground cities with an area of ​​several square kilometers.

All this evidence suggests that there is a hidden city under the caves in Ellore.

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