We are locked in a computer simulation of aliens (2.

17. 09. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Are we in a computer simulation of aliens?

In twelve-and-a-half years of 1965, Jerry composed wood at sunset when a silver disc appeared over the pines. Big dim lights pulsed around the flying UFO. Then she turned quietly back. Nevertheless, the tops of the pine trees swayed as if in a strong wind. This meant that the disk was emitting some energy or field that caused the movement. Jerry heard telepathically from the one in the silver craft that invisible visitors would return in the future to meet Jerry again. A year later, In July 1966 stood Jerry in the face of a tall, blond blue-eyed alien called Zo.

Alien named Zo

He told Jerry that he was from a humanoid civilization on a planet orbiting star Tau Ceti, about twelve light years from Earth. Over the next five years, they also met several times on board a spacecraft.

Jerry said the alien He controlled the disk body with a handprint panel. The same concept is depicted on panels with four six-finger handprints found on May 31, 1947, next to dead aliens after a UFO crash southwest of Socorra, New Mexico. It was between Aragon and Mount Elk at the western end of San Agustin. A later autopsy took place at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, or at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in Maryland. The creatures controlled the ship mind connecting through hands placed on panels. The photo was taken on 16 mm film, which was acquired by British television producer Ray Santilli in 1995 from the original military photographer.

Simulation - control panels

Alien from Tau Ceti too showed Jerry 1,2 a meter high black dice that holographically projected the Milky Way galaxy from other parts the universe. Different stars showed in different colors. When Zo showed the star systems, telepathically told Jerry that people on Earth are not coming from this planet.

John Keel

John Keel told me the same thing on a plane in the XNUMXs. I told him:

"The universe must be ubiquitous, I have heard of so many different types of ETs."

John Keel struck me with a sentence:

"In this universe there are very few who are not humanoids."

He said he would not talk about any other types. I recognize John Keel, I consider the book 'Our haunted planet' to be one of the best ever written. And I think what John Keel told me on the plane in the XNUMXs, and what I didn't understand then, is very close to what this alleged Tau Ceti alien told Jerry. People on Earth do not come from this planet, which means that there are many people in this universe who have heads, arms and legs. Humanoid DNA comes from the whole universe.

According to Zo, there are many other dimensions like the different frequencies of music notes, each dimension is separated from others, but many dimensions together are like the musical quartet you play on the piano. Each note has a different frequency, but you have a chord of three frequencies C, A, G, and it is developing - it's playing again. I begin to think that we are set in many dimensions, as we perceive chords and music, and that they are all separated from one another, such as a piano.

Peruan shaman Pedro

Jerry's other teacher was a Peruvian shaman named Pedro, who was familiar with the gate of Arama Mur at Lake Titicaca. Pedro did not speak English, but despite the translators, Jerry learned that the stone gate is a two-way passage between worlds and dimensions. Pedro explained to Jerry that he should kneel and put his forehead in a small shallow indented place in the rock. Then he has sing a specific tone over and over again, until the tone is completely correct. The gate opens and the magician disappears into other spheres.

Pedro also told Jerry that he saw those he called the old. The creatures passing through this gate were as tall as Jerry (185 cm) or taller. The ancients were dressed in royal clothes similar to the Incas. Pedro also knew that the tall ancient men had knelt before the rock door and began to sing facing the rock door, and then suddenly disappeared. When Jerry listened to Pedro, he wanted to try those tones. In November 1998, immediately after her marriage to Kathy, the couple traveled to Lake Titicaca in Peru. At the gate of Aram Muru, Pedro showed him three different tones that were to be kept secret. If Jerry could create the right tones, he would walk through a large stone door to where the ancient ones came.

Jerry revealed what happened on November 11, 1998 at 23 p.m., kneeling in front of a stone portal. Kathy watched from a distance. He began to mimic the tones Pedro had taught him. At first he felt like he was going to the cliff again. When he set out for the first time, he felt a terrible grip on his stomach in his chest. He began to see the stars and galaxies passing by, as if in a protective bubble moving through space.

And now Jerry (J) himself describes what's going on.

J: I felt like I was walking through something I could feel. There was some kind of impedance. I closed my eyes because it was so much pressure that it was hard to breathe. Suddenly I was on the floor. I think it was like a big white floor. Everything was white. I can not tell if there was a wall. There was nothing from floor to ceiling, no curvature, no distinctive aspect. Everything was like a big white cloud. I could stamp on the floor, feeling my feet like plastic. I decided to find out if there were some acoustic properties, so I started to whistle high and low tones. It was dead. Then I started screaming if anyone was here. Within a second a voice came out. It was like a intercom. He was a man and sounded a little surprised. I asked him where I am.

S: (intercom): "Who are you?".

J: "I'm Jerry Wills. "

S: "Where are you from? "

J: "I was at the door of our caravan.

S: "I do not know what it is. "

J: "It's on planet Earth, in the southern hemisphere.

S: "Oh, Earth. OK "

J: "Where am I? Is this real? I really do. "

S: "Oh, it's very real. I understand your confusion. "

He said I was in another world outside of my universe. I wanted to understand how it was possible.

S: "There are many universes. You left only two hours ago. "

J: "So where is this universe? "

S: "It would not do any good if I tried to explain everything to you."

J: "How did I get here?"

Apparently these people, whoever they were, were very curious about the nature of the universe. To understand their universe, they tried to model it using what they knew. However, when they created it, their creation began to evolve to the point where it stopped growing. It's pretty big. They managed to create another universe, which they did not intend. And he evolved. And it started working fairly quickly.

J: "Okay, I do not understand. We think the universe is billions and billions of years old. "

S: "It's okay, where you're from, time is measured very differently. Time is different in every universe. "

J: We were looking at the past, and he continued the concepts that made no sense to me. Several decades for him in his universe, several billion years in my universe. Time for me far more remarkable than for him.

S: "OK. Look about 30 meters ahead of you. "

There was a sort of big black gelatinous thing floating in the air.

S: "Do you see all those light points? "

They blended into the pale and dark areas

J: "What is it? "

S: "The universe from which you came. "

J: The thing had bars that shone like a neon. Small balls of light moved inside, something like fluorescence. Inside some dark areas. The bars were located along its circumference. They did not even seem to be connected in any way.

J: "Those bars are massive. "

S: "Holds it in a place that maintains a balance. We think that's why he stopped developing. "

Linda: "So they tried to deliberately stop the development of this universe?"

J: "I think yes. He was really worried that he would continue to grow and just swallow them. What would happen to them? ”

Linda: "So they are in a different universe and there they created a laboratory universe to test it or learn something. And then their laboratory test universe somehow transformed into our universe in which we are. "

J: "He said they tried to understand their place in their universe and discovered that they themselves are within a certain universe just as we are inside them. These are layers and layers. It divides us very little. They found this.

Linda: "From our point of view, the universe is 13,9 billion light-years old and is inside a universe with a white room with a voice. Is it like Russian dolls stacked on top of each other? ”

J: "It's like a Russian doll."

J:"What machine did you use for that?"

S: "The closest is the Large Hadron Collider in Europe."

J: He spoke about how the particles collided, and somehow a spark appeared. And the spark did not disappear. Instead, it began to grow, and as it grew, it began to accumulate and create itself.

S: "Imagine it as a white hole, like a place where creation manifests itself within the streams of energy that move in and out simultaneously."

Linda: "So they experimented in another universe."

J: "They found that life began to fill the entire universe they created. They were fascinated and curious as to how possible. The gates I went through have in different places throughout the universe. They send scientists to study the universe, because this is a completely new field of science. When they began to discover life here, they were quite shocked. Apparently I'm not the only person who has ever come to this gate. And these gates seem to be in other places on this planet, as well as on other planets. They learned to control their travel. According to that voice, there is a way to determine where you are traveling. But my only interest at this point was how I would be fine. "

Linda: "Is it possible that those beings whom Pedro spoke were explorers? Explorers who are following this surprising laboratory cosmic experiment that made life come to life?

J: "I think this is very possible, because as I mentioned, the time is much different than it is here. Perhaps they thought they would succeed as the Incas, dressed as they did when they first arrived. They are kings. Wherever they go, they do not have a problem. "

Linda: "But they are not kings, they are scientists from another universe."

J: "Yes, exactly. The voice I spoke to told me he was interested in the fact that life spread spontaneously further and further. These things were identical. Atom and galaxy ... It can be Theory of the holofractographic universe?

J: "They tried to understand their place in space. They did not expect to find out that there is a universe inside them, and there is a universe that surrounds them. It was absolutely amazing to them.

Linda: "If they find out that they are inside another universe and that they have created the universe they surround, they may nest in an infinite number of universes."

J: "I think this fact determines why there is no upper limit."

Linda: "What is the relationship between their universe and this? "

J: "I have no idea. I couldn't understand his definition of time. The only thing I can imagine is that moving from one place to another is beyond the dynamics of time. These doors are instant passages to other places you know. You can be somewhere, and in a moment you are elsewhere. "

Linda: "It is said that traveling through these gates is time travel.

J: "When it passes through these things, I do not know how time works. It's the same situation as Zo. He said they could come from here almost instantly. There is no time during the passage. Time stops and then restarts when it arrives. "

Linda: "What you came up with now looks like we were in a simulated universe."

J: "Everything makes sense to me. Most importantly, I believe that at least in these universes there are beings who are aware of themselves and their surroundings. This sparkle of life connects us, no matter which universe we come from. Occasionally there is a veil, sometimes there is a barrier that I have twice gone through. But this common feature of life is inspirational wherever you go. There is a spark of intelligence and sparks of life. It can be quite good.

Holographic universe

How many of you have heard or read Michael Talbot's 'Holographic Universe'. Maybe a couple of you. I encourage everyone to read it. It was first released in 1991. At the same time, I spoke at a conference in the Midwest with Budd Hopkins, a researcher on human abduction. The book publishes the overwhelming hypothesis that our universe was designed by something from another dimension.

After the conference, we were returning the same route via New York. We talked to Budd about some new kidnappings and he surprised me when he said,

"I'll tell you something intimately. Michael Talbot was one of my UFO kidnapping cases, but nobody knows. He did not tell anyone and does not want anyone to know. They are afraid that if people know the truth they would not read his book. Michael told me the truth that it was the whole universe holographic concept, he learned telepathically from the aliens who had kidnapped him. "

Michael Talbot died a year later at age 39 for leukemia. Budd Hopkins died in 2011. Now, in 2017, the number of scientific articles and headlines that are asking about these issues is still increasing. We live in a holographic universe created by computer simulation?

This is a transcript of the interview:

We're locked in a computer simulation of aliens

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