Are they people at all? (6.): MJ Jahenny

10. 05. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Marie Julie Jahenny was born in 1853 in the French village of La Fraudais near Nantés. From the age of twenty, she had all sorts of stigma. When she prophesied that 1.10.1880 would become something extraordinary, she came to her, among others, the formerly mentioned author of La Stigmatisation - dr. Inbert Goubeyer. She was known for being refused food, lived only in the air a of love for Jesus and she appeared on her body stigma (the wounds in the places where Jesus was crucified), who bleed persistently until her death.

So let's start by describing this excess of a young woman. MJJ first pulled her head into her body until she completely disappeared between her shoulders. Her figure changed radically. It shrank, while the left side grew like a balloon and the right contracted in the folds. The shoulders reached an unnatural right angle in relation to the collarbone. The tongue grew to an abnormal size. At the same time there were stigmata of these dreadful scenes. Eventually, in front of desperate and frightened viewers, the human ball stood with grotesque groans and bleeding wounds.

Marie Julie Jahenny and her uniqueness

Yes, we have generic kinship with capacities of all-round talent DD Homa from the earlier part of the series. But in this sense - I mean the controlled body transformation - Marie Julie led. If you look at a totally disfigured human cartoon, you would doubt your sanity. I recall that here we are talking about "conscious" management of marvelous abilities, a phenomenon named Marie Julie Jahenny.

Not only I am in doubt what are the beings I describe in my series. Finally, I consider the question to which I would like to find one answer - Were they people at all?

Are they people at all?

More parts from the series