Controversial music on 440 Hz frequency

4 19. 11. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I believe most of you like music. This phenomenon has been guiding people since time immemorial. A person listens to his favorite artists or is a musician himself. Yet, wondering, even in this category, conspiracy theories can be found quite fundamentally. This is the forced frequency of 440 Hz.

The universe is full of vibrations and audible tones. Our Planet Earth resonates at the common Cosmic frequency 432 Hz. Today's music based on the fundamental tone of A - 440 Hz creates unhealthy effects such as antisocial behavior in human consciousness and other negative currents, disharmony of the whole organism, and consequently its disease. For proper harmony with the Universe, there is a Fibonacci music scale where the base frequency is 432 Hz versus 440 Hz.

Let's take a look at music history and find out where there is a mistake. The world's greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, composed their music on the A - 432 Hz frequency, because a year ago 1939 was generally tuned to that frequency. Today, most Western music is tuned to A - 440Hz because the International Organization for Standardization endorsed it in 1955, following a previous recommendation from 1939 by Joseph Göebbels' spokesman for the Nazi Party.

Another study also says that 440 Hz stimulates the left hemisphere where our EGO is stored. what do you seeyou know/ hearste, it must be true. 432 Hz is supposedly closer to natural sound (birds singing, human vocals) and is more pleasant to listen to and stimulates the right hemisphere (feeling, empathy, intuition). Audio tracks in 432 Hz seem to fill in the space right inside you, while the track sounding in today's tone 440 Hz mostly omitted consciousness.

Here is a comparison of both frequencies when playing with sand

and here in the water

Try it yourself, there are thousands of songs on the net at 432 Hz

If 432 Hz appeals to your ears and soul, there are many conversion applications….

432 Hz universe sound

432 Hz universe sound

Which frequencies are better for your hearing?

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