
22. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

If we are interested in archeology, we have certainly met with the meander ornament, for example on tiles, jugs, etc. This meander is widespread and widely used worldwide. When we look around us well, we can find it in the room around us.

If we begin to wonder about the ornament of meander, what the symbol actually means, we will find that virtually nothing has been preserved to this day. Someone may find and say that the water flow is meandering. It means that the watercourse, the river creates bends, and this science today calls the water flow to meander. But our ancestors under the Meander understood, even if two water streams flow alongside each other, or two water streams merge into one flow and form a hard letter y. We can also meet another name - the so-called Greek ornament, but if we start to get more interested in it, we will join the meander version.

There are two ornaments of meander. A classic meander, and then a second type of meander - a meander combined with a vortex. This second type of ornament - a meander with a whirlpool some knits with a symbol of happiness ie Svastika.

So much so far to the meander ornament and continue with the symbol of the Vír.

Hidden forces of Mother Earth

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