Planina Nazca: defilé hypothesis

1 03. 04. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Many centuries before the arrival of the Incas, a historical monument was created on the southern coast of Peru, which has no analogues in the world and is intended for descendants. In terms of dimensions and accuracy of design, it does not match the Egyptian pyramids.

If we look with bowed heads at the huge three-dimensional structures of simple geometric shapes, then in Peru we have to look from a great height at the vast plain, covered with mysterious lines and figures, which seem to be drawn with a huge hand.

Maria Reiche, from the book The Mystery of the Desert

Nazca Plateau

Many geoglyphs on the plateau are so large that we can only see them from a great height. These magnificent monuments of ancient times, some of which were created several millennia ago, are one great mystery and Nazca Plateauthey contain lots of undetected puzzles. Maybe in pictures similar cult drawings, are written ancient knowledge from the field of astrology, which belonged to the set of temple teachings, and it was passed on by priests from generation to generation.

In 1939, the American archaeologist Paul Kosok organized an (air) expedition to the Nazca plain. It was then that sketches and images were taken for the first time, which made it possible to compile an approximate "map" of the figures on the Nazca. All other surveys are to a greater or lesser extent associated with the name of the German archaeologist Maria Reiche.

She began her research in 1941, and in a few years, with the help of military aerial topographers, she was able to fully map the area. In 1947, Dr. Reiche created an atlas of drawings on the plain, which confirmed the map of Kosok.

On the plateau, which extends over 50 kilometers from north to south and at 5 - 7 km from west to east, Nazca Plateauthere are various lines and strips. Their number is around 13, in addition, there are about 000 figures, including various trapezoids, polygons and spirals.

The Nazca platform resembles a huge drawing board with geometric lines. Making similar geoglyphs would be a decent challenge for our current technology.

The lines are formed either by strips or lines in the length of several hundred and the width of several tens of meters, depth 25 - 30 cm. Geoglyphs are often stacked on top of each other, which indicates the time of their creation. Taking later shapes, outlined other generations do not disturb the original.


As Paul Kosok and then Maria Reiche did in his scientific work, there are shapes in the Nazca Plain, made Astroarcheologiein accordance with strict mathematical correlations. After 50 years of research, Dr. Reiche concluded that the drawings were in any case linked to astronomical observations of the culture that created them, and were also used in cult ceremonies.

Maria Reiche was of the opinion that it was the largest open-air observatory. However, another specialist in astroarcheology, Gerald Stanley Hawkins, has a different opinion. He is convinced that astronomical content has a maximum of 20% of shapes. This issue has been disputed to this day.

Defiled hypotheses

The first Nazca researcher Paul Kosok noticed as early as 1939 that some individual lines were in harmony with certain stars and constellations and at the same time corresponded to different phases of the Moon and places of sunrise and sunset. These findings are based on his hypothesis that Nazcy geoglyphs are a huge calendar.

Maria Reiche then developed his theory and together with her colleagues, L. Dowson, G. Winkl and Z. Zelek, she was Defiled hypothesesof the opinion that, in addition to their astronomical significance, the figures also had a mystical purpose of use. She proved it with more than a hundred symbols of the labyrinth. In India, for example, labyrinths are considered the entrance to the underground world and its ritual connection with the Sun. Thus a ceremonial walk through the labyrinth with a goodbye (the flame of life) could be born.

There is also a version that it was about demographic flap, according to which Nazca was used as a population control. At a time of strong growth, leaders and priests sent people to build drawings on the plain, which increased mortality and reduced birth rates.

Mysterious patterns can also be seen at a nearby (approximately 25 km north of Nazca) Palpa Plateau, which is two times smaller, but there are many more varied drawings, including more than 10 images of a human like Defiled hypothesesfigure; and we only know about one such pattern on the Nazca platform, the 30 meter astronaut.

Particularly different from the others is the geoglyph, consisting of a six-pointed star, which covers an area of ​​one square kilometer. 16 rays protrude from the center of the star and there are a number of strange dimples. Next to this star is another with 8 rays and a double spiral, surrounded by wavy lines. Local archaeologists call this set a sundial.

Some researchers see the star of Palpa as a model of a wind rose that showed the direction of local trade winds, breezes and monsoons.

In the pre-Columbian sky of America

Despite the skepticism of the pros, the idea that the Nazca and Palpa mysterious platforms were runways Defiled hypothesesPre-Columbian America, can not sleep for many enthusiasts.

In the late 70s, a well-known American aeronaut, Jim Woodman, hypothesized that the ancient inhabitants of Peru actually controlled aeronautics. In order to prove his claim, he started a project Nazca, which brought together a large group of lay researchers.

They began by carefully browsing the archives, which led them to a strange painting on the wall of one of the Mesoamerican tombs built more than 2000 years ago. It was a tetrahedron to which was attached something resembling a boat.

Based on this image, they built an interesting four-walled balloon measuring 30 x 10 m and used a fabric that is often found in the local ancient tombs. Using vines, they attached a basket entwined with reeds from Lake Titicaca and filled the balloon with hot air and smoke from a fire burning in a hollow shaft.

In the pre-Columbian sky of AmericaAs unlikely as it may seem, the Nazca airship has really taken off. With a crew of Jim Woodman and his English colleague Julian Nott, she flew 200 meters. But then the curious airship began to sink sharply, and even as they dropped the load, the balloon fell to the ground. At the same time, the vines broke and the balloon, this time without a basket, rose again and flew for several more kilometers. From further attempts to see geoglyphs with his eyes old airborne researchers have dropped.

Another aerial hypothesis states that Native Americans were proficient in sailing. The proof was to be a well-known giant trident carved into a rock near the town of Paracas on the Pacific coast. Using a good dose of imagination, we can see a two-wheel glider in the figure, but no one has tried to reconstruct it yet.

However, flying local inhabitants over the Nazca Plateau might not be unusual, just remember the ancient Chinese Empire and fly over to the ocean at 2. century BC, when the Chinese successfully used controlled air kites. These dragons also hunted explorers who watched the movement In the pre-Columbian sky of Americaenemy troops, checked the step behind the Great Wall of China; or in this way delivering traps and firing fireworks.

Flying kite production is much simpler than a glider, and strong winds running over the Nazca and Palpa planes will easily drag the dragon to a height where you have all the geoglyphs on your palm.

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