Why pyramids were built and what their purpose is

17. 10. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

One of the reasons why humanity has not yet understood the level of knowledge of our ancestors is because they have misread hieroglyphs or pictograms.


The most important aspects of knowledge passed down from generation to generation have been recorded in the language of symbols rather than words. The pictogram can contain several levels of information (meanings). The individual symbols contained the meaning of the whole doctrine, while the expression of a single thought in words sometimes required a number of books. In addition, verbal records leave room for misinterpretations and manipulations.

The ability to read sacred texts written in a hieroglyphic language was lost long before the end of Egyptian civilization. The priests of the last dynasties were no longer bearers of knowledge, aware of the true meaning. When placing the hieroglyphs on the walls of the temples, they had an idea of ​​the true meaning of a priest of ordinary quantum physics. That is why our ancestors' teachings on the "energy of life", which ranges from Aristotle through Thales of Milet to the present, have been misinterpreted.

What was the distortion of the "water of life" theory that Thales brought from Egypt?

Aristotle taught that, water is the basic principle of all things. Everything comes out of it, and it constantly arises and comes back. Changes in things are dictated by compression and solidification. The misinterpretation of this knowledge, which dates back to ancient times, is due to the inability to understand the meaning of the relevant hieroglyphs. In particular, the symbol below has the meaning of the term “energy”, which is still translated by classical Egyptologists as “water” today! Use your logic and look at the symbol. Strongly resembles a sinusoid. In mathematics, a sine wave is used to describe a wave or oscillation process. Such an analogy arises naturally from observing the movement of waves on the surface of the water.


Everything that is made up of matter is due to the interaction of various vibrations of the environment. Therefore, a wave-like symbol is used to naturally reflect the essence of this process. If we replace the word “water” in the above statement with “energy,” we come to what lies on the very basis of looking at the world of the ancient Egyptian priests and their doctrines. Energy is the basic principle of all things. Everything follows from it… Everything comes from it and returns to energy. Changes in things are dictated by compression and stiffening of energy…

After reading these words, we realized that the devotees of deep antiquity from which ancient Egyptian priests inherited their concepts were scientists with a very high level of knowledge, and that Albert Einstein was not the first to discover the space, time and energy capacities when he came to a conclusion , that:

"The field is the only fact: there is no physical matter, just condensation and compaction of the field."

The meaning of this symbol becomes even more evident when our gaze, which is fixed on the walls in the burial chambers of Amenhotep III, Ay and Toth-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamen) in the Valley of the Kings, stops after the depiction of Priestess Urt Hekau, whose name we can translate as the "holder of sacred power." Above her palms is a well-known hieroglyph, which suggests that the priestess hands recorded here radiate energy that not only ancient but also contemporary spiritual and spiritual healers influence the energy structure of the human being.

There was nothing in the beginning

In the light of this, the "myth of the creation of the world" feels its true meaning and reveals to us the secrets of what the old dynastic priests knew about the beginnings of everything that exists. There was nothing at the beginning of the beginning. No air, no light, no sound, no sky, no earth, no fire, no life, no death - just one infinity, motionless Ocean of primordial energy immersed in darkness (Nun). God created from the primordial energy. His name was Atum (All and Nothing)… (translated from Ancient Egyptian)



NU God comes from the primordial waters (energy) and holds in the air the boat of the god Ra carrying the "nine great gods" led by the god Ra who created himself from Nun.

Primary energy

The gods who sail in the boat Ra symbolize the process of knowledge (self-knowledge). Movement in Creation means that events take place in the universe and time, ie the universe, which is perceived by the senses, begins to exist as the matter of moving entities. The wavy lines that form the background of the ship Ra, Osiris, Nu and Nut show that all the steps described take place in an energetic environment. The god Ra (Kheper) is depicted in the form of a scaraba beetle. The word kheper, translated as "evolution," literally means "rotation," while the word paut means "the primordial thing or substance" from which everything arises.

As described here in a brilliantly simple way, the mechanism by which, through the control of energy, through control (by changing the speed of its regular rotation (and rotation), which intensifies and distinguishes it), God creates everything: "Gods" and all kinds of life forms. That is why the scarab, which rolls a ball of manure (it reflects a God who turns energy), was a symbol of Kheper's great creative process.

The mindful philosopher of antiquity, who wanted to record the idea for the following offspring, chose a visual image that was seen every day and was easy to understand for desert inhabitants. This picture was appropriate because in their daily encounter with the scarab, people turned their thoughts from earthly worries to the highest being. The image of scarab Kheper was something of a catalyst for immediate meditation concentration in the nature of God the Creator.

Over time, the idea was distorted and transformed into absurdity. That is why conventional Egyptology today says of Kheper the following:

"The sacred beetle was a symbol of its own creation, because the Egyptians believed that the beetle spontaneously appeared from a ball of manure (which actually serves to protect the eggs and larvae that emanate from them). Therefore, they worshiped an anthracite-black beetle called Khepri, who is "one who comes from the earth," and for a long time associated him with the Creator-God Atum and considered him an image of the sun god. Just as the beetle pushed a ball of manure in front of him, they believed that Kheper would push the solar disk across the sky. The solar beetle, which gave light and warmth, was often depicted on pottery by humans, and became one of the most popular amulets and was placed with the dead as a symbol of reborn life. "

The idea that came to us over time, where the environment is an ocean of energy, ubiquitous and widespread, which found reflection not only in the basic spiritual doctrines about the nature of creation, but also in prehistoric ceramics, which played a role of some kind of visual theoretical textbook.

Composition on old scale

See the vase below. Found on an ancient Egyptian scale, this composition is interesting because it contains several layers of useful information hidden from the eyes of the unfamiliar. The four pyramids in the center are direct evidence of the existence of pyramidal complexes in prehistoric times. Pyramids, animals, birds and human beings are placed on undulating lines, symbolizing the idea that Earth and water are sources of energy.

Desing of an ancient ceramic vase

The upward wavy lines are geological disturbances which, as if through the canals, have brought the earth's energy flows to the surface. The composition as a whole explains that the Earth's "formations" are a source of energy for birds, animals, human beings and pyramids. Sets of four short S-shaped lines above human beings and pyramids are energy flows flowing from Earth and through the tips of the pyramids up to the sky, and are represented by several rows of undulating lines that indicate that it is an energy field.


The integrity of this knowledge and the widespread dissemination of a single language of symbols in deep antiquity show the symbols found on the walls dolmenů from the Black Sea coast to the mountains of the Western Caucasus and Ireland.

The texts that accompany this symbol spoke of the practices (processes) that connected the human being to the "source of life energy", while the structures on which the symbol was placed acted as amplifiers of that energy. These resonating structures were used for:

- transmission of energy flow (information) over a distance,

- restoring the bioenergy rhythms of the organism by synchronizing them with the energy streams rising from the depths of the Earth. That is why on some dolmens we encounter vertical versions of a pictogram symbolizing the rise of energy coming from Earth.

When we talk about energy, the vital element of creation, from which all the diverse life forms emerge, at the beginning of the new millennium we are able to grasp what lies behind these words. For centuries, this ancient knowledge remained inaccessible to humanity, brought back to the night of ignorance, as it was in Aristotle's time. More than 5 000 years before Thales visited Egypt, priests had a precise knowledge of the natural sciences - and only the extravagance and confused attitude of science representatives who were still unwilling to recognize those “predecessors” that prevented the study and perception of evidence they left us in stones of ancient Egyptian culture, as an expression of scientific knowledge and methods, especially in the field of medicine and parapsychology.

This knowledge and method is at least at our comparable level and in many cases goes far beyond what our civilization has achieved so far.

Dolmen on the Zhane River in the Western Caucasus.


So the headline of the text from the Book of Earth mentioned above could at least be corrected to be called - The One Who Hides (Time) the Personification of the Energy Clock. What we have outlined above is not the only example that sufficiently demonstrates a highly scientific approach to understanding and describing the world. This is one of the many serious reasons why older texts should be viewed more closely, as they may contain invaluable information for us.

A fragment of the book Earth, Part A, scene 7 from the funeral of Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings


You can learn more about these topics at forthcoming lecture 23.11.2019 - 24.11.2019 in Brno (more information at https://energyoflife.cz/valery-uvarov-v-brne/, where Valery Uvarov he / she will visit and provide his / her knowledge gained throughout his / her practice.

Topics of the seminar in Brno:

  • How to get resonance with a universal power source.
  • Biological and energetic cycles of human being.
  • How to Use Horus Wands
  • The right and effective way to restore the body's bioenergy rhythms;
  • How to effectively cleanse our body of slag and negative energies.
  • How to save, accumulate and accumulate energy for health and spiritual transformation.
  • How to calculate an individual annual bioenergy cycle.

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