Pyramids of the Atlanteans, or forgotten lessons of history (2.díl)

02. 05. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality


What do we know about Atlantis? How did this powerful civilization develop and why did it reach such unprecedented heights? There are many questions, but are there answers? In my opinion, one very interesting version was submitted in one of the sources. The Atlantis Project itself was taken by highly developed civilizations from the finer worlds as an experiment taking place here on Earth in the 3rd dimension. It was attended by many civilizations from different parts of the multidimensional Universe. So they were representatives of not only the 4th, but also the 5th and even the 6th level. Each level represents a sphere of a finer plane (in a way, for us who live in the 3rd dimension, the invisible world), for the 4th dimension the 5th dimension may seem invisible.

It should be noted that the people themselves in the pre-Flood civilization were initially endowed with paranormal abilities, and as a result they were called "forward-looking." Can you imagine how many prophets there are with us? We may count a few dozen, but here is the whole civilization of such people. What's more, the principles of its creation are also incomprehensible to us, because they are fundamentally different from our current understanding.

As an example, we can imagine that a person has managed to gain a certain mystical experience. He did not hide it out of selfish motives or out of conceit, as is customary in our country, but on the contrary, he shared it with his surroundings. This experience was later studied, supplemented and refined, in order to subsequently serve the entire planetary society. Thus, this civilization lived without tens of thousands of years without wars and reached the pinnacle of its development in harmony and unity. This period can be called the Paradise Age or the Golden Age, a just society of equal citizens. In Hinduism, this period is known as Satya Yoga, the first of four yogas or epochs in the Hindu and Buddhist time cycle. The golden age of truth and purity. An absolute difference from our technogenic and materialistic society, living in Kaliyuz. It is the time of the demon Kali, a time of strife, where the hands and feet are bound by false scientific and religious dogmas. In a way, the society of the pre-Flood civilization resembled a communist establishment on a planetary scale. In it, absolutely everyone had access to the knowledge of the Cosmic Level, and even the very concept of spirituality had a completely different meaning, not at all as it is understood by modern man.

Spirituality did not mean dogma and the worship of a deity, but meant knowledge of the multidimensional Universe and our place in it. The fear of death was not imposed on man, nor was the inevitability of punishment for the sins he had to redeem in hell. On the contrary, they told him about immortality, the multitude of worlds, the infinity of the Universe, and the fact that we are all gods who only forgot for a while who they are because they play an ancient game called Life.

In many ways, thanks to its spiritual development and techno-magical achievements, Atlantis has reached its peak of greatness after some time. Atlantis was not a state, an island, a city, or anything like that, but a civilization in the broadest sense of the word. Imagine an empire that controls parts of the land in different parts of the globe that are not geographically interconnected. In the beginning it was a federation consisting of dozens of republics (dozens of kingdoms are mentioned in the Mahabharata). And its center was the famous island in the Atlantic Ocean, which appears most often for the sake of searching. With the help of highly developed representatives of the 4th and 5th levels, the Atlanteans built pyramids practically all over the planet. The complexes served in a way as a supplier of energy that came from space, ie. from the center of Creation itself, as well as from the depths of the Earth. They stood in precisely defined places, were oriented exactly according to the electromagnetic grid of the planet and fulfilled the role of a peculiar energy-information complex.

Once upon a time, a very powerful crystalline object was created by the joint forces of highly developed civilizations, and with their consent it was handed over to a group of servants of the common good. They tuned it to their own frequencies and thus were able to work with it on the principles of mutual exchange of energy, draw energy from the essence of Creation itself and distribute it among all members of the entire planetary society. The view emerged that this artifact was subsequently given different names in various earthly myths: Merkaba, the Ark of the Covenant, the Stone of Alatyr, Chintamani or Logos. This crystal had such a strong energy that its power surpassed all the crystals taken together on Earth.

Only by means of psychic energy, that is, only by the force of thought, the Atlanteans could control energy and matter at the atomic level, create artificial portals, reduce the mass of huge objects and move them with levitation, dilute matter, which allowed to cut and melt the stone. This was then used in the construction of megalithic structures, especially the pyramid. Quite normal were the ability of levitation, teleportation, the materialization of objects by the force of thought, telepathy and shifts as desired between 3. and 4. dimensions. It is clear that all these abilities, as well as the leaders of the other previous races, came from their creators. If we overtake it easily, then all the interviews about our calculation according to the 5 calculations become understandable. civilization, a part of our DNA was maliciously blocked by highly developed curators.

The main source of energy and power supplied the servants with unlimited energy to the whole planet, which controlled not only all the elements, but also the power of attraction of time and space, which gave the opportunity to acquire all that one wanted.

The Atlanteans were an extraordinarily advanced technical-magical civilization, and their society was a forerunner of what is called gods in myths and legends. Their entire infrastructure was based on the use of crystals and objects of artificial crystalline origin. They also used the electromagnetic power of light and sound. At the same time, the basic principle of all these devices was the interconnection of the consciousness of the person who controlled it and the crystalline structures. For some time, the crystals became a single whole (complex). It wasn't just pieces of glass, they had consciousness, and from our understanding today, they were more computers, just naturally more powerful. If we compare the level of contemporary science with what existed there, then ours will be at the level of the Stone Age, if not the Proterozoic.

At that time, the Altans already had the knowledge and skills to visit virtually any planet in this system, and not just in it. They could easily travel between different worlds and simply move from the 3rd to the 4th dimension as desired, thanks to the technology and art of creating stargates and portals.

There are plenty of sources that claim that the Atlanteans were peaceful in their work and got to know the worlds around them by perfecting and changing them through spiritual development and inextricably linking it to technical progress. Of course, this civilization did not in any way resemble ours, in which the role of progress is understood only as the improvement of machines. No, it was a symbiosis of spiritual and technical. At some point, however, this civilization deviated from this spiritual path. Spiritual conveniences were completely forgotten and disagreements reigned in their society. They began to remind us of ourselves: the struggle for power, wars, contradictions and the suffering of the masses. And then the universally functioning device (complex of pyramids) began to work against themselves. With his help, they no longer created beautiful things and stopped understanding the secrets of the multidimensional Universe, but began to wage fratricidal wars. This means that through this complex it is possible not only to create and improve, but also to destroy. The Atlanteans chose the latter.

Pyramids of the Atlanteans, or forgotten lessons of history

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