Russia: Crimean pyramids

28. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

When the famous Baghdad Museum was opened in 2009 for the first time since the invasion, 15 lacked a thousand artifacts from the original collections. It was those that were 'provided' by US experts who came in close behind for the soldiers.

And how was it in Afghanistan with US soldiers and vimanou?

And why the archeological survey in Giza guards - who? Anyone other than American soldiers!

Not to mention the glorious treasure of the Scythians, which (along with the Ukrainian gold treasure) was taken to the US a few days ago under the guise of darkness as a "small" payment for dollars invested in the Ukrainian coup.

And so we could continue. It is no wonder, therefore, that one is wondering why there is so much interest in one small peninsula in the Black Sea ...

A team of scientists under the leadership Vitalije Gocha, Ph.D. from the Sevastopol Research Center during a geohydrodiagnostic survey of the Crimean peninsula to find other sources of drinking water made a sensational discovery some time ago: seven underground pyramids were found in the first phase on the southern coast of Crimea, from Sevastopol to Foros, Egyptian. The pyramids lie in a single line 40 km from northwest to southeast. The first pyramid is at the bottom of the sea not far from Forsa, the second in the Balaklav district, the third is near Cape Fiolent, the fourth is located underground near the station Sevastopol-Tovární and the first one is located in the area of ​​Kamišov road. There are two more nearby.

In the summer of 2001, the pyramids found were studied by scientists from different countries. The area of ​​occurrence was scanned with the most modern equipment, as a result of which more and more objects were gradually discovered.

Another surprise was that this complex is on one link with places like Stonehenge, Kailas and the recessed pyramids of the Easter Island (incidentally, this line runs throughout the Czech Republic).

The Crimean pyramids are located at a depth of 5 - 10 meters underground, under a layer of sedimentary rocks, gravel and mud. According to the researchers, this layer was the result of extensive floods, which washed away the soil from a large area, so that the pyramids were covered with a layer of alluvium. Such catastrophes in these places took place long before our era.

approximate locations of objects found so far

Originally, 7 were discovered, but subsequent studies have multiplied this amount, and at this point we already know 48. 28 of them were found to form a huge diamond, in the center of which, in the village of Krásnyj Mak, is a central 56-meter pyramid. The other seven pyramids form an inner rhombus in the Yalta region, also with a central pyramid. The remaining pyramids are compactly arranged along the lines Sevastopol - Foros and Cape Chersones - Cape Saric.
The pyramids are deep underground and have been discovered through very strong microwave radiation. Scientists believe that such a location gives us the hope that the pyramids have not been plundered and probably also have no precious artifacts.

What do the Crimean pyramids look like?

The pyramids of Sevastopol are built of limestone blocks, they are 45 - 52 m high and their peaks are almost at ground level. They have the shape of a regular pyramid, the edges are sharp with pointed protrusions at the edges. The walls are formed by huge, very closely spaced limestone blocks. Among them, a special fixing solution was found, consisting of egg white and yolk, clay, copper sulphate and a special putty. The height of the first pyramid under study is 45 m, the length of the base is 72 m. The ratio of these quantities is 1: 1,6, which is the standard for all pyramids known today and meets the rule of the "golden section" of the Cheops pyramid.

Pyramids are known to have different effects on health and possibly to show character. Scientists who descended into the Crimean pyramid and worked there for several weeks noticed a significant improvement in their health. For example, one of them, who suffered from severe heart disease for a long time and did not do without a large daily dose of life-sustaining medication, recovered within 14 days. However, when they damaged the object in some way, for example when they pounded on the walls to get inside, strange phenomena began to appear: films in the cameras were lit, simple devices such as a compass failed, the battery in the flashlight discharged in a few minutes, etc. People began to vomit and had severe headaches. After work, however, everything returned to normal within weeks. So the pyramids showed some kind of self-protection manifestations!

After summarizing the results of the research, it is clear that the Crimean pyramids were used by the ancient inhabitants to control some important processes. The lead used in their construction caused good resonance and the aluminum oxide mixed with the clay forms an excellent semiconductor, which can cause changes in energy by changing its frequency. Given these functions, we can say that the builders of these pyramids most likely belonged to a highly advanced civilization.

The work of the Altair Group
Given our circumstances, it is inconceivable that in 2002 Vitaly Goch addressed him a group of clairvoyants with a request for help in exploring both the visible and underground pyramids in the Crimea. Their cooperation has brought a number of remarkable findings. The members of the pyramid have not only confirmed the existence of the pyramid but also revealed a number of their architectural and especially unique energy properties.

They concluded that through these pyramids, direct control of the reactions of synthesis and decay in the Earth's core is carried out from space with the help of special energies characteristic of fine matter. The energy that is released in the nucleus according to signals from the cosmos is transferred to the pyramids and they send it on to the Cosmos. At the same time, the pyramids differ in their functions: one group only receives energy from the Cosmos, the other group of these structures radiates energy into space. Due to the fact that protein (egg whites) is present in the layer covering the pyramids, in the structural elements of the building only a signal is selected that is close to the energy field of the protein being and especially to the energy aura of man. Maybe this energy is necessary for the cosmos.

The Crimean pyramids are part of a global system that forms the Earth's energy information grid. This envelope has existed since the formation of our planet, and the pyramids are located at its nodal points. In the energy information field created in this way, a management process takes place, which affects all life processes on Earth.

The group also obtained information about the presence of concentrated energy leakage on the Earth's surface. Subsequent observations confirmed this hypothesis and some Places of Power were found. In the course of working with energy, it was discovered that those Places of Power appear as special portals between the Earth and the Cosmos, as energy channels through which cosmic energy exchange between the Earth's core and the Cosmos takes place. These portals can be called the "pores" of the planet, through which the subtle exchange of the Earth is realized. However, due to the psychoenvironment of the planet by radiating thoughts of human hatred, anger, aggression, etc., ie the low frequency of mental energy, the Places of Power have been "clogged" and it has practically lost its ability to change energy. In the course of its work, the Altair Group restored the cosmo-energy function of the Forces by repairing an almost destroyed star channel for data transmission.

During the joint work, the esoteric-cosmic functions of the pyramids as such were discovered and the complex relations of the communication between the Earth and the Cosmos through them were revealed in detail. A conserved biological object (mummy) was also discovered, which apparently served as the brain center for controlling the entire pyramidal complex. After the work of the group, the object disappeared - it fulfilled its task, which was confirmed by Goch's devices.

The clairvoyants discovered that the common information field of the pyramids contains the development programs of Crimea and the entire planet for the next zodiacal cycle of Aquarius lasting 2160 years. This program is captured on a holographic matrix of the information-neutrino range of vibrations (in the information field of the Earth or the noosphere) and has been successfully activated.

Now it can also be stated with considerable certainty that the complex of pyramids of Crimea is connected with certain parts of the sky. The pyramids seem to configively copy (reflect) some constellations, suggesting that each pyramid is bound to a particular star and a complex of pyramids to a particular constellation.
According to Gocha, all planetary pyramid fields are connected with three stars: Capella, Vega, and Canopus.
The Himalayan Pyramids in Tibet, the Bermuda Pyramid Field, and the Pyramid in Southwest and South-East Africa, energy the Earth's core with the energy field of the star Capella.

The Mexican pyramids, the British and Australian pyramid fields and pyramids in Northwest Africa are associated with the energy field of the star Vega.
The Egyptian Pyramids, the Crimean Pyramids and the Pyramids, located in Brazil and Polynesia, are energetically associated with the energy field of the star Canopus.

It has also been clarified that the functions of the Places of Power and the pyramids of the Earth are identical. The only difference is that the pyramids appear to be more powerful energy structures. Crimea is therefore a kind of "micro-earth" and has an analogy to all Places of the Earth's Force. At the same time in the Crimea the only non-galaxy portal in the world, which also provides protection to the Crimea.

After the reversal of the poles, which occurred in the middle of the Star Year (approximately 12.000 years ago), the pyramids found themselves underground due to deposits. This, along with the accumulated negative energy radiating from human minds for thousands of years, was a factor in balancing their energy functions. On the fine-material plan, this manifested itself in the form of deterioration of the vertical and an increase in the horizontal conductivity of the pyramidal structure. The connection with the Cosmos was disrupted, the horizontal conductivity became a peculiar amplifier of low-frequency energy at the expense of lithospheric resonance. The Earth's pyramids have thus changed from a means of harmonizing the aura and psychosphere of the planet to a powerful amplifier of human disharmony.

The result of the work carried out by the Altair Group was the re-establishment of the verticality of the Crimean pyramids, which is the normal energy exchange of the Earth - Cosmos. The group carried out work on the harmonization of the aura and psychosphere of the Earth and the neutralization of low-frequency mental radiation in zones of regional conflicts. It discharged tectonic and spatial stresses to prevent earthquakes and natural disasters across the Earth, neutralize radiological hazards by freezing the effects of dangerous radiation objects, and corrected spiritual-energy effects on objects throughout the solar system.

By the action of true clairvoyants, all the pyramids of the planet can be revived, which will make it possible to neutralize the dangerous internal stresses of the planetary body, ensure a softer pole shift and subsequently alleviate future global transient cataclysms. So the work underway on the pyramids of Crimea harmonizes not only the environment of the peninsula and has a positive impact on the overall physical and mental health of residents and visitors of Crimea, but is also an important factor in protecting the area from natural disasters, ensuring a constant flow of pure spiritual energy from space in our space-time continuum. and helps to reveal the hidden spiritual potential of man.

We live in a fateful time when our entire Cosmos, from the atomic to the cosmic level, is moving to the next round of evolution. A time when each individual is responsible not only for himself but also for the fate of all humanity and the universe. It is the duty and task of every person on Earth to expand their consciousness, to open up a spirituality and to help others to do so. And that is the question of survival and the journey to a new world.

pyramids in the village of Krasnyy Mak

For a few questions about the same, we enclose the following picture with which Vlabi has done the job and I think she speaks of many things. It should be noted that for spatial objects that do not have flat surfaces, the line visually often does not have to appear as a line - see the "arc" that "describes" the sun in the sky in the daytime - actually not a curve because the planet around a fixed axis. The "arc" is only a visual illusion. Many conspiracy theories arise from the same optical illusion why, for example, a partially illuminated moon (outside the full moon phase) does not point perpendicularly to the Sun with its illuminated portion, but is directed towards that "arc" on which the Sun travels through the sky. Converting 3D to 2D has many pitfalls.

However, I do not say that, in fact, the points mentioned in the article really go through a line, but I do not deny it either. Certainly, many sources dealing with pyramids and other mysterious buildings will seek and invent any theory that would unravel mystery. Unfortunate evidence of such mistakes (often manipulation) are skeptics on horseback, and irrefutable proofs are automatically (to their joy) swept away from the table as other stunts. The line is represented by a red line.

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