Sex is healthy for men

30. 03. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

News reported:

"... regular sex life is not only important for recreational purposes, and good sexual health is important to a man's overall physical, mental and emotional health," said Dr. Barry Buffman of the Boston Medical Group.

Regular sexual activities are important to the health of the penis, gentlemen who neglect their limbs can not be surprised to stop listening to their fifties. There is not only atrophy, but even impotence. Conjunction or masturbation is therefore recommended at least three times a week.

Regular ejaculation also proliferates in the prostate, men who ejaculate five times a week have a risk of prostate cancer at least one third lower.

Regular sex is also important for heart and blood vessels, burns a lot of calories, and generically active sex is released as an aerobic exercise.

Sex is also boosted, while in the breeze and orgasm, the body produces more testosterone, which strengthens the bones and muscles.

The News also states:

In addition, sex has a beneficial effect on male psyche, reduces the effects of stress and helps prevent depression.

Men after sex or during regular sexual activities are much better asleep. On the contrary, poor sex is directly reflected in insomnia, irritability, and consequently mental disorders.

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