The power of Indian herbs

17. 01. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

India itself is an absolutely unique phenomenon. Ancient history, rich and mysterious. Indians never affixed to each historical event or ruler a sticker in the form of a specific date. Therefore, historical development cannot be accurately traced and dated. Evidence of a high-culture civilization can be documented only about 3 years BC. The emergence of a sophisticated system of healing is estimated at 000 years BC. Later this completely complex system of healing was named as Ayurvedic medicine. It is the oldest and most complex treatment system. Ayurveda was followed by Chinese or Arabic medicine. The very word Ayurveda means "the art of life", and it has a great knowledge of health, illness, longevity, rejuvenation, positive thinking and wisdom. An integral part of this treatment system is, among other things, the use of herbs. Only a few examples of medicinal herbs from this amazing Indian subcontinent can be chosen from a wide and totally inexhaustible range.

Herbs with healing effects:

Indian Pennywort known as Gotu kola

The leaves of plants are most often used for healing. This herb can be included in the category of so-called brain nutrients, it significantly strengthens memory and the ability to concentrate. It increases the production of collagen in the body, helps and improves peripheral blood flow. It is suitable as an ideal supplement in the treatment of varicose veins, because it supports the healthy development of connective tissue and thus plays a positive role in the treatment of injuries, ulcers, burns. It is recommended for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Indians believe that the leaves of Gotu kola suppress the signs of old age, slow down degenerative changes in the brain, improve mental function, help with sleep disorders, reduce fatigue, and help with coughs, hoarseness and skin diseases. Gotu kola is literally an iconic herb of yoga masters.

Tribulus terrestris Ground anchor

This herb will be appreciated by everyone who wants to improve their sexual activity. Anchor has extraordinary abilities to increase the body's natural vitality, defenses, supports fertility, regulates blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Anchor is often declared as green viagra, it further increases the amount of muscle mass at the expense of fat, in men it increases testosterone levels and in women estrogen levels. The other effect of the anchor is extremely wide. Dissolves urinary stones, promotes the formation of gastric juices, improves intestinal peristalsis, cleanses and regenerates the liver. Anchor tea is an excellent gargle for inflammation of the oral cavity, it helps with cardiac ischemia and angina pectoris.

Ground anchor

Zederach Indian called Neem

It is a great natural antibiotic without side effects. According to the latest research, it supports the immune system, especially cellular immunity. The use is very effective in the treatment of fever, sore throat, colds, flu, sore throats. In addition to antibacterial and antiviral effects, it can also be used against fungi and parasites. Excellent effects have been reported in the treatment of chronic and yeast diseases - such as nails, inflammation of the oral cavity and intestines. It has antioxidant effects, reduces the proliferation of cancer cells and helps effectively eliminate them. It also stimulates certain cells of the immune system that are able to fight cancer cells. It also helps fight diabetes and skin diseases.

Terminal Arjuna

Terminals are tropical trees whose bark contains a high percentage of coenzyme Q 10. Trees aged 10 to 15 years are used for further processing. Coenzyme Q10 is a very important source of life energy and absolutely unrivaled in heart function. Researchers began studying these effects in the 30s. What they knew in India for a long time was indeed confirmed by research. The advantage of natural coenzyme Q 10 is that the human body processes it practically without residue, unlike modern pharmaceuticals. Currently, there are a large number of drugs with artificially created coenzyme Q 10, which are not taken up by the body and, in addition, have harmful side effects. With increasing age, the body loses the ability to obtain this substance naturally from food. Coenzyme deficiency results in general weakness, loss of vitality, decreased ability to concentrate and accelerates the aging of the body, as the ability of cells to regenerate decreases. The bark of the Arjuna Terminal is used to make tea, which is a rich source of natural coenzyme Q 10. It can also be consumed by adding it to yogurt or cold salads.

Terminal Arjuna

Asparagus Racemosus known as Grape Asparagus

In India it is called Shatavari. It is one of the most magical herbs that nature has created. Used to strengthen and rejuvenate the reproductive organs, it helps women in breastfeeding. It is also suitable for women in transition, because it replaces a number of female hormones. In men, it increases the quality and quantity of sperm. All active ingredients are hidden in the root of the herb. Its extract gives antibacterial effects against salmonella and staphylococci. Furthermore, Satavari is an effective remedy for irritated mucosa, it removes stiffness of the joints and cervical spine. It supports immunity, helps kill foreign cells, including yeast, cancer and chemical toxins. It strengthens bones, skin and dilates blood vessels. In addition, it helps to sleep well, supplies the brain and nerves with energy, and effectively suppresses gastrointestinal problems. It can also be used in powder form. For greater efficiency, it is better to dissolve it in milk.

Vitania sneaky or Indian ginseng

Its power is hidden mainly in the root from which the tinctures are made. Tea is made from the leaves and stems and herb seeds can also be consumed. The active substances ginsenosides have positive immunostimulatory effects on healthy bone marrow. They support the production of white blood cells, they are important against bacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. They also improve memory and have a positive effect on brain activity.

Vitania sneaky or Indian ginseng


Tinospora cordifolia known as Chebule cordata

In Ayurvedic medicine, it is called Guduchi. This herb is a bit like our well-known ivy, but unlike it, it has heart-shaped leaves. The drugs are prepared from a dried stem, where there is a high percentage of folic acid, then the leaves, fruits and root of the herb are used. An important active substance is alpha D-glucan. It is very rare and has a direct effect on the immune system. Only Tinospora, which contains this substance, is known in nature. Medicinal drinks are prepared from Tinospora. Its use in medical medicine is very wide. It has positive effects in intestinal catarrh, diarrhea, strengthens the body and improves the performance of the immune system. It stimulates the liver and kidneys. Use is suitable for physical exhaustion and after treatment for severe diseases. It has an important position as a supportive treatment in chemotherapy. It is also used to strengthen the heart, has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the content of urea in the blood and also helps with urinary stones.

Moringa oleifera

It is called the tree of life or the source of youth. It is a mature tree that can be used to the last leaf. The roots of the tree resemble horseradish, flowers are added to tea and fruits similar to green pods, they provide seeds full of oil. The leaves contain many minerals, vitamins, proteins and proteins. Of the vitamins, it is mainly vitamin C, but also other antioxidants, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium. Moringa can thus replace all synthetic and often very ineffective multivitamins or mineral supplements and naturally normalizes all functions of the body. Moringa root is used for intestinal problems, against abdominal and intestinal parasites. The flowers, in turn, have an aphrodisiac effect. The seeds are used to strengthen the activity of the brain.

Moringa oleifera


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