Hidden corridors under the Great Pyramid?

3 15. 01. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Egyptologist Dr. At the beginning of the twentieth century, JO Kinnaman stated that he had managed to decipher the codes in the manuscripts, which indicated that there was another secret entrance to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Based on decoded instructions and complex codes, he stated that it was possible to find an underground space on the Giza plateau. It happened in 1936.

Dr. Kinnaman described several interior rooms in which Atlantis records were found and antigravity machines used to construct the Great Pyramid.

Subsequently, Dr. Kinnaman said the manuscripts he found claimed that the Great Pyramid was built more than 35000 years ago and never served as the King's tomb.

A mysterious document can be found online. In 1976, a group of followers of Kinnaman went to his footsteps and found the aforementioned spaces. This group of records documented the microfilm. During the research, they discovered other attractions: evidence of the presence of the ET, their visits and underground civilizations.

The document mentions, among other things, that there is reason to fear that such sensitive information will not be published, as official science would find itself in an awkward position. There will be a great effort to keep everything secret.

Personal Addition

The existence of a complex of underground passages was acknowledged by Zahi Hawass in the 90s. The Greek historian Herodotus also mentions the same complex. In other words, it's quite likely that Kinnaman actually discovered something. Unfortunately, Zahi Hawasse's previous practice was to sweep the tracks and only then let the public do it.

In the recent past, surveys have been carried out by a French group of Egyptologists who have made various measurements, including exploratory wells in the Great Pyramid. From the final report it can be stated that there is a reason to dominate, that there are really other (hidden) spaces in the pyramid.

After being deposed from the post of Secretary General of the Supreme Council for the Monuments of Egypt in 2011, Zahi Hawass said he knew of other spaces in the Great Pyramid that would be worth exploring in more depth.

In one of the so-called ventilation shafts (they were never used for ventilation), another survey of the Djedi sound was carried out in 2012. She found out for the door, into which a small hole drilled and inserted a probe, traces of some symbols and another closed space.

I believe that the technology possessed by the ancient civilization of Egypt (about 6000 years ago) has either crumbled to dust or, if there is anything left, has been thoroughly hidden for future generations in the hope that it will help us understand forgotten knowledge. Unfortunately, the reality is that the knowledge and technology gained seated sick people.

Source of introductory article: Facebook

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