Hidden DNA capabilities

7 22. 03. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

DNA (abbreviation for DNA) is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is a complex macromolecule that carries genetic information in all living organisms and has in its structure an encoded program for the development and properties of each organism. Using X-ray crystallography, its molecule was found to have the shape of a twisted ladder and is located in the nucleus of cells.

Its structure can be described as two helix support lines, formed by a phosphate group and deoxyribose, between them are partitions formed by four nucleic bases - guanine and cytosine or thymine and adenine (G, C, T, A), which are the basic parts of nucleic acids. Their sequence is the basis of genetic information - the genome of the organism. Although the existence of DNA has been known since 1869, its structure was not discovered until 1953 by Watson and Crick, Nobel Prize winners.

The whole molecule is twisted many times to fit into the chromosome in the cell nucleus at a diameter of about two nanometers and a length in the developed state of up to 3 meters. The two strands of the DNA helix are twisted around each other six hundred million times in each human cell. Because most cells are constantly dividing and the organism is regenerated, DNA must also divide. This is done by halving the ladder longitudinally and adding the other half of the helix to each half, so that the original information is preserved.

Of the four elements A, C, T, G, which are like bits of the genetic alphabet, a combination of three of them creates so-called triplets, which can be 43 = 64. These are basically features of genetic writing. It is unbelievable that this coding system is similar to the thousands of years old Chinese I Ching divination system, where triplets are made up of three lines, either whole or broken, which can be 23 = 8 species and the composition of the two forms the hexagram, which is 26 = therefore also 64.

A similar method is used on computers, where originally a byte (byte = character) was composed of 8 bits with states 0 and 1, then we switched to 16-bit and 32-bit characters and the current Windows even works with 64 bits. What is the reason for the constant increase in the number of bits? This is because the computer's operating system must be able to assign an address to a large number of characters in operating memory; a 32-bit operating system can enter an address that is 32 bits long. Each bit has only two values, which means that we have 232 = 4 294 967 296 = about 4 GB addresses. This means that 32 bit operating system can not address more than 4 GB of memory. If we have a 64-bit operating system, we can use billions of times more memory in the future. For example, 64-bit Windows can use up to 192 GB RAM.

neuronLet's compare it with the human brain, which contains 50-100 billion neurons, if we consider each one address, it has a capacity of 50-100 GB, so it must necessarily have a 64-bit operating system, and that is DNA with sufficient addressability. So the brain is nothing but addressable biological memory, unfortunately the programmer is hiding somewhere in space. It follows from these analogies that the human body is essentially a mechanism of organic compounds, which includes organs composed of cells and those of atoms of organic compounds.

We differ from the computer only in that our building materials are organic substances, the computer is made of inorganic substances. The human body contains almost all the elements of Mendeleev's table, contained in various types of cells and tissues. The body is the most complex and perfect mechanism in the Universe, nothing more complex has yet been discovered. It is a perfect chemical laboratory, producing thousands of chemical compounds from what we receive from food and energy from space.

It is obvious that the basic elements of matter - the atoms of the elements, can be combined in a countless way, which many times exceeds the number of all atoms in the whole universe. However, only some combinations are permissible and meaningful. If you can imagine really large numbers, I will say that experts have calculated that the vital enzyme insulin is the only possible combination of amino acids from 1066 options (10 and 66 after it). Compare it to the number of atoms in the human body estimated at 1028, we see that it is almost a number of 40 orders bigger.

As a word consists of letters, each protein in the body consists of amino acids, where the order of the amino acids in a protein chain is referred to as its primary structure or sequence.

From the 20 amino acids that are always present in the human organism, in the case of a simple protein composed of 100 amino acids, 20100 (i.e. about 1,3. 10130 ) of different primary protein structures. It follows that there is far greater theoretical amounts of different proteins than those contained in all living organisms.

A specific DNA segment that performs a function is called a gene. One has about 20.000 of genes that make up the genetic code that is written in a spiral of DNA. By the way, when we operated with large numbers - the number of all atoms that would fill a known universe with a radius of about 15 billion light-years is estimated at 10128. The number of all possible forms of the 1000 base gene (the ladder rail) is 10602, a number that no longer has an equivalent in nature anywhere. This is just another proof for the absolute impossibility of creating a life of chance and the development of new species with the help of chance. It is mathematically excluded! Genetic information is therefore a complex, meaningful and unambiguous program to create a living organism. Other than a living organism, it does not make sense. Accidental formation of the organism is not possible, so it is always necessary for a creator to create it based on his / her idea of ​​his / her functions. The number of combinations here provides the prerequisites for the creation of any unimaginable organism.

From the point of view of duality, matter and energy are only a differently described basic element of the structure of everything in the universe. Depending on the method of observation, for example, a unit of light - a photon, can be described as a wave as well as a particle. By analogy, it is possible to consider every matter as a manifestation of waves of a certain frequency, according to which we can distinguish matter as solid or subtle - undetectable by ordinary senses, but which one can also see. In the human body and other living organisms, this "fine matter" manifests itself as an aura, composed of biophotons - particles of waves of various frequencies, emanating from cells.

If the human body and therefore DNA is only structured energy, it is logical that on the principle of resonance, individual cells can be affected by different radiation. Both material stimuli, such as sound, preferably music, crystals and other natural radiating vibrations (trees, herbs, animals), and intangible stimuli, such as thoughts, are suitable for this. Proof of this is, for example, the influence of the patient's condition by the prayers of his loved ones, or by mere autosuggestion. All these types of action can be considered as quantum manipulation, because we act directly on the wave nature of matter, on its basic particles, as opposed to material manipulation, such as chemical or physical action, such as chemical drugs and radiation. I would include most healing methods and homeopathy in intangible manipulation.

As the Bible says, in the beginning there was a word, it can be said that this word is the information on the basis of which DNA was encoded. DNA controls all metabolism not only chemically, on the basis of It makes us wordsamino acids, but also electromagnetically using quanta at the level of intercellular communication. One of the most important findings of biophoton research has been the finding that cell radiation is not the same type as light bulb, for example, but contains many wavelengths. The biophotons we receive with fresh food do not disappear, but are transferred to our body and resonate with its own biophotons. Every food transfers energy and information to our body. Good food has the ability to actively improve the condition of our body. Bad food, on the other hand, conveys bad information. This means that the information content of food is an essential criterion for the quality of food. We usually perceive it as something we like and not, according to the current needs of the body. Because it has been proven that

DNA has the structure of language, it is possible that bodily functions can be influenced by words or music, and even by unspoken thoughts. As we know from practice, this is the culmination of contactless healing or other interactions between humans, plants, animals and minerals.

The properties of DNA have been studied by Russian scientists Garyaev and Poponin, who claim that DNA is affected by the radiation of spirally rotating (torsional) energy from ether, which is the essence of the transfer of information from fine-material structures. These waves are identical to the energy of thoughts, which are essentially information bound to a carrier. Their source is the subtle energy bodies of all objects, the morphogenetic field and beings of all dimensions. DNA then essentially functions as a computer processor that has some encoded instructions (genes) active and others blocked but executable by some stimulus. The practical result of their research was proof that man can, by his consciousness, trigger healing and other physiological processes at the cellular level. This has also shown that DNA is not immutable throughout life, but can be modified based on a number of influences, just as computers are constantly improving software.

Because DNA carries important information about what processes should take place in the body, it is clear that every violation or distortion of this information will lead to various disorders, which we call diseases. However, appropriate mechanisms, called the body's defenses, are programmed for this, which try to normalize the disease state. The problem with medical science is that the use of various chemicals that we add to the body does not eliminate the disease or worsen the condition. The body knows how to heal, and we must not prevent it from doing so, but we must try to support natural mechanisms, for which only targeted information in the form of homeopathy or alternative healing methods is often enough.

A special chapter presents chronic diseases or hereditary diseases that are caused by permanent DNA damage. Only DNA reprogramming can help here. Surprisingly, traditional shamanic methods can also be used for this, such as the effect of the sound of various drums and rattles. This usually activates the blocked sequences in the DNA and eliminates the causes of the disorder. A similar process probably occurs in the so-called harmonization of chakras, which control the proper flow of energy and information in the body.

Everything is energy. Regarding matter, Einstein once remarked: "We all knelt. What we called matter was energy whose vibrations were so low that it was sensible. No matter. "

This fact, which is now confirmed by quantum science, was already known to the ancient Hindu, because they used the term May, which they referred to as an illusion, considered to be a reality. The idea that everything is energy or consciousness is directly related to human biology. The obsolete materialistic view of the body as a biological machine that can be power-driven but otherwise separated from it is gradually relegating to the irrefutable evidence that we ourselves are manifestations of intelligent energy.

The morphic resonance theory of biologist Rupert Sheldrak suggests that cellular bioluminescence works both personally and impersonally. Not only is every individual through cells, such as biotope transmitters and receivers, 'connected to the space network', but our entire species appears to be connected to the network - where humans, as individual cells together, form a complex biological whole - humanity. This statement was backed by research by a team of Russian scientists-genetics led by dr. Pjotrem Garjajev. A similar understanding of the universe (including its human inhabitants) is based on many indigenous teachings that embrace the universe as the only living being intelligently connected as a living organism. The same is also the planet Earth, as Gaia being.

At present, we know about DNA more than ever in earlier history thanks to the efforts of the Human Genome Project, who described the complete structure of human DNA and mapped its triplets and genes. One of the most striking and shocking discoveries of the final structure of the human genome was that about 30,000 genes were found in human DNA. Whether we realize it or not, we are basically talking to our DNA and she is talking to us. It is fascinating to ponder that the origin of language can essentially be attributed to DNA. The language of genes is far older than any human language. By that I mean that it preceded all languages. "DNA grammar" served as a model for the development of human speech. An example is Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages. IN India and Southeast Asia, Sanskrit has a similar role as Greek a inscription v Europe. The Sanskrit alphabet has 46 characters, that is, just like chromosomes, which are divided into groups according to the way and the place of pronouncement.

  Země And there is another interesting match: The Harmonic Resonance of Earth (Schumann Frequency) was measured approximately in 8 cycles per second. Frequency range of brain electrical activity that we reach in states of deep relaxation (alpha rhythm) is also around 8 Hz. Is this a coincidence just by chance? Maybe it explains why we feel so refreshed if we are surrounded by forest, mountains or water and we are influenced by this frequency.

Ancient civilizations believed that every soul has its own musical frequency, something like an individual sound imprint in every cell of the body. It is believed to be in the ancient Atlantis this soundtrack was called "Wam", or soul music. In the caves of Atlantis, healing priestesses wam simply thrust the crystals into a crystalline crystal, creating a resonant tone that returns the individual back to harmony. The first Tibetan masters have developed a way of reproducing and preserving wam by creating sacred instruments, including doves, bells and Tibetan bowls tuned to different frequencies.

We can be reliably proven that sound and any other vibrations of energy affect our physical and mental well-being. The body is capable of self-healing, a genetically programmed tool hidden in DNA. What the body directly affects are also our thoughts, because they represent energy, carrying information. The most important thing for a healthy life is therefore positive thinking and love for everything created.

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