Pyramid-shaped solar power plant

30. 06. 2014
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Singapore-based MSC Power Corp. She came up with her own pyramid-shaped power plant project. This special solar power plant is designed to supply a continuous source of energy. It uses several different systems for this. At the same time, it enables the conversion of salty seawater into potable drinking water. Electricity is generated by hot air passing through a wind turbine inside the building. Furthermore, solar panels and thermal cells, which serve as a source of electricity and also for the production of drinking water.

The conversion of solar energy to thermal or electrical energy through solar panels, passive solar energy absorbers, solar furnaces is very effective and fully functional. Although it is a more system source, its efficiency is greatest in daylight.

There are places in the world where sunlight is still available. The most desirable places are deserts.

If we look at the scheme, then at a glance, we can think of certain similar features with the old pyramids. Today, the idea that even the original pyramids could serve as a source of energy is much debated. A great supporter of this idea is, for example, Chris Dunn.

Source: Facebook

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