Tags from aliens! Do you have them on the body ?!

1 31. 07. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Since we received our first brand report, a longer period has elapsed. It happened in 2005 and it started in the UK, which is still one of the centers of these brands.

What are the mysterious brands?

Simply put, it is a mark that is made exactly in the shape of a cross-stitch cross that you could see in the sight-seeing lens when observing a goal. Nothing looks different. It usually consists of two lines that intersect at right angles and which are located above one, two or more concentric circles.

Individuals who find these traces on the body are usually discovered after awakening, after showering, etc. Nobody had any memories of how the marks came on his body. Marks usually last only a few days, then disappear, although someone has a more permanent image that has been redundant compared to the appearance of the surrounding skin. There were no signs of pain associated with these markers.

Since 2005, we have observed that certain trends are emerging. For example, there seems to be a genetic kinship among the individuals tested to point to nations from the North Atlantic. (You may want to think about extraterrestrials - "Nordics.") We know that marks are created by a tool that causes radiation to the skin, causing the skin to react with redness.

Many questions, few answers

Even after eight years of intensive search for answers, we are not clear. Because no one of the affected people remembered how the brand was created, we have no idea who they are or where they come from.

We also do not know the purpose of these tags, although logic suggests that they are the result of some type of testing or tagging process. Today, this leaves us in a dark world of speculation. My inner feeling is now about as good as the others, but my intuition tells me that the perpetrators of these crosshairs are either from another dimension or use interdimensional technology.

Why? Because there are no witnesses of their entry and exit from the homes of those who have been so marked, no ships, no spheres, no discs have been seen. Interdimensional technology is the only way to explain how someone can easily disappear without leaving behind a trace.


Photographs of these tags were examined by a radiologist who noted the physical location of the markers in the same area where the breast cancer patient could undergo radiation therapy and could be labeled as targeting gamma rays. He also noted that radiologists use such types of markers to target the target areas of radiation, but that the markers do not cause skin disorders such as those in the photographs. It has happened that one of my daughters has undergone this kind of treatment. I saw this sign that was applied by a radiologist and was obviously hand-drawn by the marker, as the radiologist explained.

Is it possible that our creators do this?

If those responsible for these brands have been active on this planet for more than twenty thousand years, then they may be kept under cover, they are watching us, and they are doing it for a very long time. But these beings are not our old known ET! Now we will try to summarize: Brand makers could be far superior to ordinary aliens. They are much more advanced than we are. That's why it's real that Grays and the like do not know anything about the existence of the creators of crosshairs, and that the makers of these brands are those who really care for this planet and every living soul on it.

But as I said, it's a hazy world of speculation, just covered by the vague indices that could have been in your mind. You must be careful if you encounter such a phenomenon.

If you have such a brand or know someone who has found something that can not be explained on the body, please contact us!

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