12 of the worst products produced by Monsato

1 16. 08. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

No wonder this is a topic so often discussed, as there is a lot of documented evidence of its activities.

And even so well documented that people are not afraid to stand up and make their views clear through the March march against Monsanto.

The aim of this article is to highlight its products that are still on the market despite their negative effects.

12 of the worst Monsanto products:

1. Saccharin

What is it? Simple and empty saccharin is an artificial sweetener. Although it was discovered at the beginning of 19.st, it was not used until 20.st., When it was popularized mainly thanks to Monsanto, who started making it for Coca Cola.

Why is it harmful? He was originally admired for his sweetening effects without any calories, but at 70. years ago one study revealed that it causes cancer. Although its carcinogenicity has been confirmed several times, it has been removed from the list of hazardous substances and is still used in many common foods.

Where can we find him? Beverages, sweets, biscuits, medicaments, chewing gums, toothpastes,

2. PCB

What is it? PCB, or polychlorinated biphenyl, belongs to the family of natural chemicals known as chlorinated hydrocarbons. It was first used by Monsant in 20. years to produce electric transformers and motors.

Why is it harmful? PCB is associated with cancer as well as with negative effects on the human immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems.

Where can we find him? PCB was banned in 1979, but we can still track its negative impact. A study from 2011 showed that it is still in the blood of pregnant women. Before stopping production, it was in cables, plastics or oil paints.

3. Polystyrene

What is it? This synthetic polymer began to be produced by Monsant in 1941.

Why is it harmful? It is not a biodegradable material and is one of the main ingredients of world waste. Chronic exposure to this substance causes depression, headache, fatigue and malaise.

Where can we find him? Literally everywhere! Most often in food packaging. It is more popular than paper because it is more durable and even plastic than it is because it is cheaper. (Although you are no longer more acceptable to the environment.)

4. Nuclear weapons

I do not think there is a need to comment on the issue somewhat more about danger and use, but I think many people do not know about the merger of nuclear weapons with Monsanto. After Monsanto established the Thomas & Hochwalt laboratories, it also created a department that played a key role in the Manhattan project. This project, run between 1943 and 1945, was responsible for the first atomic bomb to be used during the Second World War.

5. DDT

What is it? Dichloridophenyltricholetan was a commonly used pesticide that was developed to fight mosquito-carrying mosquitoes. Monsanto was the first manufacturer to investigate this substance.

Why is it harmful? In 1972, he was banned for his negative impact on the liver and the nervous system.

Kdo we find him? It takes more than 15 years before the DDT is decomposed, so we can still find it in some soils and watercourses. We can eat it by eating contaminated fish or grain.

6. Dioxins

What is it? Dioxins are a group of chemical additives, one of the most damaging. Monsanto has been using them since 1945 to produce pesticides.

Why is it harmful? EPA has confirmed that dioxins are highly carcinogenic and unfortunately have the ability to spread rapidly through the food chain.

Where can we find him? It is precisely because of its ability to accumulate that it is found in meat and dairy products.

7. Orange Orange herbicide

What is it? This herbicide was used during the war in Veitnam. Monsanto was "by chance" one of the first manufacturers and suppliers of this weapon.

Why is it harmful? Allegedly responsible for more than 400000 deaths and 500000 birth defects, infant more than a million people who suffered from various health problems after exposure.

Where can we find him? It is shocking that this herbicide still appears today in some Monsanto-produced products.

8. Crude Oil Fertilizers (RoundUP)

What is it? As the name suggests, kerosene is used as the starting material of this fertilizer.

Why is it harmful? It is confirmed that such fertilizers kill soil microorganisms, de facto sterilizing the soil and making it impossible to provide plants with nutrients without external intervention.

Where can we find him? On farms all over the world.

9. Glyphosate

What is it? Glyphosate is the world's most widely used herbicide, also known as RoundUp.

Why is it harmful? It is associated with cancer and also with a disruption of the hormonal system in mammals, which can lead to various disorders, birth defects or the development of tumors.

Where can we find him? RoundUp is unfortunately still officially recognized and used. It occurs in groundwater, streams and even in the air.

10. Aspartame

What is it? Like saccharin, aspartame is another artificial sweetener that is used as a substitute for sugar in beverages and foods. Monsanto is one of its first manufacturers.

Why is it harmful? It does not even need to be delivered.

Where can we find him? Especially in all light products, sauces, cereals and many other foods.

11. Growth hormone rBGH

What is it? This is Monsanto's specially developed growth hormone, which sucks in cows for increased milk production.

Why is it harmful? In the human body he works as a cancer starter. It is mainly associated with breast, brain and prostate cancer.

Where can we find him? Every second week is regularly stitched to cows.

12. GMO

What is it? I think GMOs do not need to explain too much again. Monsanto belongs to their creators and is still used today. For their defense, they use the phrase "feed the whole world".

Why is it harmful? I suppose there's nothing more to deliver.

Where can we find him? In sugar cane, potatoes, corn, rice, soy, salmon and many other foods.

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