8 Effective Exercises To Increase Female Energy

05. 05. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

During my stay in Bali, Indonesia, I met the most interesting woman of my life. She was dressed from head to toe in an elegant flowing dress and had the most feminine energy I have ever seen in a human being. It literally took my breath away. Her movements were casual. When I was introduced to her, she hugged me without hesitation. She was so pure, open, the embodiment of loving light.

Later that day, I spoke to my traveling companion, who turned out to be full of her overflowing feminine energy. For days we couldn't get rid of the thought of her (although neither of us was romantically interested in her) and there was no denying that her essence had touched something very deep within us. We felt internally hot, as if a fire was burning in our stomachs. Such is the power of sexual polarity. Her feminine energy got me, a man of a masculine nature, where no one has yet succeeded.

Whether you are a woman who wants to reconnect with your feminine heart or with a man who is trying to develop and balance his manhood, here you have eight exercises that will increase your female energy.

Keep moving

Female energy is dynamic energy. The perfect metaphor for female energy is the oceans, hurricanes and the weather because they are constantly moving, constantly changing and moving. If you are locked up in the office or feel physically stagnant, you have to move your body. Whether you go for a walk in the woods, stretch your yoga lesson or dance in your bedroom with your favorite music, your feminine energy will always be activated by movement.

Away with your pants

Because a woman's energy is pure movement, she does not want to be limited by anything. Women hate it when someone tells them how to feel, just as a hurricane can't be wrapped in a gift box. Jeans and pants have this limiting tendency. Put on a "trouser detox" and try wearing only a skirt or dress for one month. You will see how you feel. Is it easier to navigate your life like this? Do you feel less limited and more feminine? Leaving aside cultural practices, soft "flowing" substances reflect the constant moving element of female energy in a tangible form.

Try to wear the moon for a month.

Make women's party

Intentionally spending time with other women recharges your female energy. Amazing things happen in the same sex society. It's easier to put off the mask and be yourself.

Have more orgasms

While men drain their masculine energy with too frequent ejaculations, women actually benefit from every orgasm. As a man, I won't even pretend to know what that means, but over the last ten years, I've seen what more frequent orgasms have done to my partners. More creativity, more emotional connection, more finely tuned intuition - the benefits are endless.

Receive more

Masculine energy is penetrating energy. Female energy is receiving, opening. By accepting love / energy / attention, your deep well is filled with female energy. It doesn't necessarily mean just through sex (though it certainly helps). You can receive massages, pedicures, or even when someone cooks food for you. For example, in a massage with relaxed breathing and relaxation, which allows the masseur to penetrate under the stress layer, your female energy fills. So open your calendar and book time for some "receiving" activity.


The female element connects mainly through verbal communication (male predominantly through touch and sexual intercourse). It is no secret that once women reach puberty they want to communicate more verbally with their peers. The woman in you is nourished by frequent meetings with her fellows (mom, dad, siblings, close friends, etc.). Turn off the TV, call someone you love and talk about your unique lives. Just talk about how you do, but what happened to them since you last spoke.

Pamper your senses

The man is largely lost in thought while the woman can be lost in the realm of the senses. To reconnect with your female energy, treat your taste buds with chocolate, drink red wine, and enjoy the unusual foods you love. Treat your touch by going shopping and feeling all the soft stuff. You can also go to the grocery market and get full of all the different looks and smells of food around you. Leave your head and body deliberately using your senses.


Male energy is destructive, while female is creative. To escape the routine, you can paint, write a poem, a song, or cook a delicious meal for yourself and others. The song / poem / food does not necessarily have to be "good"… it just needs to be created. Leave aside expectations and simply create for the joy of creation.

Increasing your female energy will heal you

Unfortunately, in Western society, female energy is often considered to be less valuable of the two mentioned. In fact, they do not compete together. They are two halves of the same whole. They complement each other and create balance.

Unbalanced masculine energy means striving without satisfaction (a typical example is an overworked businessman who does not have time to rest). The unbalanced female energy is purely hedonistic, enjoying the present without another life goal and direction (for example, a twenty-year-old girl who goes from party to party, takes drugs and is completely dependent on others in life). Sadly, male energy is far more "valued" than female energy. People work more than ever before and all the enjoyment goes away. They achieve a lot in life, but they love too little.

If you spend your whole life sprinting to an imaginary finish line and forget to stop from time to time to realize that you feel, love and enjoy, then you will live an empty life full of regret. So go and enjoy today. Not when you meet your financial goals, or "one day" when you don't have much work to do. You cannot live alone, just of your own free will. You have to be rewarded on your way. You definitely deserve it.

Tip from Sueneé Universe

Tantric ions yoga (clicking on the image or the title of the book will open a new window with the details of the book)

Tantric JÓNI yoga is the right book for you:
  • if you are not satisfied with your previous sexual experience
  • if you want to know if pleasure and sensuality can offer you a chance to treat yourself and your partner more carefully and intensively and reach the peak of ecstasy alone or in a pair
  • when you want to fully experience the spiritual power and beauty of female existence
  • if you want to learn to accept yourself without any conditions

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