Anton Parks - Stargates and Spacecraft

1 17. 08. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The important Gina'abul settlements, known to Parks, are scattered several hundred light-years from Earth. One wonders how Gina'abul could travel from such remote places and whether distance meant anything to them. Does the distance of star systems play a role in the endless wars of aliens? In our experience on this planet, sphere of influence lost its local significance as we mastered the technique of high-speed intercontinental travel. Gina'abul apparently mastered the cosmic scale, but how did they do it?

According to Parks, the key to interstellar travel is the Stargate, called Gina'abul Diranna. These stellar gates have always been in the primary interest of beings who have mastered the technique of space travel. Each of their planets had many Diranna gates. As for Gina'abul, it was more or less common to create the centers where Dirna was centered.

Unulahgal (the capital city of Nalcalar) had the largest planet Diran. It was the rule that the largest ships flew into the interstellar space. More precisely, their function: it is obvious that Dirn are the mouth of hyperspace tunnels in which there is no concept of time. In tunnels, time literally collapses with the action of concentrated particles of radiation when the massive concentration of radiation particles slows down time. These tunnels consist of particles moving at such a rate that the concept of time is abolished.

There are countless such timeless tunnels. On an anatomical scale, we can only roughly compare them to the vessels used to nourish the organs of the body. At the scale of spatial geometry, these gates work in the same way, connecting all the planets and each star system that is connected to its neighbors, each galaxy is thus connected to others, etc.…

In fact, timeless tunnels allow anyone in this universe to travel to another point in space faster than light. The tunnels are invisible to the human eye because they vibrate at such an extremely short wavelength that nothing like this can be detected in our three-dimensional world. Light is dual in nature, made up of tiny particles that are actually waves, depending on how we observe them. 4 GigirlahTimeless tunnels consist exclusively of particles of the type known as tachyons, which are vibratingly interconnected and spread like light but faster. Tachyons create a field of subtle energy and complement the hypothetical lacking mass and energy of the universe that today's scientists are still looking for ... (Dark Matter.)

It is remarkable that the ancient Egyptians used the same word for gates and stars. This term was Seba. His Gina'abul-Sumerian decay signifies meaning: his syllables SE-BA mean the brightness that opens or what gives light. The ancient Egyptian dwelling was built without windows, to prevent large warmth from entering the outside. Only entrance into the building was the opening through which the light entered.

Another interpretation is also possible due to the Sumerian homonym: SE-BÀ = light of life and SE-BA7, meaning light of souls or which divide the light. These definitions, according to Gina'abul-Sumerian syllabus, allow a better understanding of why the Egyptian Seba does not apply semantically to gates or stars, but also to teaching and learning. We all know that light is synonymous with consciousness and wisdom ...

By word Iníuma (the powerful expedition force that travels over time) were called spacecraft that used to travel in space. Iníuma they were the kind of long-range ships, the ships Gigirlah (the term in Emesa for the Gina'abul Spacecraft, it is important an intensely glowing wheel) were specially designed ships for space movement in hyperspace, where there are no three-dimensional obstacles. They were different from traditional UFOs only in that they were much larger, designed to carry around two hundred people.

Dirann's gates are invisible to the naked eye due to their vibration and usually very small size. The denser ones usually remain in a fixed position, while the less dense ones often move on the planet's surface, like ordinary particles.

Iníuma a Gigirlah (known in Margid'da) used inertia neutralization technology. Another class of ships, called Mou, exposed the staff to the full effects of acceleration, similar to today's ground rockets, but these were not intended for travel through Diranna. They were only for local point-to-point movements on the planet's surface or between the surface and orbit.

These ships are often seen on Earth and we call them flying saucers or UFOs.


See the previous articles <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>.

Anton Parks: Student of information on the ancient history of mankind

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