Battle of Earth and the Galaxy

29. 03. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Draconian threat from the Orion system, against the benevolent Andromedans, Pleaadian and Tau Cetians

by Chris of 1. August 2012

The Draconian Empire originated on the planet Thuban (near Alpha Draconis), is inhabited mainly by various species of reptiles and dinosaur species, but humanoid planets have also joined it, some violently, others voluntarily. Its most important members have settled on the planets near the stars Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Betelgeuse (Orion), Capella (Alfa Aurigae), Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. These work closely with Orion Empire, with which the joint program shares. Orion Empire is the first of two famous (or rather infamous) realms in our part of the Galaxy, the Draconian Empire being the second.

Orion Empire is older than the Draconian Empire. Founded long before the Vegans on space exploration, it met a reptile civilization with which it shares a common program of colonization and imperialism. It consists of a mixture of reptiles and humanoid civilizations. (Most of these reptile civilizations are genetically engineered, like hybrids of the Orion-Draconian races, since most humanoid civilizations are of Lyran-Vegan descent.

About one in every six worlds in the constellation Orion has a reptile population. The negative alien manipulators of the Orion group are: Grays, reptiles, insects and hybrids, ruled by the reptile queens of Orion. This Orion Group is controlled by Drakons and manipulated by a regressive extraterrestrial political body that has been specially assembled from eighteen different star systems in the constellation Orion. Prominent members of this consortium are from Beta, Alpha and Gamma Orionis - as are groups from Ursa Minor and Major (Little and Big Bear), which are strongly connected to it.

Hybrid Reptilians - Illustration Only   The races consist of a mixture of reptilians, humans, hybrids and other species. The Orion consortium (consisting of 19 of different races from the Orion constellation along with Dracones and races of Sirius B) is directly involved in the manipulation of mankind. Inside our planet, 100 to 200 miles below the surface, 1837 reptiles live for a long time, 17 people from Siria B and 18000 Grays clones living inside the Earth and on the Moon. Most of the original 2000 Grays live on Phobos, one of the months of Mars, which is an artificial satellite. Inside the Earth, 141 is also around 9 of different Orion races.

There are many negative entities that have their own technologies that are developing for thousands of years. It is estimated that Grays is about 2500 years ahead of us. The Orion group, controlling Grays, is approximately 3700 technology ahead of us. No one really knows how far the Draconians are in development, because they are incredibly elusive. The group from Sirius B is approximately 932 years ahead of us. Alpha Drakoni, Gray and Orionci, are the perfect crawling race. I mean, they look just like lizards. They are very tall, 7 ½ - 8 stop, but some of them grow to the height of 12 - 13 stop. They can weigh up to 1000 pounds.

They are incredibly fast and mentally developed. They have snake or cat eyes. They are carnivores or vegetarians, depending on the length of their lives. They are terrestrial, desert animals. They are warriors. Some of the other races in Orion are half human and half reptile. In other words, they may look like humans, but they have reptile skin. Some of them are very human, but they have the character of Grays. There are a lot of them. At Orion Group, genetics is an essential issue. This is really their strength and they have further learned how to fight. However, their real strength lies in genetics. He can genetically modify himself and play with everything that gets into their hands, he can appropriate it.

Based on the claims of many contactees, it might seem that Orion was once a continuation of the Alliance of Solar Sets and Lyrans. However, Grays and reptile species began to reproduce in the Orion system, and it was clear that Grays in particular had succumbed to the control of the reptiles of Alpha Draconis and Orion.

With the help of the Grays, as sense-controlled mercenaries, the Nordic headquarters in Rigel, a reptilian alliance of gray Reptilians, were attacked. Many of the Nordics fled to the system of Procyon and Jupiter, to its moons in the Solar System, and especially to Sirius-A, who has since been at war with six draconian planets controlled from the star system of Orion (the so-called "godless six").

The human colonial worlds in the Lyra constellation were also attacked by the Dracones, being devastated, but many human refugees fled and eventually colonized the systems on the edge of the Lyra constellations, such as Vega, Pleiades, Hydra, and the stars of Tishtae and Zenata in the constellation Andromeda. (Not in the Andromeda galaxy, as some mistakenly claim). Draconian attacks on Lyra occurred before the draconian takeover of the Orion Gray systems.
Finally, the Draconian alliance has recently conquered the Procyon civilization, whose ancestors were expelled from the Rigel system in earlier times. Likewise, as it happens on Earth, Prokyonans were just Battle of EarthA "bait" for technological and cultural exchange under the treaty that was actually used by the Dracoons and Grays as the "Trojan Horse" to facilitate the infiltration and eventual conquest of Prokyon settlements. The rebellious Prokyon fleet, which escaped the attack, joined forces with the Andromedans and some progressive Pleiadians and other peacekeepers from Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. All this information has been passed on to many contact sources in a way that seems to coincide with similar facts and suggests the reality of the evolving wallpaper of cosmic history in this sector of the galaxy.

(The Pleiades are an open star cluster, actually consisting of more than 200 stars that eventually revolve around a central star - a cluster. The star Alcyone and our own star - the Sun - are one of them and are believed to participate in a common Pleiadian culture. .)

See the numerous links in this report and other details above.

In any case, the Procayans, with the help of their allies in some of the Federation peacekeepers, reportedly regained their worlds and ended Draconian-rigel domination and joined the above fleets in an effort to block the solar system to keep incoming Draconi ships from reaching Earth and they joined its underground forces, in order to enhance infiltration and final invasion from within, to the surface of planet Earth.
This blockade was allegedly dragons cracked on several occasions, however, forces Federation and created solar power, based on other planets and satellites of the solar system, reportedly fought valiantly když although there were heavy losses on both sides. If you want to add something to that, one planet from the star Sirius-B allegedly came under the control of the Dracoon Alliance, which, among other things, provoked an intense civil war in the Sirius system, during the final years of the 20th century.

Three alien objects, in fact Alfa Draconis, Rigel and Siria-B, reportedly entered the solar system in the comet's tail of the Hale-Bop's comet, and, according to Alex Collier, they docked near Mercury. The strange cover of comet Lee with Algol star in 1999 was strange in that the two previous comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake covered the same star one year before, even on the same day. What exactly means is unclear, though some sources offer quite interesting speculation.

Battle of Earth   There are even reports of a massive fleet of Alpha Draconis, Rigel of Orion and Sirius B, on their way to planet Earth, regardless of civilian Syrian conflicts. Some of these vessels are said to be over 500 kilometers in length. I have quite reliably verified that original idea for a TV series V, comes from an individual who lived in Hollywood at the time of a serious investigation into the underground base in Dulce, New Mexico. This individual showed a draft screenplay, which he wrote with confidence to an NBC employee, but his exact idea, even after the plot of reptiles from Sirius B, disguised as humans, to reap on the planet Earth its human, animal and mineral resources - all came to the surface of the NBC series V. The original source has no hatred, though he might think he did a great job on this mini-series.

The Nordic race on Rigel, following the massive infiltration of Draconian forces, leads to a desperate war against the reptiles and forces of Grays. The Nordic survivors were forced to leave Orion's open cluster and find refuge on the Jupiter moons in the Solar System and in the constellations of Siria and Procyon. Other humanoids fled to the outer edge of the Orion system, but in the immediate vicinity of the Central Empire, they had to leave much of their sovereignty to the Draconian community. These nations are generally used to serve the Empire in a similar way as peasants serving the king or dictator, but on a much larger and more tragic scale.

The Orion cluster is now fully controlled Orion Group, which in turn serves under the direction of the Empire of Alpha Dracones, Rigel, Betelgeus, Bellatrix, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor as the main centers of Orionic power. These Orion sub-empires rest on all six Orion Orion systems that have essentially succeeded in conquering and subduing several worlds in this sector of the galaxy to feed their Empire with a parasitic desire for conquest when many of these worlds are slave planets where the descendants of human colonists , although according to their terrible existence they probably should not be considered live planets.
Origins of the Dragon Empire, Orion Empire, are known all over the galaxy, and have earned their reputation among many of their Federation enemies, like The godless six. The devastating battles are conducted between the Pleiades and the Orionians. All the planets are destroyed. The conflict between the Pleiades and the Orioons now focuses on the planet Earth, thanks to its strategic location and resources, which plays a central role in galactic history and is the key to the success or failure of both parties.
The Syrians, many of whom are descendants of the Rigel refugees in Orion, begin a long history of interstellar conflict with the Orionans in the controversial sector of space, a star cluster near the Sun, containing approximately 21 star-bearing star systems, with 287 inhabited worlds. The retreating Dracoon-Orion army with battleships, over 50 miles long, leaves Sirius-B at sublight speed, in order to preserve three dimensional integrity. (It is easier to travel in three-dimensional reality than to travel through the speeding of light and return to the third dimension from extraterrestrial.)Do we know what's around us?
Their goal is the Solar System, where they intend to help enforce the electronic dictatorship - the New World Order, with the help of human agents of the Draconian-Oriionian and Sirius-B alliances, members of the international banking fraternity that settled on Earth at their bases near Giza. in Egypt, in Dulce, New Mexico, (which are controlled by ciakars or winged dragons, white and green dragons.) as well as Pine Gap in Australia, the German company Thule, MALTA base in Alsace-Lorraine in Germany and the base New Berlin in the New Schwabenland area of ​​Antarctica.

Massive abductions, indoctrination, and implantation programs targeting Earthlings are being carried out over the past decades to facilitate the takeover of the Earth planet and its connection to the Draconian-Orion Command.
Massive forces of Andromedans, Pleiadians, Tau Cetians, Prokianis, Arcturians, Ummatians, Sirians, Koldasians and other forces loyal to the United Federation, according to non-interference rules, set up a massive blockade near the orbital sphere of Neptune to prevent a clash with incoming retreats. areas containing the planet Earth.

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