Bolivia: They found a pyramid in Tiahuanaco

03. 02. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In the ancient Tiahuanaco Fortress, a burial pyramid was found in 2015.

Ludwing Cayo, director of the Tiahuanaco Archaeological Research Center, said the building is located in the Kantatallita area, east of the Akapana Pyramid.

In a media presentation, Cayo estimated that the Tiahuanaco survey would take at least 5 years. The archaeological site is located 71 km west of La Paz, which was the cradle of ancient civilization, which preceded the Incas.

Tiahuanaco and excavations

It is expected that the excavations will be able to start sometime between May and June 2015, depending on the timing of cooperation agreements with foreign universities and institutes that have signed up with the offer of forensic archaeological experts.

In addition to the pyramid, he found the georadar a series of underground anomalies, which could be megaliths. These findings, however, require more detailed analysis.

Tiahuanaco was seen as the capital of the pre-Columbian realm known Tiwanaku, which left behind impressive stone monuments such as Kalasasaya, a semi-subterranean temple, personal sculptures, the Sun Gate and the ruins of palaces.

Kalasasaya, Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Kalasasaya, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

Tiahuanaco - agricultural settlement

Bolivian researchers say that Tiahuanaco was established as an agricultural settlement around the year of 1580 before our era, and peaked around the year of 724 of our era and existed until its end and bankruptcy in 12. century. Tiwanaku occupied at its peak 0,6 Mm2.

It should be added that the buildings in Tiahuanaco are probably much older than archaeologists anticipate. After the arrival of the Spaniards, the Indians themselves claimed that they had not built it and did not know who it was, that it was already here and it was damaged.

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