Chronovizor and the Vatican

04. 08. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It is said that the chronovisor, a device for obtaining images and sounds from the past from the information field (the Akashic chronicle), is the invention of the Benedictine monk Alfred Pellegrin Ernetti. Ernetti was born in 1926 and in the middle of the 20th century he became the head of the Department of Polyphony at the Conservatory of San Giorgio for a long time. He befriended the excellent physicists of the time and dreamed all his life that he would hear the play Thyestés in the original, which caused a great upheaval in Rome in 169 BC.

It is possible that it was his desire and friendship with physicists that gave birth to his invention. And Alfredo also knew very well about the Chronicle of Akash from the works of Helena Blavatsky. Be that as it may, in 1972, in an interview with the Italian newspaper Domenica del Corriere, Ernetti announced the invention of a device that not only makes it possible to hear sounds from the past, but also transmits images of relevant events. This means that it is possible to hear conversations of different people from the distant past.

As evidence, the monk presented a photograph of Jesus Christ in his life, proving his existence as a historical figure. However, instead of the Vatican, this invention caused a shock both to the Pope and to the Vatican cardinals. And this reaction, which is, at first sight, illogical, testifies that the device was working.

What actually scared the Vatican so much? Suddenly, there was a danger that the use of this device could jeopardize a falsified version of human history for millennia, and people could learn the truth. History, described in school textbooks and scientific literature, has very little in common with real events.

It is clear that the Vatican, under whose auspices a global project of rewriting history is being carried out, as well as the forces in the background, could not allow the chronovisor to be used by normal mortals. Therefore, under the pretext of possible abuse by the mafia or leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, the Vatican decided to dismantle the device.

Physicist Brian Spalding was the first to talk about the chronovisor, telling his Austrian friend Peter Krass about it. Spalding claimed to have personally participated in some of the experiments and even heard Jesus' Sermon on the Mount during one of them. The possibility of checking the texts of the Gospels and comparing them with Jesus' words certainly could not reassure the cardinals. Therefore, the decision to disassemble the device was taken unanimously.

Ernetti's friend, the French theologian François Brune, who wrote the Chronovizor - the New Vatican Secret, understood that Alfredo had not even tried to object to the Vatican's decision. The device could become a "gravedigger" of contemporary parasitic civilization and more than distorted history. In addition, the truth about our religions, which are all in the biblical project, is undesirable.

The Vatican, as one of the main coordination centers for the falsification of history, could not allow anything like this. It is no coincidence that his multi-storey underground archives contain a large number of artifacts, original historical documents and books that the normal human eye cannot see, and are considered lost forever. If only part of what was hidden came to the surface, there would be no stone left. And not only from our so-called history, but also from the religion of the biblical project. Would this knowledge and truth really destroy our civilization, or would it just destroy the perverted "pyramid of power" that has been built for millennia on the foundations of lies and deception?

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