Evidence that consciousness is a reality: welcome to the matrix

1 12. 01. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Can consciousness create the material world? Before answering this question, we must look at what the material world really consists of. "Reality" is not just physical particles. Molecules consist of atoms and atoms of subatomic particles - protons and electrons - which are 99,99% empty space and electrical speeds.

We interact with the world of physical objects, but only because our brain translates sensory data. On the smallest and most basic scale for nature, there is no such thing as "physical reality."

Nobel laureate and the father of quantum physicist, Niels Bohr, said: "Everything we call real is actually made up of something that is not real."

When you put your hands together, the empty space touches another empty space. The consistency of matter has absolutely no physical structure. When you understand this, you will find that the signals received by our brain have exactly the same structure. Thoughts also belong to the activities of the universe.

Consciousness is one of the greatest problems of science. There is no way to explain the fact that material and chemical reactions give rise to something immaterial. If we were really trying to find out the origin of consciousness, perhaps we would realize that mind and reality are not as different things as we think.

Here are some principles of quantum mechanics selected from the book "The Self-Aware Universe" written by Professor of Theoretical Physics, Dr. Amitem Gozwamim.

1) Wave function

A quantum object (such as an electron) can be in multiple places at one time. This means that it can be targeted at multiple points across the wave that revolves around the universe. This phenomenon is called a wave function.

2) Discontinuity

A quantum object has the property to exist in two places at once. It's called a quantum leap, and basically it's a teleport.

3) Quantum Linking

What happens to one quantum object will also become its interdependent counterpart, no matter how far apart. Whatever happens to the electron, it will be the same or vice versa as with the proton.

4) Observation effect

The quantum object can not manifest in space-time reality until we begin to perceive it. There is an infinite and space-free object in time and space, from where we will not begin to perceive it specifically. Consciousness literally impacts the wave function of this particle.

This last point is very interesting. Not only does observation interfere with what is to be measured, but de facto creates the effect itself. The observer effect completely impacts what we expect of the physical world.

This leads the scientist to question whether the universe without consciousness would exist as an undeterminable infinity of quantum potentiality. In other words, the physical world can not exist without it non-physical. Without consciousness there is no matter. Consciousness literally creates a physical world.

The statement "We make reality" refers to the fact that our thoughts create the perspective of the world around us. However, it is important to look deeper into this statement and realize that we are not only creating perspective, but our consciousness is giving rise to the entire physical universe.

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