Egyptians sometimes have strange ideas

3 06. 04. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In the photo on the left is the so-called royal chamber from the Great Pyramid. You will not find a single original glyph in the whole pyramid. On the right is the tomb (specifically the false door - the Stargate) of Chafchuf I, who is the son of Khufu, to whom Egyptologists attribute the construction of the Great Pyramid. The tomb of Chafchuf is also located in Giza, as is the Great Pyramid.

As you can see, the son was a passionate writer and it was only a tomb. Against this, his father, according to the Egyptians, built the entire pyramid and left no single letter about it.

Does it seem to you, like me, that egyptologists sometimes have strange ideas?

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