General of the KGB on PSI-weapons (2.díl)

11. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A Little History (From the Special Services Service of the USSR, 1991) 
In 1853, the famous chemist Alexander Butlerov was the first in the world to establish a scientific hypothesis to elucidate the phenomenon of mental transmission manifested in hypnosis between the hypnotist and the patient. Butlerov suggested examining the human brain and nervous system as a source of radiation, assuming that the movements of the "nerve currents of the body" co-operate with the electrical currents in the conductors. It is the electroinductive effect that he clarifies according to Butler's view of the physical nature of signals from the brain of one person to another's brain.
The physiologist agreed with Butler's hypothesis Ivan Sečenov and at the same time highlighted the fact that emotions and close family relationships, especially among twins, significantly amplify the effect of thought power co-operation.
The most famous was the series of works on electromagnetic justification of thought suggestive / mental transmission mechanisms in animal and human experiences at the end of 19. century and the beginning of 20. academician Vladimir Bechterev, which created the first Institute for the Study of Brain and Mental Activity in the World.

In 1919 engineer, a candidate for physics and mathematics Bernard Kažinsky began a series of works on the theoretical and experimental justification of the electromagnetic nature of the "brain transmitter".
At that time Vladimír Bechtěrev and Vladimir Durov as the first in the world in a large series of experiments with dogs, they scientifically confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of the brain power influence of the human mind on dogs. Bechtěrev published his results in 1919 in the articles "On experiments with the mental influence of animal behavior" and "Protocols of experiments with immediate hypnosis of animals performed by physicians I. Karmamov and I. Pěrepěl".
He reported on his findings at a conference of the Institute of the Brain in November 1919. In his work, Bechtěrev pointed out his brain mechanism of special extrasensory contact, which arises under certain conditions between man and animal and allows the animal's "tongue" - through movements and emotions. extrasensory.
In 1920 academician Petr Lazarev in the article "On the work of nerve centers from the point of view of ionic excitation theory" for the first time in the world he documented in detail the direct detection of electromagnetic radiation of the brain and then argued in favor of the possibility of "catching an idea in the form of an electromagnetic wave".
In the years 1920 - 23 conducted an excellent series of studies Vladimir Durov, Eduard Naumov, Bernard Kažinsky a Alexandr Čiževský in the Practical Laboratory of Zoopsychology of the Main Command of Scientific Institutes of the People's Commissariat of Education in Moscow. In these experiments, the sensible, then called "shining people," were placed in the chamber of a Faraday cage shielded by metal sheets, from which they thought of acting on a dog or human. A positive result was registered in 82% of cases.
In 1924, Vladimír Durov, chairman of the scientific council of zoopsychology laboratories, published the book "Animal Training", in which he wrote about experiments with mental transmission.
In 1925, Alexandr Čiževský wrote an article on this topic entitled "On the transmission of ideas at a distance".
In 1932, Bechterew Institute of the Brain received an official assignment to begin an experimental study of distance (remote) interaction under the scientific leadership entrusted to Bechtěreva Leonid Vasiljev.
Until 1938, a large amount of experimental material was collected under the names:
“Psychophysiological foundations of the phenomenon of telepathy (1934);
"On the Physical Foundations of Mental Transmission" (1936);
"Mental Transmission of Physical Activities" (1937)
In 1965 - 68 years, the work of the Institute of Automation and Power Engineering in Novosibirsk was given the greatest attention. Mental intercourse between humans and humans and animals was explored here. However, the basic research material was not published for program reasons.
In the year of 1970, on the basis of a decree of the secretary of the CSS KSSS Petra Děmičeva, a State Commission was created to examine the phenomenon of psychic suggestion. In the commission, the most prominent scholar-psychologists of the country were: A. Lurija, V. Leontiyev, B Lomov, A. Ljubojevič, D. Gorbov, B. Zinčenko a V. Nebylicin.
The most significant result in the research of the PSI-phenomenon in 1973 was achieved by scientists from Kiev. Later, the USSR Council of Ministers adopted a special confidential resolution on PSI-research in the USSR on the establishment of the "Otklik" scientific and production association within the USSR Council of Ministers, led by a professor. Sergei Sitkov. At the same time, part of the medical experiments took over the Ministry of Health of the USSR under the leadership Vladimir Melnik and the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology under the guidance of a professor Vladimir Shargorodsky. The research of the impact of mental suggestion on central nervous system psychopathology led professor at the IP Pavlova Republic Hospital Vladimír Sinický.


- So how does a psychotronic weapon look like?

- Miscellaneous: it can look like a cannon, just like an antenna, even a tablet or a mosquito repellent. But as I said, I did not have anything like that. (Although ... it is hard to believe it, it still has too specific information).
According to our services, the psychotronous device makes it possible to manipulate the crowd and bring people into a state of so-called "induced" trance. It is able to evoke various emotions - from fear to euphoria. The influence is performed by means of high-frequency electromagnetic fields and laser radiation, which are extremely dangerous for higher brain functions. It is difficult to register them and separate them from the spectrum of ever-present electromagnetic radiation of industrial origin. Specially modulated can then cause visual and auditory hallucinations, confuse thoughts, throw the psyche, change behavior, stimulate aggression, depression, catalepsy…
The Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Cellular Biophysics and the Institute of Military Medicine have conducted research into the harmful effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on brain structure and have results. By the way, in one of the reports I read that: “… the basic shortcoming of domestic research on this issue is poor coordination in scientific programs in this direction. The low level of basic research due to the lack of financial security leaves prospective applied research for the development of sufficient protection against high-frequency electromagnetic fields. "
In the US for work on PSI-weapons and the search for ways to protect them, 150 spends millions of dollars each year. The Military Institute of Radiobiology Research in Bethesda (Maryland) began as one of the first to create a device for remote action on humans already in 1965. However, scientists have achieved notable successes in 1980, when compact microwave generators have been designed to send commands to his brain to control his behavior. This divine military technique is called the impulse-wave miotron. If the rays direct from a small distance to a human, it is possible to completely suppress its will and paralyze it.
As far as I know, work on high-frequency and low-frequency brain coding generators was underway in our country until the mid-80s. "In order to create controlled human material" - as it was written in one document I saw. Among the developers was one doctor of technical sciences and a candidate of biological sciences, Valery Konstantinovich Kanyuk. He led a secret complex of space biophysics operating within the NGO "Energy". He led "the development of principles, methods and means of remote non-contact control of the behavior of biological objects." Including the help of technical means - generators. Kanyuka died. Like many of his colleagues…

- Has any of them stayed alive?

- As far as I know, well-known academic, hypnotist Viktor Kandyba and his son continue their research in the field of psychotronics. Recently, they even published a book, The Secrets of Psychotronous Weapons. Here is a quote from it: “As early as 1988, the Rostov Medical Institute, along with others, successfully completed testing of a psychotron generator and applied for permission to attempt to open up the phenomenon of biological tissue permeability to the current effects of high-frequency magnetic fields. The new weapon is able to suppress the will of man and impose another on him. Rostov generators are the most dangerous of all types of psychotron weapons. Their use should be under state control. The radiation of these devices is set to the resonant frequency of natural oscillations of human internal organs. The magnitude of the radiation is so small that it is deep below the background radiation. Therefore, it is not possible to detect this weapon. However, it is able to kill millions of people who fall ill and die under its influence. That is why scientists aware of the effects of this apparatus were shocked when General Konstantin Kobec mentioned the possibility of using these psychotron generators during the events of August 19-21, 1991 in Moscow.

- And was it used during the coup, did not it?

- I was guarding the "White House" at the time, but I think General Kobec was simply bluffing.

- But at least you have seen something of those devices that affect the brain of a human?

- I saw the antenna installed in the Yeltsin cabinet behind the library. It was a 1,2 mx 1,2 metal skeleton covered with a canvas with a transmitter in the center. I do not know who switched it on or switched it off. Maybe someone from the Verkhovna Rada. But I know how this antenna works: puts a person in a discomfort state, causes headaches. This antenna was an electromagnetic device that operated at a distance of 10 - 15 meters. And he could make a fool out of a normal person.

- If I remember well, you would want to recover the centers studying PSI-effects.

- Yes I would like. And together with my colleagues, I have already written the appropriate document. I quote from him: “Current schools for professional special operators, who would have unique psychological preconditions, allow to prepare specialists capable of solving the following basic tasks:
1. Obtaining information and identifying sources of hidden external threats to both the state in the political, economic and military plan, as well as to officials of the military-political leadership of the country;
2. Creation of foreign policy forecasts, social situation in the country, behavior of people, course of different processes in society in case of minimum information available;
3. Determining location of objects by topographic maps, diagrams, plans;
4. Subtraction of unconscious and hidden information from officials by first name, surname, photograph, date of birth. Likewise information from secret documents;
5. Writing psychological portraits, characteristics of officials by name, surname, photograph, date of birth;
6. Performing a diagnosis of the health status of clerks by name, surname, date of birth.
7. Assessing the level of preparedness of specialists to work under the given conditions;
8. Identification of geopathic and seismically unstable zones; detection of threat of disruption and accident of technical complexes, technological communications and industrial equipment; making further non-destructive control of particularly important objects;
9. Predicting natural disasters with an indication of their location and time;
10. Assessing the state and productivity of natural resources, making a feasible survey.

- In today's hands are PSI-weapons?

- The most powerful devices today are not only in the US, UK and France troops, but also in multinational companies that use them privately to solve their problems. There are experimental facilities in Russia. The President knows about them.

- How are these weapons stored abroad?

- In the cosmos. And there are also facilities on warships.

- What energy do they use?

- Not only solar batteries, but also nuclear facilities.

- Are they using psychotronic weapons against Russia?

- It's part of the equipment.

- Are there massive attacks?

- No.


Worse than atomic bomb (From the archive of KP) 
In 2005, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Valery Kaňjuka, a former deputy CEO of NPO Energia, told:
In 1991, we were forced to think that a fundamentally new kind of mass-use weapon could emerge that destroys the intellect, the personality. At that time, I was in charge of the report that if we do not now create international legislation banning psychotronous effects on people, then their mass effects on people will break out within ten years. And it will be more terrible than nuclear weapons. No one paid attention to my words. In the mid-XNUMXs, scientific groups that dealt with psychotronics were deliberately dispersed throughout the country. At that time, the state authorities ordered the abolition of KB, which tested our theoretical research in practice. It is not known what succeeded. And now the world is developing methods for programming human consciousness in order to control it. Within twenty years, a "race" of controlled people may emerge.


- After the war, in 1945, the Americans received archives relating to nuclear weapons and missile technology. And we received documents about physiological experiments carried out by fascists in Hitler's Germany. It turned out that in the 40s, an unprecedented super-secret psycho-physiological scientific research was launched with the use of all the best that had been found in India, China, Tibet, Europe, Africa, the USA and the USSR. I will read you an excerpt from a document from our secret services: "… The purpose of the research? Creation of a psychotron weapon… Particularly valuable were the secret German experiments carried out on prisoners in concentration camps. International conventions define such cruel, inhuman experiments on human beings as crimes against humanity. Never before or after the war did scientists have the right to conduct such experiments on living people. That is why all German research materials today are unique and invaluable to science. ”
One of the methods of Nazi scientists - the so-called soft hypnosis - began to be used by our secret services. For example, methodologies have been developed for the remote immersion of the "object of action" into a state of light trance - such that it does not even find out that it is being affected. However, his subconscious was captured, which allows not only to change the behavior of the "object" but also to read information about its intentions. In a similar way, we "climbed" into the brains of those well-known politicians who were of interest to the Federal Security Service.

General of the KGB on PSI-weapons

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