History and system in which we find ourselves

19. 10. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

How to created a system and a companyin which we are now? What influences which direction we are heading? What can we do about it?

It is important in today's society to learn from their own mistakes or companies. Look at what we did, how we wanted or should have done it, and what we can do better next time. And what is our history? The deeds we have done as humans in the past. So if we want to evolve and make things better, we have to take our history into account and learn from it.


History is interwoven ups and downs of realms, societies, and ideals. Dropped with winnings and losers. Looking for answers to questions about how the world is in the current world, we can help with the past events.

We now know very well that the propaganda and false staged attacks of the Nazi party in the 30s brought to power a group of people who gave birth to some of the most terrible events of this century. We say, when we see how these people could be blindfolded like this? Crowds of tens of thousands of people, even fanatically screaming in support and faith of this new political party, which is supposed to take them out of a gloomy period after the defeat in World War I and the economic depression of recent years. How could they be so reckless and not see through their repeated lies? Of course, it is easy for us to see over time what they themselves have not seen.

Nazi Germany

These people were at risk for their basic human survival needs. Needs such as a sense of security and family security and the need to grow. The idea that their own government could lie to them and do such terrible things would send the feeling of security and safety to the bottom. We will not subconsciously admit it. So, to some degree, the mass of people has no power against the cleverly devised plan of a few leaders.

So let us not believe that the worst events of the 20th century are behind us and that the wars in the Middle East do not concern us. That we are actually very well and have never had so much freedom of movement and self-expression. Naturally happy means constantly evolving and moving towards expansion. Let's learn to trust and distrust and ask questions. One good thing is, "who benefits from this?"

Contradictory forces in equilibrium

The universe works on the polarity of two opposing forces that keep things in balance. Why are such terrible things happening as wars and inhuman regimes? Why are there people who want to manipulate, kill and have power over others? In order to be able to forgive these things and not think negatively about past historical events, it is good to know that everything makes sense.

It is said that you will not know the light without darkness. And that's exactly what it is. Such a horrible thing, like the Nazi regime, can appear in society as a catalyst for our internal shift. When I say this from a spiritual point of view, we as a society, we have collectively allowed the arrival of the Nazis. Not consciously, but on a spiritual level, as we are all looking for expansion, forward development, and we are not, or have not been, sufficiently strong enough to prevent something like the Nazi regime. But now we are far ahead and nothing like that could happen. Let's say the universe wants, we want it to be constantly evolving, so the "evil" moves only elsewhere, where people need another inner shift. Then he will not need it.

So we get to the current system and ask where is the evil today? Where is the Roman Empire, the Asian Empire, the church, the governments, the Nazis, where is communism now?

Evil can not act so openly

We are already quite instructed, so evil must hide more and act more from the background. He can no longer look so open. If someone wants to rule us today and manipulate us, what must they do? What is the equivalent of power today? Money of course.

They have been this tool since their inception, so they have also been introduced. At present, about 90% of the world's total ownership is in the hands of 1% of the company. All the big corporate companies, influential institutions, basically everything that shapes and influences us throughout our lives, leads to the ownership of perhaps a few hundred people. Is it because only the best can work it out? Or is there an agenda that does not give room for self-realization to everyone in the same way, because they want to keep each other too much? Once you have control over the media and the bank, you can basically do whatever you want.

Now it's up to us how obedient and blind we will be. We need to have basic human needs met and to live in balance so that we do not give our power for free to anyone who offers us a seeming solution. It is important that we have the space and time to think about such things. So that we generally have room to think in peace.

Modern Warfare

It is said that modern warfare is not physical with weapons, but rather mental. War on our consciousness. A way to get people under control and turn them into an obedient herd through subconscious brainwashing. Everything we perceive, hear, see, feel and think about is stored in our subconscious. The brain assumes that what we do, what we are exposed to, we consciously do for our best good. It is stored and set by who we are and how we react.

When we are surrounded every day by everything our evil brother wants and we pay attention to it, we are constantly covered in waste. So this modern war is different. When I was a Jew, there was basically nothing I could do to be imprisoned and killed. Now I have a chance to take my life into my own hands and something I can do against this modern imprisonment. The problem is that in this war, most people have no idea that someone is constantly trying to subdue them.

If we look at our evil brother, we will realize his crimes against humanity. We realize why something so terrible is happening at all and find a way to forgiveness. This can lead us to a huge liberalization of the spirit and understanding of life.

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