Like on Earth and in Heaven - Apple Game (1. Part)

27. 06. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Eve woke up from nothing, and saw the head of a strange creature watching her with her eye. He was so strange, and his gaze was so hypnotic that he could not take his eyes off him. When she eventually succeeded in her, she noticed his strength and length. His body was winding in the meadow where she lay, unknown where. She was curious about animals around her, but she did not recognize this creature. "Who is it and where she got here," her questions arose, and she looked back at her eye again. And there was a voice in her mind:

"Be glad, Evo. Have you had beautiful dreams? "

She shuddered. , Dreams? Yes, it seemed to her how the elves brought people out of the underground as she saw the beauty of the world on the surface of the earth, as she rejoiced, like the little one, from the reminiscent flowers, trees, clear streams, green meadows, animals, blue sky and that warming wheel , which people named the Sun. Yes, it was a breathtaking dream that seemed to her. And then the elves showed them their dwellings where they settled. Only if it was not the night that covered everything. Still lucky that another sunlight was coming out of the Sun, though the light was cold, yet to all beings reminding that he was here. The Luna called them elves, and the people called it Moon - to make him aware of the running time and the constantly repeating cycle. After every night, it came again in the morning when it was raining, and people stood up, danced, talked, gathered herbs or fruits for subsistence, and rejoiced in life on earth. And the days alternated with the nights and she grew and grew when it happened once. People from another city came to visit and Adam was among them. It was the true love that immediately hit them, and it was clear to both of them that they were judged. Their hands joined together, and then their hearts and bodies .... She pleased her parents and left for Adam. She recognized a new city, new friends. Harmony, love and satisfaction were all around, and people forgot the time of darkness and the underground life that only the elves who were visiting them reminded them.

A beautiful dream, but it seemed to have started to weigh something. Some idea or premonition, something that pulled her out of harmony and woke her up. Suddenly she realized that it might be the fixed look, the thought of the creature that had penetrated her into a dream. She shivered again.

"Yes, it was a beautiful dream," she said loudly, sitting up. "Who are you?" She asked, "I have never seen you before."

She seemed to hear a faint sigh. "Someone calls me a snake. Perhaps because I have such a long body. But you can tell me

The text “On Earth and in Heaven” follows the book “In the Beginning of the Mother”, which tells the story of the Beginning of the Universe, of those who created it and of those who lived in it.
Kaan. So my Lord named me who created me. - And you did not see me yet? "Kaan smiled. "None of the people have seen me yet; I live in the underground. And people have not been there for a long time. "

"Yes, it is, people are avoiding the underground. They do not want to remember the time of darkness and ice. Why, too. She's so beautiful here ... "she glowed and shifted her arms around her.

"But they should not forget," Kaan said to himself. "There's a lot of secrets in the underground that would be worth discovering," he said aloud.

"Seriously, what?" Eve asked.

"There are hidden treasures, beautiful stones, precious metals ..."

"I know, I remember, even though I was small, but what is it against a scented meadow full of beautiful flowers. Just look around, "she cheered.

The serpent slowly began to approach Eve. "Even trees can grow in the underground," he hissed. "Not any!"

Eva paused. That giggle, yes, the whimper is shaking. But why? "You say the trees, and what?"

"Maybe the apple ... look, what a beautiful apple was there!"

And Eve saw the snake's body begin to wobble. She watched the blades of grass floating on the meadow, and then she saw the apple appear at her end. While the serpent's body began to obliviously become oblivious

around Eve, the apple slowly approached her. And Eve saw that she was wearing the serpent's back. As soon as he was close, Kaan lifted his body and the apple rolled Eve's lap out of his back.

She took them into her hand, caressed and admired his grace. "A really beautiful apple," she said.

"And you have not tasted it yet," Kaan said.

"I'm sorry to eat it, it's so beautiful."

"I'll bring you the apples you want," Kaan told her. "Taste, they taste even better than they look," he said.

"Really?" Eve said. "I'll wake up to Adam, he'll have to taste."

"Sure, wake him up," Kaan agreed, "things are going on here, and he's asleep."

Eve smiled, stood up and walked a few steps to Adam, who was lying here and deeply asleep. Eva's talk with Kaan did not wake him up, only a gentle Evo's caressing, and the whispering awakened him from sleep. He opened his eyes and saw it .... as lovely as the flowers on the meadow. Her smile always took her breath and her touch intertwined him with the whole Universe.

"Is it happening, Evusko? Do we have to go home? How long have I been asleep? "

"For a long time, Adam," Eve shimmered, "and you would almost have missed an interesting visit. Look who's doing our company here, "she pointed at Kaana. "This creature is called a snake and brought us this beautiful apple. And because I want to share with you, it's time to get up. A great snack is waiting for you! "

Adam sat down and stared at the snake. He carefully studied his strange head and a long, perhaps endless body. And those eyes. They watched him intently, and something began to come from his mind. , Snake, yes snake, that word, that name has ever heard somewhere. But in what context? Were they not elves who told about the serpent? And did not they warn? If he could just remember ... '

But that's what Eva bit into the apple and gave it to him: "Taste, Adam, is really good," she said.

Adam took an apple and admired his perfection. Then he bit. "Really great," he praised his taste.

"I did not eat a better apple," Eva said enthusiastically, "give me another one."

Kaan watched with satisfaction as Adam and Eve made her an apple. "If you still have a taste, I'll bring another," he said.

"And where are the great apples growing?" Adam asked with a full mouth. "We could go for them alone."

"It's a difficult route, but I can bring you to the tree next time."

"Excellent, I'm looking forward," Eva said. "Thank you, Kaane. - But we'll have to go home, the sun is heading west. "

And indeed, the sun was slowly approaching the tops of the nearby mountains in the west. Adam stood up, took Eve's hand, and walked with joy to his home. "Be well," they called out to Kaan and waved him until they vanished out of sight.

"It will be my pleasure to meet you again," the serpent said, and disappeared into the rock.

"The task is fulfilled, Lord," Kaan said, when Ine showed him in the image of the flame that had frozen underground.

"I know, I've been watching you. This is just the beginning, but your work deserves praise. I'm expanding your kind all over the country! "Ine said to the serpent. "Proceed and deliver apples to all parts of the earth. It's time to penetrate the human system and start changing it. "

Gordon lived in the underground darkened by the darkness, when only the light of the flame made him company. And that strange voice that talked to him. The voice that always had understanding for his situation and gave him comfort. He introduced him to his Lord, Mr. In, who had appeared to him from time to time in the glow of a flame to talk to him and teach him new things. And he listened to him and looked forward to his presence. Who has ever met with the Supreme Creator?

"You will become the ruler of the people once your time comes," he often heard. "It is only necessary to prepare for the journey from the underground. It is not yet possible, but it will soon come. Soon!"

And time ran. He did not know how long he lived in the underground, he was attached to this inhospitable place. , Even if unhappy .... ' he thought. The space in which he dwelt was all encircled with glittering precious stones with gleaming diamonds. All the objects that were found in the room were made of gold, chairs, tables, and the bed on which he was lying. To be hard for him, he was lined with fine fabrics and cakes. Everything was perfect and spectacular.

"You have to get used to feeling like a king," the voice spoke to him. "As a king, you will have all the wealth and everything you want. Wish you what you want, I'm your servant now, I'll get it, "he said.

And so Gordon had everything he thought. Whenever he awoke, everything was on the table - food, drink, things. Sometimes, when he was startled at first, he wondered about returning, but it was all about him that fascinated him and he was strapped to where he had been.

Then Ine came up with new dishes. It was a sweet distraction for him to taste new meals and rejoiced. Yet he felt that his Creator was not content with anything. Every meal gave him the same questions, the same questions - and he answered, he responded the same. He did not know what to do to please the Creator. Fortunately, her voice was always reassuring: "Do not worry, Gordon, Mr. Ine is just looking for the best way to prepare for life on earth, and you need to be strong. To stand the task that awaits you. My Lord endures and once happens what he waits. Now come, I'll teach you a new game. "

And then, once, Gordon woke up and saw an apple on the table. It was beautiful and had an excellent taste. So a fine apple has never eaten. It did not take long, and Gordon began to feel a slight jerk in his head. The particular vibrations were unpleasant, but he did not know how to prevent them. Suddenly he shuddered and felt fear. A feeling he did not know until then. And when the voice came in the darkness, he looked around uneasily. Suddenly he did not know how to answer those questions that seemed so simple to him every time, he suddenly acted differently than before. Part of Gordon's brain cells were infected and infected.

He sat in his study and cheered. "Finally," he cried out into the room. Everything shuddered, and in the instant the thoughts of the events that preceded this, so long-awaited moment passed through. One long human age had been attempting at Gordon's attempts to change the frequency of the human body so that it was able to accept the frequency of the Anti-Light. But if he tried what he tried, nothing went wrong. The defense of the body seemed impenetrable.

And then Shadow came.

"Pupil Ine, I see your efforts have no results yet," he said mildly, yet Ine felt guilty. "But there is no need to raise doubts about their abilities. The task you are exposed to is so difficult that, without your help, your life would not be enough to resolve it. "

"Oh, Master, what am I supposed to do. Where to look for help? "Said Ine, surprised.

"You have your Master, pupil! Where else would you like to seek help? "

"I have no idea ... and I would not call you."

"I know, therefore, I come alone. - I was once in a similar situation. And just as when I received a gift from my Master, so now I bring your gift to you. "He listened in amazement. "But first, you have to realize one fundamental thought that will always be valid in the world that you set up. Where unity rule, it is almost impossible to challenge this unity from the outside. However, keep in mind that when the world is a world in which the Anti-Light is contained, no unity is as unified as it appears! Never forget this! So! "

"Is he?" He listened eagerly to the Master's words.

"So, what can not be invoked from outside is the need to decompose from the inside. - Here's a virus that has the ability to reprogram the part of the control cells in the brain of the human so they start vibrating with the frequency of the Antenna. Your only task remains - to get him into the human body. Try water, try food. "

It was a strange and mysterious gift that he incorporated into his secret system. His task seemed plain to him at first glance, but soon he understood that, although he knew the way, he did not yet know how to deal with him. The water did not work as a carrier. "It's kind of pure," he remembered for the long days of futility

attempts to challenge it with the virus. So he switched to food. Every day, Gordon prepared a variety of dishes and infected the virus. But the virus does not and does not connect with its structure. So he thought he would try to incorporate the virus into the plant to be contained in the fruit itself. He planted an apple tree in the underground he had injected with the virus. Five years passed on to Rhee before the apple gave the first fruit. But the result was fascinating for Ine.

He watched in full tension as the virus contained in the apple Gordon ate slowly into his body to the brain in the brain and infects the brain cells. And the information inserted into the virus began to reprogram one of the brain cell groups, which then began to gently vibrate at a new, low frequency. At that moment, an ultra-thin fiber broke from the Source of the Light, and emerged from the darkness to connect to these cells. The connection was established. Gordon's control system was infected, and the Anti-Light, for the first time throughout the existence of the Universe, joined Homid.

"Finally, I found a way to disrupt the system of the human body that Io created," Ine said. And when my virus spreads to other people, and then others and others, the programs Io created and led by Elefi are gradually being replaced by my. My program will affect the behavior of people! Gordon, people, the world, everything will be under my dominion, "he resumed with his vision. , Exactly, as Shadow said, which failed to influence the outside, he managed to change from the inside. Now it's just about letting people eat what this virus will be. And that will take care of it. '

As on earth, and in heaven

More parts from the series